Thursday, December 17, 2015

Feel or Fight part 2

Sometimes the choice we have to make when we we are feeling our way through the day...we have to make the choice to choose to feel how He feels about us versus how we may feel about ourselves. Let's face it..feelings are not always a good indicator of our true worth. Most of the time they are an indicator of how our day has gone. So if we hold on to the truth and the promise that God already knows how our day is going to go, then we can feel how He feels about us (and it). That being said...feel or fight....choice is ours. That being said...the journey, the race you are called to run is your own. You can't run someone else's or even compare yours to theirs. God never made you to run any other race other than the one He called you to. That's why you feel frustrated if you try to run your race like someone else. Be you and not only that the you God made and called you to be. There will be days when your feelings want to tell you to crawl in bed and pull the covers over your head. The tears will fall, but the God inside of you..says fight. Fight to feel about yourself, your situation, and your journey the way He does. Fight to run the race He created just for you. He didn't say it would be easy, but He promised to run it with you. 

This week started off with me wanting to pull the covers over my head and just push the autopilot button on the week. I didn't want to feel my way through the week, but I was on that track. Quiet time with God and revelation through the grumpy mode and God was talking, but the choice was mine. The choice I had to make was feel or fight....fight it was. I had pushed through too much this year to let the enemy's bump in the road cause the journey to go around the mountain again. The mountain had gotten old after 17 years and I was glad to be off of it. Hindsight....I knew the battle that came with the week, but busyness and physical tiredness had me off my guard at first. That's how the enemy slips in..he throws his darts when we are tired and seeks to wear us down. Done with that though...he lost, God won. When you let "it" go in the hands of the One who can handle "it, He restores and redeems. God already gets your heart, already knows what you need, and when you need it. Trust Him....

Thankful tonight...thankful for the 180 that only God can do. From a week that started off with the spirit of pull the covers over my head lurking to a week that is ending with a peace that can only comes from Him. God knew the battle before I knew the day. He knew what this week entailed and He knew it was part of my journey. See if we never fight, we will never realize He's already won the victory. We spend so much time worrying about the end of the battle, when the victory is going to come, that we forget God says just trust and walk. He didn't say it would make sense, but simply trust. Fight for the things the enemy has taken, or is trying to take. Tell God you are ready for Him to take them back, and then walk out the fight. I felt the shift in the atmosphere last night....I can't explain it, but I knew God was turning it. I knew God was making the way from the covers over my head feeling to the smile that comes with peace. I didn't know how He was going to do it, but I knew He would. He had already done more than I could have ever imagined...why would I doubt Him with this. My feelings didn't agree, but His whisper was feel the way I feel about you period. Tears through the smiles today as He used a few Beanie Babies spread throughout some bags to bring healing to this Jesus girl. 

God you know the hearts of the ones reading tonight. You know the battles they are facing, the ones they just came through, and the battles that are still to come. God fan the flame on the inside and pour in the courage to fight. For those that have lost loved ones this Christmas season, just hold them. God hold them until they reach the part of their race when You say walk again. The timing is Yours, not ours...God thank you for peace, thank you for grace, and thank you for whispers. In Jesus name...

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