The day will not always go your way. There will always be someone who has something negative to say. There will be moments when you feel like giving up coupled with moments that make you want to cry. That's life. We cannot control what happens to us throughout the day sometimes, but we can control how we handle it. Don't give into the negativity. Do what you can and trust God to do what He can do(which means taking care of those that may not treat you right;-)). Watch your words and ask God to make His voice louder than the negative thoughts that your flesh is yelling at you. You can't change some things, but you can change what it does to you. The change will not happen over night, but in time you can push through the day with peace. Don't beat yourself up (or allow the enemy to) on your journey. Change is a process and God knows your heart. Praise Him that you are moving forward and know that tomorrow is a new day to take a few more steps. Going backwards isn't allowed :-)
God and I had some serious talks last week and today was the first day of putting some of that into practice and applying what He spoke into me. Let's just say tomorrow is a new day. It takes a lot of thought and effort to keep your words focused on Him, to speak life when it is difficult, and to stay positive regardless. It's hard when someone speaks negative to take it with a smile. You are where you are because He has a plan for you in this season. He has a purpose for everything that is happening and there are days when you just have to trust His heart. He knows why you do what you do.
When the enemy says throw a pity party, throw a blessing party. Find someone to encourage. Write a card. Read His word. Pray for a friend. (Just ask Him how to reach out). I promise if you ask Him for seed to sow on days when your flesh would rather have a pity party, He will give it to you. The more you let Him say no when your flesh would rather scream me, me, me, me....the stronger you become.
Feelings can be fickle things. Don't let them wash away seed that He has placed in your hand for this season to sow. It's Spring, trust God for the bloom!
Focused on the Journey,
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