Those that know me know writing a blog this early this morning is not typical of me. However God has been writing this blog over the last couple of diamond days. One diamond day is a lot, but two in a row and I've been asking God to help some of these pieces fit together. I know He knows what I can handle, but these last couple of days have made me wonder. So I went to bed again last night asking Him for a word please....
He is faithful and always on time. Some times the word comes from a song or a verse. This morning I woke up with both ;-) Then I went to the TV as I usually did and turned on Joyce Meyer. (Wouldn't you know that what she is talking about today is JUST WHAT I NEEDED......yep I love how God works).
So here I am instead of getting the last little bit of sleep in typing out the blog God has been writing for two days. If you aren't sure what I'm talking about when I say Diamond Days(read the previous post).
I don't know what you are going through, but if your week has been like mine you may have asked God more than once what's going on? I am so thankful He knows my heart and knows that when I ask Him that, I'm just trying to sort the pieces out. Sorting out the pieces are not my job though. It's not up to me to take my pieces and put the puzzle of my life together as much as I try to make them fit. My job is to trust Him to make the pieces fit and to go through the day knowing that. Diamond days make me thankful that I know not just who I am in, but whose I am. The reason this truth is so powerful is because the enemy loves to take your mess(be it of your creation or just how the circumstances of the day have gone) and rub it in like salt in a wound. God doesn't work that way. He wants you to trust Him through it regardless of how you feel(because that's the enemy talking) and know that He's got your back. He wants to use your diamond days to make you stronger by relying on Him. He's okay with us asking Him why, as long as we realize we may not always get an answer. Trust means not always knowing the why, but knowing Who has the pieces. Trust also means knowing that even when you don't know how to specifically pray, you know He does.
I wanted the message of the last couple of diamond days to have some specifics, but the word this morning from God came from a song from Meredith Andrews that just stays "Rest in Who He is, He knows how to make your pieces fit." I wanted God to give me a timetable, I wanted, I wanted.....I want what He wants as hard as that hurts my flesh. I want to be where He wants me to be(even if I can't see the why, how, or what). God knows my heart's cry, to make a difference for Him. Now He is teaching me to trust Him with that difference. The hardest thing for our flesh is to realize the difference we make may not be something we can see. It may not be seen on Earth or in our time. The flower may never bloom during the season we are there, but the seeds are being planted. Our flesh wants to see, but our heart knows some things can only be felt. Please hear me when I say this because I have learned it the hard way. The enemy wants nothing more than to make you feel like your time is being wasted and that what you are doing does not matter. That is not the truth! If you are where God has placed you at and orchestrated you to be for this season, He has a plan while you are there. It may be that the seeds you are planting are taking root(which you can't always see). It may be that this is the season where He is burning off, pruning what He needs to for the season that is to come. I know I was made for more than this. The hardest part is knowing He may be the only one who knows the more. Some seasons are meant to prepare and push us towards the next. The enemy seeks to wear you down and out. Take your feelings to Him, regardless of how small you think they are, and trust Him to make the pieces fit.
You may have had the week that I've had. You may be feeling worn out and not sure how in the world these pieces could all fit together. It's not your job to make them fit(regardless of how hard you try). God is the only one that can truly put the pieces together. He knows how much we need to see at a time. If you are seeking answers, He has them. Wait patiently(easier said than done) and know that He is always on time. It may be the answer is "I've got this, just trust me." It may be more specific. Regardless of what it is, He knows your heart and He will take care of your steps. I wanted an answer the first night of the diamond day. I pleaded with Him for an answer. I just needed to know that the mess of the day would be some kind of message. He is never late. He knew I needed to have my trust and faith stretched. He reminded me I was His princess and just said trust me. (Not exactly what I had hoped for and He knew that).
So let me remind you of the same thing sweet reader....You are a child of the Most High and Trust Him. He's got this because He's got you. Walk through today knowing that regardless of what the enemy throws at you, God has your back. Stay focused on the call He has for your life. Not the call you think He has for your life, but the call He has given you. (That's a blog still to come).
Focused on the journey,