The enemy apparently didn't care for the blog I wrote yesterday or the two that God was working on writing throughout the day. For a time the enemy's thoughts were louder than God's truth...but then my stinking thinking got me feeling stinking..I'm so tired of his messes. The enemy has a plan, but my God has a purpose.
At some point last night, when I knew my feelings were taking me down a road I didn't want to head down I plainly told God I needed a word. At this point I didn't care what the word was even I just needed to hear from Him. He is a constant and so very faithful.
He started speaking last night and hasn't stopped yet. Sometimes you gotta preach to yourself, sometimes you have to encourage you. It's okay to seek encouragement from friends, but sometimes God wants you to seek it from Him. God wants to remind you of what is on the inside of you. Last night I went over some things with Him, I was like God you have my future...He said yes child I know. I then said and you have my past...all of those hurts that I had let take root are in your hands. He said yes child I know...So I said...what am I missing...His answer was not what I expected. He replied with You still have your present. You have given me your tomorrow, but what about when tomorrow turns into today. I was like ouch God...
So many times our today is what messes us up. It's where our feelings lie, where our emotions can be louder than our steps. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He wants to take care of our todays just like He does our tomorrow. Once that truth set
This morning God was still pouring it out. He took me to a verse I have read and quoted MANY times before to myself at times of struggle. I read the verse and He said now read the one before it. Have you ever had God just take a verse and go here's that word you asked for? Umm..yeah those times are becoming frequent and I LOVE it! I will never read "No weapon formed against you shall prosper" in the same way again.
You may be thinking well this is a different kind of post and you are right it is. I've been on a journey for awhile, but finally started running it in July. I'm not going back, even though it would be comfortable at times and easier to just get in a routine (which leads to a rut). I'll admit I've tried to run backwards, but every time I try something stops me....The song "I won't go back" starts singing in my Spirit and I just have to stop. Dig in and stand still friend, but don't go back once you start moving forward. It's a blessing to have friends who will encourage, pray, and speak life into you...sometimes though all you need is a reminder of the power on the inside of you and the shift starts to happen. God knows what He's doing. He finishes what He starts and It's not over!
Different kind of post, but somebody needs to know the power inside of you is greater than any feeling or thought that the enemy is throwing your way. Stand up, get your praise on, and know that God is the one fighting the battle. The enemy wants your praise, don't let him have it through the busyness of life.
Have a blessed week!
You my friend are a great encourager!