Devotions, Bible Study notes, conversations between God and I, and sometimes just a from the heart blog or bust post
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
The smile
Tuesday Truths vol. 11
2 Timothy 3:5
having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
I've heard and read this verse many, many, many times before...but this time reading it in my quiet time was eye opening to say the least. The context of the verse is talking about how people will behave in the last days. Now read this verse again....having a form of godliness, but denying it's power. I had to ask for forgiveness after this revelation, but how many times do we get caught up in the same thing. How many times do we go along in this relationship with God and yet forget about the power that is on the inside of us? We talk the talk and may even walk the walk as long as it's an easy walk. It's when the walk starts to get bumpy, the waves start rocking, that we start to get nervous, we start to wonder and may even doubt. I've been there more times than I care to admit. It's easy to get caught up in a feeling moment that you forget that the power on the inside of you can handle ANYTHING that comes your way. Let that sink in for a minute....As joint heirs with the Jesus, we have what He has. That same power that on the third day folded up the grave clothes and walked out of the grave (without moving the stone) is the same power living on the inside of a Child of God. The same power that spoke to Lazarus and said come forth, is the same power living on the inside of you. The same power that took the five loaves and two fish and fed 5000 plus people is the same power living on the inside of you Child of God. Yes you will have feeling moments, but tell them to hush and let the power on the inside of you rise up. Back to the verse...there are so many churches today that have a set schedule for service, they sing one song, have a prayer and announcements, sing two songs, take up the offering, special music, sermon, invitation, and closing prayer. Like clock work each week it's a tight run schedule and going over time is not an option. God doesn't work on a schedule, think back to the Lazarus story...He wasn't on Mary and Martha's schedule (or else He would have came when they wanted Him to), but He was on His schedule...and look at what happened. God isn't in box, He's inside of you, His child.....The church isn't an organization or a building, it's a group of redeemed, forgiven, Children of the Most High. 2016 is set to be an incredible year. God is pouring out His Spirit like never before and lives are being changed. If you are blood covered Child of the King, tap into that power that is on the inside of you. God's looking to pour into you so He can flow through you. The power is yours, the victory has already been declared...walk in it!
Monday, December 28, 2015
What's your Goliath?
The story of David and Goliath is in 1 Samuel 17. If you haven't read it lately, go do it. It's a story that speaks to a variety of seasons and stops along the journey. David was a shepherd boy who knew who he was in God. He knew who had anointed him and called him for a purpose. He knew all of that when He went in to fight Goliath. Verse 39 describes David trying on Saul's armor in preparation for the battle. He told the people he just couldn't do go in those because he wasn't used to them.
Now think about the question in the title. What's your Goliath? It could look like several different things (after all Goliath was a huge giant). It could be anxiety (that was mine this past year), fear, insecurity etc. Are you trying to fight the Goliath with someone else's armor or with the stone God said to pick up? Someone else's armor could be advice from well meaning people telling you how they passed the test etc. or how they left it in God's hands at the altar. God knows your Goliath and if you ask Him, He'll reveal it to you if you don't know already. David could have never fought Goliath with the way Saul wanted him to dress and fight. David knew who had called him to fight and that was all he needed to defeat Goliath (that and a sling and a stone). As you look back on 2015 is your Goliath still taunting you or have you fought him in Jesus name? The same power, the same confidence, the same security that David had when he gathered five stones and took his sling to go against Goliath is the same that you can have against yours.
1 Samuel 17:45 David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
When it's all said and done...
When it's all said and done.....this story that was told to me this week has stuck with me. It's made me think, made me ponder, and along with a few Hallmark movies...made me take inventory. It's the time of the year where the holidays have passed and we are looking forward to a new year. Personally I like New Years....I love the feeling of a clean slate. Then God reminded me, each new day with Him is like that. His word in Lamentations says that His mercies are new every morning. He looks at the day as a clean slate, so why shouldn't we. We only get one pass at this life, one pass at this gift He gives us called today. Are the things we are pouring ourselves into things that matter? Are we leaving an impact, an imprint on the people we meet every day? It it an imprint that will be forgotten after time or one that will last, maybe even spur them on to making a difference. There are not enough hours in the day to impact this entire world for God....and I honestly think God gets a smile when we set out trying. Thankfully He knows our hearts and knows that if we will just set out to impact our world, the corner of life that He's called us to plant ourselves in for this season...He will take care of the rest. You never know, that child you teach in Sunday School today may be the next missionary God calls to Africa, or they could be the person that grows up to be the one that makes a difference as an encourager and an intercessor for the next great evangelist. God is the only one that knows how the pieces all fit together....His plan always prevails, it will take place whether you hold on to your pieces or let them go in His hands. Do you want to stand before Him one day and have to answer for what you held on to, or do you want to be able to say you ran this race with open hands leaving it all up to the One who was already standing at the finish line? The story of the talents in the Bible comes to mind....invest what God has given you and trust Him for the returns. The enemy wants you to bury what you have, leave it in the box created by the world, and walk through this life with hands closed fisted.
