Most of you are looking at this title going, yep me too. I am so tired of the cold. I'm ready for Capri's, flip flops, and light jackets. I'm ready for sunshine, flowers in bloom, and even the allergies that come with Spring. This winter season has been WEIRD, to say the least.
As much as I am ready for the literal Spring, I am also ready for the season of Spring that is coming in my life. I feel like I've been in Fall and Winter way too long. Seeds have been planted and have been laying dormant for some time. I'm ready for time to BLOOM! I'm ready for those seeds that I know that are within be able to spring forth and bloom. I'm ready...........but I'm waiting on Spring. I'm waiting on His timing. Literal Spring may come before the season of Spring in my life, I know this, but Spring is coming. There will come a time soon when those seeds that I know have been planted are ready to bloom. I'm starting to see buds and little sprouts with some things, but just like the actual weather I'm waiting on Him to say it's time. In Alabama the last couple of months have been one season for a few days and another the latter part of the week. In one month we saw snow one week and tornado weather the next. Signs of Spring are coming(along with a Winter Weather Advisory tomorrow).
What season are you in? Have you just finished harvesting the crops you planted? Are things laying dormant for now? Have you planted seeds and are eagerly waiting for the blooms to appear? or Are things getting hot? Whatever season you may "feel" like you are in, God knows exactly where you are at. He knows the journey you are on and He knows exactly where you are headed. If you are like me and looking forward to Spring, just hold on and be patient. God knows exactly when things need to come into play and He will not be late one day. I am eagerly waiting on the flowers to bloom because I know they are coming. Make sure though that while you are waiting, you are listening as well. Don't miss the opportunities He has planned for you today just because you are watching the ground for the seed to bloom. God may have already given you a look into what is to come. Hold on to that word knowing He will fulfill His promises, but just like Abraham had to trust God more than once you will have to as well. Listen to what He has for you today and trust that He will keep His promise. The ram will be in thicket just when you need it to.
Trust God that He has you where He wants you. If you weren't, He would move you. For me, I know this truth, but I have had to question Him about it more than once. Sometimes where God wants/needs us, is not where we think we should be. It's not always comfortable and most of the time it may not even really make sense. God has a plan far bigger than even you or I can imagine. Sometimes God has you where you are, to get you ready for where you are going. He is doing a work in you right where you are at to make you look more like Him. The process is not easy and often times involves some discomfort, but He will use it to work His perfect will. When I finally accepted that truth and got what He was trying to say(mind you that FINALLY happened this weekend....), I could hear the chains of questioning break. The enemy wants to keep us guessing and questioning why we are where we are and if we "missed" the boat so we stay focused on trying to find "His will". When all along we know in our hearts what He has told us, but we tend to forget it from time to time. Listen with your heart, trust Him with your heart, and take one step at a time on this journey He has laid out. You won't get to where you are going any quicker by second guessing and "figuring it out.
Stay focused on what His word says and what He has placed in your heart.
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