Saturday, March 8, 2014

When the heat gets turned up.......

Diamond days have filled my week, but then God reminded me of a sweet truth. Diamonds cannot be made without heat. The heat has been turned up this week. For whatever reason, the enemy is fighting full force in a particular situation. Love is trying to break through and that makes the enemy mad. The enemy wants to keep the dark winning, but God is bigger than that. The enemy wants the Child of God to give up and give in to the flesh when the times get tough. I'll admit the situation I'm dealing with made me want to run this week. I would love nothing more than to run the other way and not look back, but then God stepped in on one of those diamond days and reminded me of the love that is growing. See Love is more powerful than evil despite the heat being turned up. I wish I could say I passed the test this week, but I didn't. As the heat got turned up, the flesh won. I ran to food more than once and blamed it on the fact that I didn't feel good. See the enemy knows exactly when to turn the heat up. Times when we physically are not feeling our best, times when schedules get changed, when the computer system you do your paperwork on does an update, and times when as far as your physical eyes can see nothing you are doing is making a difference in the situation. That's the time the enemy likes to hit you hard. Love is stronger than that, but it takes time and it takes staying power. Losing our focus when the enemy is hitting will only push us backwards. Re-focus and keep moving forward. It may feel like you are walking against the storm(picture walking in a heavy rain or wind event and you can see where I'm headed), but God is walking each step with you.

So what do you not need to do when the heat is turned up? Don't neglect your time with God. In fact, spend more time with Him. Don't talk about your situation with friends who are only going to try and fix it. You need someone to support you in the way you need it(prayer, reminding you to stay focused), not someone who will help feed the flesh. Don't stay focused on what the enemy is doing. Look around and find the good that God is breaking through. You are making a difference, focus on that. Don't run to food. I made that mistake this week and yes I enjoyed my treats I have, but that was feeding the flesh. They truly didn't do anything to make me "feel" better. Run to God not food, or if you need to run go run literally.

I don't know what the next few weeks hold for the particular situation, but I know who does. I know that is greater than anything the enemy can throw my way. I know that He is going to keep my safe throughout this heated time and use it for my good. I learned almost four years ago that His definition of safe and my definition of safe can be two different things. Take heart in knowing you are where God wants you to be. I finally got this truth yesterday. After all if you weren't where He needed you to be and doing what He had called you to do, the enemy wouldn't be trying to make you run. As hard it is, stay the course and know that God has even greater things in store for you! The heat has been turned up for a reason, let God use it to make you even more into a more precious you.

Focused on the journey,

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