Newsflash, Honesty check, heart to heart moment...whatever you want to call it. You aren't going to feel like you can make a difference each and every day. There are going to be days when the enemy attacks your confidence and your security buttons (Hello...if the liar can make you think you can't do won't. That's a fact and I'm sure if you think for a minute you have your own story you can insert here). God didn't say feel your way through the day, He said to trust Him. God didn't say you wouldn't feel insecure or lack confidence. If you are waiting to only do things for God when you feel confident, are going to be waiting awhile. God didn't said be confident in yourself, He said be confident in this...that He who begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion. That's a truth to hold on to when the enemy needs a good stomping. I've got another blog in the works for Tuesday on Goliath...sometimes we need to quit trying to fight our Goliath with others armor on and take up our sling and stone and fight with the One who called us to the battle. More on that later...
The enemy's been on an attack for the last couple of months, but he knows his time is drawing near. Some of the attacks I've seen coming and some have hit me in the gut...some God took the hit on and some He needed me to walk through. If we never face a battle, we will never know that we have the victory. The victory isn't in how fast we make it through, but in making it through. There are moments meant to sleep in the boat and let Him calm the storms. Then there are moments where God says...come on out on the water. God made the comfort zone for a season, stay in it too long and you get to be seasick from the rocky waves. The same hand that helped us out of the boat on to the water is the same hand holding us as we walk on the water. He doesn't say out of the boat and on your's a journey, a race He longs to run with His children.
You may be thinking oh but you don't know how I feel about this or that. No I don't, but I know how I've felt at times. I know the insecurity that has been louder than it should have over the last couple of months. See the enemy gets scared when we get out of the boat...because that's when we start to walk out our calling, our anointing that has been there all along. So he lets the waves get a little rocky..sometimes they may make us feel unsteady and wondering why we ever left the boat....but God in His perfect wisdom says....I've never let go of you. Hold on Child..and in that start to feel steady again. Not because the waves calmed, but because you relied on the strength of the One who was holding on to you. The enemy may see you as threat, but God calls you His Child. You have the power on the inside of you to move mountains, to see people healed, to speak life where the enemy has spoken death, to see chains broken off of souls, to see people set free...The word says you have not because you ask not. God longs to give you the desires of your heart...and when your heart is truly seeking after more of Him, He is faithful. More of Him equals more of His power, more of His presence, more of His provision, more of Him....He longs to fill you until you are overflowing, but He needs you to let go of you....trusting that He knows you better than you know yourself.
When it's all said and done....Reflecting on this past year, let go of what didn't work right(mistakes that were made, choices that were not chosen, the "what if's" that lead to regrets.) Let go it go and grab on to what He has planned for you. Hold on to what He holds on to and let the rest go..(easier said than done...but that's where peace is found) Trust Him to shine through....and then just be the You He made you to be. What are you seeking after in 2016? Spend some time over the next week and let Him pull back the layers, take off the band-aids and speak revelation as only He can. One day we will all be at the point where we look back over our lives and wonder if we made an impact. Living each day with His direction is the way to know....that one day we will hear Him say "Well done thy good and faithful servant".
Sunday, December 20, 2015
The hurt and the Healer Collide
2015 has been my year where the hurt and the Healer collided. I had to let it go, all of it, before He could do what He needed to do. There have been several moments over the years where I plastered the smile on and just did what needed to be done. Some even over the last week, but God is a Redeemer and a Restorer. He sees what is lacking and when His Child puts it in His hand, He makes it whole, new. Sometimes we have to push through things to get to the other side of what God has planned. It doesn't mean we always feel strong enough to do it, but that we know God has a plan on the other side of what we are pushing through. I've said all that to say...don't stop in the middle. Keep pushing even if you can't see the other side. Keep pushing even if you feel like you just want to stop for awhile. God's working as you are moving forward. If I had stopped this week, I wouldn't have looked on this day with a smile. If I had given in this week to what was looming, today would have been full of cover over my head moments. Today I'm thankful. I'm thankful for smiles, memories, and moments that are covered by the One who knew them all from the beginning. The line from this my heart right now.. :
Is overcome by majesty
When grace is ushered in for good
And all our scars are understood
When mercy takes it's rightful place
And all these questions fade away
When out of the weakness we must bow
And hear You say "It's over now"
I'm alive
Even though a part of me has died
You take this heart and breathe it back to life
I fall into your arms open wide
When The hurt and the healer collide"
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Feel or Fight part 2
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Feel or Fight
Sunday, December 13, 2015
How can it be?
