Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ouch that Hurt....

The flesh is never an easy topic to talk about or to write about, and discussing crucifying the flesh is even more difficult. It's a subject that is mentioned, but to elaborate on it means dealing with some of those things most of us would rather not talk about. So why am I writing this now? Because this has been the theme for the week on my journey with God. I wrote the title to this blog title early this week, but knew that it would take a couple of days before typing would happen.

Let's get a few things out in the open/recap etc....the more you press in with God, the madder the enemy becomes. (I think we already established that in an earlier post, but it bears repeating). The enemy knows your weak spots (How so you told him..(words have life and death...Be careful what you speak especially about YOU!). Seeking more of Him, means staying focused on what HE has called you to do and being who He has called you to be.

Work started back this week...This time of the year is never easy because it means getting back used to being on the go for 8 plus hours during the day, getting up early, going to bed at the same time (working on that), and giving more than you probably take in to the events of the day. The last couple of years I have made some grave mistakes as far as the input/output of my day. I put out way more than I took in and in turn it left me dry, weak, and susceptible to the darts the enemy sent my way. How many know the enemy doesn't send most of the darts when you are at your strongest, rested, and focused on tackling the day...he sends it when you are tired, depleted, and busy. The darts will be thrown on your strongest day, but on those days you know where to find your Shield of Faith. When you are tired and busy...your shield may or may not be in your hand. Without the shield in the hand, the darts tend to hit...and those thoughts that you need to push delete on begin to download instead. With the shield in hand, those moments that make you feel frantic send you to praying instead of complaining. Those moments that make you cry, send you for a walk with some praise music on instead of to ___________(fill in the name of indulgence (cookie, cake, ice cream etc.).

How do we walk a day out with our shield still in our end when we lay our heads on our pillow at night? Prayer.....I can look back over this week and see a stark difference in a couple of days. The days that I started the day out in prayer, I was able to walk through the day with a confidence...not in anything I could do, but in everything He could do(and did). The days when I didn't start the day in prayer, things got under my skin, I was close to frantic mode more than once (one time even with tears), and I complained way more than I praised. I realized what was going on about half way through the day, recognized who was at work...and did a quick Jesus help. Of course He did, but oh how much I could have spared myself if I had just taken a few minutes that morning. My typical morning routine is to pray on the way to work. I would love to tell you I always remember to do it, but I'm human....there are times I don't and I can tell when my day starts rolling it's way. Word of experience/caution whatever you want to call it...don't make the morning prayer time just about what you want from God that day. Use it as a time to intercede for others, ask God to cover the day, and my favorite this week has been God if it's not Your words...just keep my mouth shut. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

Looking back over my day with God has become one of my favorite parts of the day. It's not always easy because sometimes the revelation part of it hurts. He is always loving, but ouch that hurt has been said more than once. Revelation from Him is not for condemnation, but for correction and improvement to make us more like Him. Feelings are natural...He gets that, understands that, and can use them for His glory (and our benefit). The day is not going to go our way. Let's face it...very rarely has there even been something we could consider the perfect day. Perfect is in the eye of the beholder though. Can we put our feelings aside knowing that He has our best interest at heart? Can we walk forward even though we can't see the end result, but knowing who holds the flashlight? Can we trust Him to fill us up knowing that it's not found in food, busyness, or entertainment? Can we trust Him when our sciatic is acting up knowing that healing is on it's way? (Yeah that one came through from Him today).

God has a light inside of each of us. Spend time around people that fan the flame and help that fire to grow. The enemy can't steal your light, but he can (through choices you make) put a bucket over that light. The light inside of you can't reach those around you if it's covered up. The more God is working on the inside of you, the more the enemy is going to throw discouragement and doubt your way. Fan that flame reader, get in the word, listen to music that is food for your soul and Spirit, and take care of your physical body. Physical muscles become weak over time if you don't use them....spiritual muscles are the same way. Strength develops over time, be patient with yourself. God didn't say it wouldn't ever hurt following Him, but He did promise it would be worth it all.

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