Tuesday, August 4, 2015

More of You, Less of Me....

Life happens, the routine clock starts and busyness creeps in before you can realize it. It's two days into the school year and I'm already realizing purposeful may be my word for the year. Purposeful in my choices, purposeful in my words, purposeful in my thoughts, and purposeful in my time. If we don't set out each day to walk in the purpose God has planned for our lives, called us to, created us for...the enemy will seek to make our day full of his purpose. There will be moments in our days that drain us, but if the moments that fill our buckets outweigh those days we still come out on top. Even if they don't we still win, because we know who is holding our bucket.

As I was going to bed last night, God gave me an amazing picture. We were both standing there looking at the mirror. I thought this was going to be one of those Melissa I love you moments see how I see you etc. It wasn't though. As I stared at the mirror I saw holes in myself. (Naturally we want to take those moments and see those holes as things that are wrong with us(how we look, what we can do etc.), but then suddenly as I was stuck on looking at the holes, God moved behind me and the holes disappeared. When I tried to find them again, all I could see was Him.

We see our weaknesses as just that weak areas of our lives, but they are really glory areas. Moments, opportunities for God to use us to showcase His glory. If it was something we could do on our own, the world may only see us. When it's something only He can do, they will see Him. The enemy would rather you see these areas of your life as what they are holes. God wants you to see them as opportunities for Him to fill you with more of Him, where there is less of you.

Be Purposeful this week!

(I know it's supposed to be Tuesday Truths, but this was weighing on my heart). I'll post Thursday Truths this week.

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