Tonight I'm thankful that God knows when we need a filling of His presence. He knows when we have been drained and we need a Word from Him. I'm thankful today for friends that pour in when I've poured out all I have. There is an anointing that is on the inside that is fighting to come out. I'm done with boxes and fighting the mold. The enemy knows what is on the inside of this Child of God, hence the battle. The moments that you used to call a test are just confirmation that you are on the path I've planned for you child. Those moments that you used to call test are bumps and you know how to walk forward in them Child, now get up and get moving. I knew this morning there was a blog coming. I've felt it in my Spirit and knew with the busier I got, the more it was coming. God was pulling something out, and the enemy was pushing to keep it on the inside.
There is a shift in the atmosphere. There is a filling of His presence that God's pouring out. There is an emptying of self so that God call fill you of Him. There is a call going out...are you listening? The foundation is being laid and God has more in store for you than you can even imagine. Are you ready to walk in it? He's fighting your case and dealing with everything in the past. He's calling you to focus on the now and the forward. He has lives for you to touch, people for you to impact, and a difference for you to make. He said you could be all that He has called you to be. He's covered and taken care of the details. Walk in the anointing and the confidence...and all that entails. Pour it in and on me Lord...I'm beyond ready. There is a new season and a fresh anointing coming my way....
Have a blessed one!
Monday, December 7, 2015
Taking it back
"How bad do you want it?"
I know it's a line in a song (which is powerful by the way. ), but let it sink in as a truth as well.
How bad do you want His presence? Once you have tasted and experienced it, nothing else will satisfy. We can try to fill our day with good things, but without God things there are voids. There are spaces in our day, our heart, and our soul that can only be filled by Him. There are moments in your day that He made just for you. Are you focused on finding them or what the enemy is doing in your day? Let's get real for a minute...the enemy is on the prowl throughout your day....that's a truth, but God is also at work in your day. In fact sweet reader, God has already gone ahead of you and covered your day Child of God with His blood and His protection. Things may catch you surprise in your day, but they don't God. He's not surprised and in fact He already knows how it's all gonna work out for your good. That truth is sometimes hard to see in the middle of the mess, but that's where faith and trust come in. If we believe He has our steps ordered, then we trust Him to show us each step to take. Choice is ours.
So how bad do you want it? The enemy has already decided what he's going to try to take from you. It may be your joy, your sense of purpose, your peace, your focus...he knows where God has anointed you and where you are the most threat to him. Protecting it...happens with time spent in God's presence. Time spent letting God pour into you those things that only He can say. Time spent letting Him speak His truth to your soul through His word and revelation. Time spent letting Him restore and heal you from the wounds from the attack.
The last 72 hours have been revelation on top of revelation. Things I had been praying for this past month...God was speaking truth to. Areas the enemy had gone after, God was redeeming. So how bad do you want it reader? Spend time telling your Heavenly Daddy that you want it back...and watch Him go get it. He is the restorer of focus, of purpose, and of peace. It's like cleaning up the mess after you clean out your closet. It feels good to go through and weed out things you don't need anymore or that may not fit. If you threw the clothes on the bed, you have to clear them away in order to rest. Things in the natural reflect things in the spirtual. ...Let God clear away all of the things that He cleaned out that may not fit anymore and give you a place to rest.
