Saturday, December 5, 2015

Your Eyes or His

The Israelites wanted to go back to their comfort of Egypt but they were looking at the Promised Land through their eyes still. Instead of looking where God had taken them through, they were focused on what God had "taken" from them when He brought them out of slavery. They couldn't see their comfort as slavery, bondage...but the familiar was what they craved. There were a few in the group(Joshua, Caleb etc.) that could see the Promised Land, the dream God had given them through God's eyes. They saw what they could do with God and not just what they could do. They knew that alone they were nothing and they were going to need God to take on those giants(as they saw them) that were occupying their Promised Land.

When the blinders are removed and God allows you to see things with His eyes, He puts a new perspective on things. You may see the giants walking in your promised land, but you know that God is bigger than those giants. It doesn't mean you may not feel afraid looking at the size of them and knowing what size you are, but feelings don't dictate your actions. Spiritual eyes remind you of what God has brought you out of and what He has taken you through. He brought them out of Egypt before He took them across the Red Sea. He needed to get them away from their bondage before He could start working miracles on their journey. He had to take them through some things before He could get them close to their Promised Land. He had things He still needed to do in their lives so that they would be ready for all that He had to offer them.

Out of the spies that were sent into the Promised Land, Joshua and Caleb were the only two that saw with God's perspective. They didn't see the size of the task, but they focused on the size of their God. They didn't see the frustrations and the details that it would take, but they knew who had called them. God wasn't surprised with the report from the spies. He knew when they went into the Promised Land who was going to "get it" and who was going to focus on what couldn't be done. He knew the hearts of the men that went into the land and their outlook didn't surprise God. Let that sink in...

This has been a taxing week for me. It always is when we transition back after a break. It's taxing on the physical, which impacts the emotional. I've been close to tears multiple times this week, but I finally got still last night. God had spoken this word into my Spirit the night before, but the picture wasn't fully focused. How many times do we look at our Promised Land, our dreams through our own eyes instead of His? Oh my....if we would just stay focused on what He's called us to do the rest will fall into place. There have been so many moments this week when I have taken His glasses off and put my own on. I started to see situations, circumstances, words, and even myself through my own eyes. That only leads to frustration and stress...(Trust me!). Fast forward....and His glasses back on and breathing starts to slow. Peace enters in and suddenly things that seemed stressful seem well they are not in your hands anymore. Joshua and Caleb knew the size of the giants that were walking around in their Promised Land, but they also knew what God had promised them. Don't you see? His promise to you is Your promise...walk in it. Yes the giants may still be there (in fact they probably will be...) but what God has planted, no man can uproot. What God has started, He finishes. So sweet reader, your eyes or are you going to view your promise? 

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