Not sure what to call this one yet, maybe it will have a title by the end :-) If not it will be a sharing my heart post I guess. I don't typically post more than once in a week, but it is Spring Break. I'm just being me and this is me ;-) I'm a grace loving daughter of the Most High and happy with that. (If you ONLY realized the muck and mud it took to get to that point where I could truly say that...)
This is kind of a follow up to last night's post, You can only change you. Taking your focus off trying to change the situation, how others react, and what others do will keep you focused on what you can do. When you get your focus off of that, oh my what God can do. When we do what we can, He does everything that He can. If you have never had a moment where you have seen all that God can do...look out! He can turn any day into an Ephesians 3:20 day. He can take any moment where you aren't sure what you are going to say and turn it into Luke 12:12. God can do everything when we let Him. (That's the key if you haven't figured out). Put your focus on where it needs to be, where He desires for it to be, and watch the pieces start falling into place. (The pieces may not easily fall into place, but there is a sense of trust and peace when you know He's got it).
Duct tape and sealing the cracks: The heart to heart conversation with God on where those areas are is not an easy one. Every time I have asked Him though He has always shown and been faithful to seal it up. I'm the one that chooses to take the duct tape off, but that's a blog for another day. Your Spirit is strengthened every time the flesh is denied and you follow His leading in obedience. The stronger you become the more you can withstand the attacks without crumbling. Following His leading and His obedience will take you out of the wilderness and you will start to see the next leg of the journey. A couple of days with the wilderness behind you, and you will be determined that you have stayed on that mountain long enough. Yes there may be a wilderness again, but for now the one you are leaving is in the rear view mirror.
You know how you read a verse once and then read it again with new eyes later. Well I was in Acts last night and two things JUMPED off of the pages to me. I'm not going to go into detail just yet. That's a blog to come later this week. The first part was when Peter referred back to the verses in Joel where it said Your sons and daughters will prophesy....Please hear my heart on this one. This generation is under attack because they have a word to share. Let's do what we can to help them rise up. (Be it praying, encouraging, being His hands and feet to them, whatever He calls you to do). The second part was when Peter was referring to the power that came from the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we have that power living on the inside of us. We have that same Spirit that was sent down at Pentecost back in Acts. What would our day be like if we tapped into that power and let it dictate our day? What would happen if instead of letting fear speak, we let that power speak? As I said blogs to come later, He's still writing on those ;-)
I hope you all have wonderful blessed day! Live it for Him! Don't miss a God moment today :-)
Focused on the journey,
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