Sunday, August 16, 2015

Thankful tonight...

I just wanted to take a minute to thank God for this past week thus far. The enemy has came in more than once and attempted to taken the wind out of my sails, but God has came in with His truth. The word says when the enemy comes in like a flood, God will raise up a standard against Him...a standard of truth. The enemy plays on weakness, sometimes the attacks feel like a punch in the gut...God gets that. He also knows that greater than the way that punch feels is the word He wants to bring forth. See the enemy wouldn't be punching you in the gut if God didn't have a word that was about to come forth, a seed that had been planted, a dreamed that was about to come to life. The enemy seeks to defeat and when you are defeated you are immobilized...stuck in fear. Fear can come in so many forms, but that is a blog for another day.

I'm thankful tonight that God pursues us. He knows our hearts, He created them. Nothing has taken Him by surprise. It may have you, but He knew it was going to be part of your day, before your day was even on your calendar. He knew and He planned for what you needed.

I've come too far to not know that God is moving and that the enemy is too. The devil (who is a liar by the way) knows that his days are numbered.

I'm thankful tonight that He is on a time God and always shows up on time.

I started this last week, in the midst of a couple of shifts. If you had asked me this time last year if I could tell you what a shift was, I would be like umm...and would come up with something, but never be truly able to describe it. That's not the case anymore. I've felt the shift, I've felt God turn things around in the atmosphere and to put the enemy in his place. God doesn't always change the situation, but God can turn it around for your good. He never wastes a moment, thank you Jesus. I've come too far for to you tell me God's not moving. There is a call and a purpose inside of me that I've let lie quiet for too long. As a dear friend said Wednesday night, this means war. The second shift was declaring that. See my God has already won the battle and when it's all said and done, I will still be standing unless I make the choice to sit down. Thank you Jesus for the strength to stand even when the storm rages and I feel like sitting. Greater things He said are still to come, and I am believing that..I've already asked Him for it. There is a power inside of each and every believer...tap into it. The choices is yours...God desires for you to walk in victory, to have an abundant life here on Earth, to take Him at His word and to know that He is able to do more than you could ask or imagine. There is more to this relationship thing than just accepting His gift of salvation, but that's a blog for another day. Being uncomfortable can be a good can produce change and promise.

I don't know what your week holds, but I know who holds your week. As a Child of the Most High believe that He has amazing things in store for your week, listen for the whispers along the day, step where He steps, and know that He is greater than anything in this world!


1 comment:

  1. Melissa, I needed this today! I sat last night thinking 'I'm just tired'. I had neglected to tap into my power source. Thank you for the reminder!
