Sunday, November 3, 2013

Conversations with God

Those who know me will totally understand this blog, if you don't know to the end before making any judgments. God and I have a unique relationship. He knows me well enough to know He has to be blunt sometimes and sometimes it takes more than once to get it into my head. (I'm stubborn sometimes ;-))

"Worry about what I worry about.": Worry is not from God, hear me on that, but when He said this last week I had to do some thinking. So many times we let our concerns turn into worry, but how many times do we let our concerns turn into action. How many times do we actually spend time worrying about something that we can change? Basically God was saying with this, it's okay to be concerned about something....but be concerned about what concerns Him.  Can you change the way people treat you? No sadly you can't. Can you change the way you treat others? Yes you can. Don't let how others treat you keep you so down that you can't do your part and love the ones He brings into your path. God brings people into your path that you are meant to impact and some that are meant to impact you. Know the difference and let the naysayers go in one ear and out the other. If you are going to spend time "concerned" about things, be concerned about the lost. Be concerned about the kids who may wake up without Christmas. Be concerned about the things God can use you to change.  One day we are all going to stand before Him and give an account of how we spent our day. I think we all may be surprised that some of things that consume our days won't be what He asks about.

"Give me that target you feel like is on your back.": If we have up our shield of faith and are moving forward, we will feel like there is a target on our back. The enemy is scared to death of any saint who is walking forward in faith, because he knows what God can do with a faith walking believer. Only God can take a target on your back that the enemy is using for shooting practice and use it for your good. Remember God's got your back covered as long as you are moving forward, nothing can touch you without going through Him. As tough as it may seem, He has a plan! Keep moving forward ;-)

"Remember what you pray about."  I'm not going to say much about this one right now, because it is a blog for another day. I will say this, sometimes we pray and ask God for help with something. Then when He doesn't answer right away, we forget about it and just consider it a no answer. WELL....God may have answered not just yet or wait awhile. Sometimes the things we complain about are things we have prayed for.

"Regardless of how you feel, I've got this!" I think this was my favorite conversation of all. So many times we are beaten down by the world and by others, that we just need a minute to breathe some air back into us. He is waiting to breathe that breath if we just take a minute, stop, and ask Him for it. He knows what we need, but He is not going to chase us down to do it. God is going to use each "knife in the back", each footprint where you have been walked on, basically each hurt for your good if you let Him. You can't carry this all by yourself and don't try. God knows your heart better than anyone, let Him take the heavy stuff, so you can keep running the race. God will take care of those who have stepped on and stuck a knife in your back.(Remember the Biblical truth of sowing and reaping). God also has an amazing way of giving you insight to see why some people are the way they are. Love when He says love, and just show them Jesus! He will take care of the rest.

These are just a few snippets from some conversations God and I have had recently. As I said in the beginning, He has a way of bluntly reminding me of a few things. I love though how His loving way is still gentle and full of grace. Oh get this if you don't get anything else on the blog....His grace covers and restores when the world as left you wondering where you fit. He has it all under control. Trust doesn't mean we can see the next step, it's that we take the next step knowing He has paved the way. Thought for this month of being thankful and this holiday season that is upon us: Love people. Everyone is out there just wanting to know that someone cares, that they make a difference, and that someone thinks they are special. Make it happen for someone else and God will make it happen for you!

Enjoying the journey,

Sunday, October 27, 2013

From the pages of my heart....

More lessons learned from last week.....

  • People will hurt you once. You are the one that keeps letting them do it again and again. Hit delete on words/actions and distance yourself from those who are only going to put a knife in your back. You can love from a distance.
  • The hardest thing to ever do is pray for those that hurt you. When you do though, you come out on top and the power the enemy has to control you with those thoughts weakens.
  • Know the battle you are facing and who it is you are really fighting. The enemy is seeking whom he may devour and he uses things/people you would least expect to get to you. Recognize that and move on.
  • If the devil is on your back, it means he is scared of what you can do. Take that as  compliment and STAND. Stand and let God fight the battle.
  • When it is all said and done, God is not going to ask me about paperwork. He is going to ask me about my time spent with people.

There is a shift in the air. Things are changing, there is more of the mountain behind me than in front of me. The chains of people pleasing are falling to the ground. At the end of the day, He is the only one that we have to please and make happy. The best thing about that is, He knows our hearts and can see what others cannot see. Too many times we walk around on egg shells. We keep to ourselves when God says to share a word. We could encourage someone, but what would that person think or say? We could be His hands and Feet, but what will happen when someone slaps our hands or stomps on our feet? Time to move past what others think and follow through what He says to do period.

