So God started talking to me about the word routine today. Routine is dangerous. While a waking up time, going to bed time, and some set times are good....becoming so rote in how you go throughout your day can cause you to miss the blessings God has along your path. It can cause you to become so focused in checking off your list that you don't pay attention to what God wants to add to your list. It can cause you to grow complacent. That's why His word says not to worry about tomorrow and that His mercies are new every morning. God wants us to look at each day as a gift from Him because it is. Childlike faith.....we should see each day as a child on Christmas morning. We should unwrap it with expectation of something amazing on the inside.
God never said it would be easy, He never even promised it would all go "our way", but He did say He wouldn't leave us or forsake us. So when it feels like the enemy is winning, don't lose heart...God's already at the finish line, it just looks like the enemy is ahead. When the enemy is pressing, press back....Resistance makes you stronger. When the enemy wants to sow a thought of discouragement or doubt, press back with the truth that if God be for you who can be against you. Press back with the truth of no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Press back in faith knowing that the God of the universe who calls you by name has already handled EVERYTHING for you. He just needs you to step out and walk it out in faith. Take Him at His word and know that His promises are for you Child of God....believe them!
Maybe you are thinking well what if I fell down this week. What if I let the thoughts try to take root, what if I reacted to something someone said instead of just letting Him fight the battle. What if, what what if you fell down...did you get back up? The test comes so that you can share the testimony. The mess comes so you will speak up with His message. God never said you wouldn't fall, He just promised to be there with you. Don't stay is learned in getting back up and grace is found when you let Him not only help you up, but to clean up your wounds as only He can. Conviction says, let me help you up. Condemnation says I'm never getting back up again. Know the difference Child of is a lie from the enemy and the other is a truth that God has promised.
"So I sing...I won't go back, I can't go back to the way it used to be...before your presence came and changed me.." Spending time in His presence is life changing....once you have, you don't want to go back to the routine, to the way things used to be....your heart wanted more, thirsted for more..God honored that..and now your Soul and Spirit are not satisfied without it. Oh how sweet it is....
Walking with Him,
Melissa, thank you for your honesty, it is helpful for the rest of us dealing with the same struggles to see that we are not alone!