Monday, December 28, 2015

What's your Goliath?

I have looked at the story of David and Goliath in a variety of ways over the years. I've learned over the last four months of in depth study time with Him and just listening, God will take a story that you say you know very well and open your eyes to yet another truth found in that story. He'll show it to you in another way that meets your exact need at the moment. He's an on time God and His word is always truth.

The story of David and Goliath is in 1 Samuel 17. If you haven't read it lately, go do it. It's a story that speaks to a variety of seasons and stops along the journey. David was a shepherd boy who knew who he was in God. He knew who had anointed him and called him for a purpose. He knew all of that when He went in to fight Goliath. Verse 39 describes David trying on Saul's armor in preparation for the battle. He told the people he just couldn't do go in those because he wasn't used to them.

Now think about the question in the title. What's your Goliath? It could look like several different things (after all Goliath was a huge giant). It could be anxiety (that was mine this past year), fear, insecurity etc. Are you trying to fight the Goliath with someone else's armor or with the stone God said to pick up? Someone else's armor could be advice from well meaning people telling you how they passed the test etc. or how they left it in God's hands at the altar. God knows your Goliath and if you ask Him, He'll reveal it to you if you don't know already. David could have never fought Goliath with the way Saul wanted him to dress and fight. David knew who had called him to fight and that was all he needed to defeat Goliath (that and a sling and a stone). As you look back on 2015 is your Goliath still taunting you or have you fought him in Jesus name? The same power, the same confidence, the same security that David had when he gathered five stones and took his sling to go against Goliath is the same that you can have against yours.

1 Samuel 17:45 David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

God you know the hearts of the ones reading the blog today. You know the Goliaths they are facing even if they don't already know them. In Jesus name, give them the strength and confidence to walk boldly into this new year with a stone in their hand knowing that they can come against that fear, that insecurity, that anxiety in your name and their Goliath is going down with a thud. David wasn't confident that he could do it, but he was confident that You would do it through Him. Our Goliaths can't come down in our strength, but God we are trusting in you to defeat giants as we close out 2015 and walk forward into 2016. In Jesus name...

1 comment:

  1. Once again you nailed exactly what I needed to hear. Many have 'helped' with their advice but their battle garments were not ones I could wear. The battle is still in front of me, but it is God's.