I don't know what battle you are in right now, but God does. He knows exactly what the enemy has tried to take or has taken from you over the past week or even month. He longs to restore it and to take it back for you...just ask Him. Are you willing to go after that joy, that peace, that wholeness you feel in His presence? Sweet reader God called you and anointed you. He has a plan and a purpose for your life that only you can do. The enemy sees you a threat...tell him to hush it and smile as you step all over his head. Take back your joy even when you feel like crying. Take back that peace where the enemy tried to sow anxiety. Take back your purpose where the enemy tried to sow doubt. How bad do you want it? Personally once you have tasted that sweet sweet prescence where God comes down and whispers to your soul...this is how much I love you. You fight to get it back. You cry out to the only One who gets the tears and you stand on the truth that the One who has called you is faithful and He promised to do it. Thank you Jesus for restoration and healing...This Jesus girl is thankful yet again and amazed at how much you love me. Thank you for being a good good Father and for loving me the way that You do.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Redeeming the day
I got real this year with some feelings, took God back to some hurts, and left them in His hands. After all I had tried handling them on my own, but yeah well it didn't get me very far. I kept going around in circles around the same mountain that looked way too familiar. When we finally let God strip back the layers of our heart, take the band-aid off, and pour the peroxide in ..healing starts. Healing lets us see things that the enemy meant for evil through God's eyes. It lets God redeem days the enemy thought he was going to stamp as his, but God says no, these are mine. God doesn't waste a moment when we give the memories of that moment to Him.
It's not an easy process and yes there are A LOT of tears that come from it, but there is power in the testimony of what God can redeem from what the enemy threw your way. There is healing when you leave the previously stuffed emotions and feelings in the hands of the One who has wanted them all along. There is freedom in walking in the victory God has planned for you when He first thought of you. Don't let what the enemy has tried to take, taken, or is planning to take keep you from walking in that victory, Child of God. For me, it meant going back to the moments on days that rocked my world and letting God show me those days through His eyes. Yes there were hurts on both of those days, but there has been healing as well now. God has a plan and a purpose for your life. He initiated it from the moment you took your first breath. For me, it's been letting Him redeem those moments. It's been hearing that still small voice say I called you and anointed you. You are mine...moments and all.
I don't know what you are dealing with today, but God does. He knows your heart, those deep down feelings that you have stuffed and tucked away. He knows the hurt behind the smile. He knows the pain behind the praise. He knows what it took to get you to the moment you are in now. He knows what you have given to Him and what you are still holding on to at the moment. He knows all of this and still says...I love you. He loves you enough to speak healing to your heart. He loves you enough to redeem what the enemy has taken from you. He loves you enough to whisper His plans and purpose to your soul. He loves you enough that He died so that you could live in victory, in freedom. When He walked out of the grave, defeat lost and freedom won.
God I pray right now for the readers of this blog. I pray that you would speak to them right where they are in the moment they are in. God you know what they need. You know the ones that need mountains moved. You know the ones that need to let go so they can receive the healing you promised them. You know the ones that need to take that step in the victory that you said was theirs to have. God thank you now for what you are going to do. Thank you for taking the memories of moments that caused hurt, pain and working them for our good. Thank you for letting us look back on moments the enemy meant for evil and seeing them through Your eyes as you work them for Our good. We love you and praise you Jesus for being Our Everything. Thank you for redeeming us and calling us your own. Thank you for loving us like you do. In Jesus name...
Your Eyes or His
Out of the spies that were sent into the Promised Land, Joshua and Caleb were the only two that saw with God's perspective. They didn't see the size of the task, but they focused on the size of their God. They didn't see the frustrations and the details that it would take, but they knew who had called them. God wasn't surprised with the report from the spies. He knew when they went into the Promised Land who was going to "get it" and who was going to focus on what couldn't be done. He knew the hearts of the men that went into the land and their outlook didn't surprise God. Let that sink in...
This has been a taxing week for me. It always is when we transition back after a break. It's taxing on the physical, which impacts the emotional. I've been close to tears multiple times this week, but I finally got still last night. God had spoken this word into my Spirit the night before, but the picture wasn't fully focused. How many times do we look at our Promised Land, our dreams through our own eyes instead of His? Oh my....if we would just stay focused on what He's called us to do the rest will fall into place. There have been so many moments this week when I have taken His glasses off and put my own on. I started to see situations, circumstances, words, and even myself through my own eyes. That only leads to frustration and stress...(Trust me!). Fast forward....and His glasses back on and breathing starts to slow. Peace enters in and suddenly things that seemed stressful seem well they are not in your hands anymore. Joshua and Caleb knew the size of the giants that were walking around in their Promised Land, but they also knew what God had promised them. Don't you see? His promise to you is Your promise...walk in it. Yes the giants may still be there (in fact they probably will be...) but what God has planted, no man can uproot. What God has started, He finishes. So sweet reader, your eyes or are you going to view your promise?