Some moments along the journey aren't easy. Some are rest stops, some take your breath away, and some restore and refresh you so that you can keep walking this journey. God is bigger than it all and My God has got it all under control ;-)

Giving Him glory each step of the journey!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The enemy did NOT win this week

This has been a week that probably should have multiple blogs coming from it, but I'm going to try and focus on just one for now. The enemy is not going to win this battle. He's just not. Apparently I scare him and make him uneasy. Why else would he try to do everything he could to throw me off course?

The enemy can't touch a Child of God, but he can get to you through people around you. He can use those people to cause you to doubt yourself, to feel discouraged, to feel like you can't make a difference, and to just have a good ole pity party. If you open the door and let those thoughts play in your heart and mind, he's won. The enemy can use your feelings and emotions to paralyze you to where you are no heavenly good. That's his goal otherwise he would just ignore you and move on.

The enemy will try and what he throws at you may knock you down for a minute, make you cry, and make your heart feel like it is broken. Take a deep breath, throw this on God, delete those thoughts, and stand up. You may not feel like moving forward just yet, but in time you will and before you know it you will be running this race again. Where we mess up is that we don't hit delete quick enough and we don't throw it on God as early as we should. We let others words and/or actions play around in our mind and heart until we feel defeated and broken.  Accept God's grace, delete the words of the enemy, and listen to His truth. Then and only then can you stand up and move forward.  God will use the attack to make you stronger. He will open your eyes to people around you who are stepping on you and who the enemy may be using to keep you down. Trust what He shows you, write those truths on your heart, pray for them, but be on guard.

So where is all this coming from? Well the enemy has been after me this week. In fact, it is almost like he has attempted to launch an all out war. See he loves to throw it at you one right after another. His goal was to keep me defeated and discouraged....guess what he's a liar by the way and does not win. See I know who I am in Christ. Yes, I have felt broken by the events of the week, but it has not crushed me. My feelings have been hurt and the knife in the back has been turned, but God is bigger than all of that. See only God can take what the enemy means for evil and turn it around for His good. Only God can take those moments when you feel two inches tall due to others words and actions and use it to remind you Who you are to Him. God's grace covers it all and He can take care of everything. He can re-inflate what the world has deflated. He can breathe life where there is doubt. He can send encouragement where there is discouragement. We just have to let Him.

I would not have made it through this week without the prayers of some precious few. They have been a lifeline over the years and when I send out a prayer text, they start praying. Their prayers breathed life back into me. I was able to move forward and replace the discouragement with the truth of Who He said I am. See the world wants nothing more than for you to believe what it says about you....DON'T!! God is going to raise up a standard and take care of those who speak ill about you, believe it and stand on His truth. God has a word for you that the enemy didn't want you to hear. God has pieces of your puzzle to show you, that the enemy doesn't want you to have. God has a light for your fire, that the enemy wanted to extinguish. God has a plan and a purpose for you that the enemy hopes you never know. God has a word for you that the enemy doesn't want you to hear.

The enemy doesn't win. Believe me when I say that. You may feel broke, discouraged, and questioning whether or not you can do anything right at me sweet reader, YOU CAN! Greater is He that is in you, then he that is in the world! The world may step on you, but God is going to allow you to step up and out! Defeat is a tool the enemy uses. You are a child of the Most High, a royal prince or princess...there is no condemnation for you. Believe what He says and delete the rest ;-)

When it is all said and done, it only matters about hearing Him say well done. There are things we spend our lives doing and putting a great importance on, that when we stand before Him one day will not be something He asks about. (That's a blog for another day...). I'm going through this mountain, not because I'm anything...but because He is everything!

Until next time,

Saturday, October 19, 2013

From the pages of my heart

I've decided that from time to time you may see a post titled this "From the pages of my heart". The posts will have meat, but it will be woven within just what I heart. I have previously called these "Just thinking" posts, but I feel like it is better said with from the pages of my heart. So here goes this one :-)

I've been stepped on, questioned, looked over, and made to feel like I am two inches tall way too much. Why do I take things so personal and let what I do impact how I see me? Only God knows. I climbed the mountain of people pleasing and there sat the feelings mountain. I'm convinced that is not a mountain I can climb. See some mountains are meant for us to climb, some are meant for God to move, and some He means for us to go through. I have asked, begged, implored Him to move this mountain. I'm tired of being hurt and having people look down on me. He finally said, this is a mountain you are going through. I did have to ask Him why. See sometimes the lesson is not taught until we walk through it. Can you imagine the Israelites crossing the Red Sea? Would they have still felt the same way if God hadn't parted the Red Sea and simply took them around the Sea? No when we go through something, it is for God to yet again show out as only He can. So through the mountain we go.

At some point, you have to separate your who from your do. Your do is your job etc., your who is who you are.  Sometimes we get the two mixed up and let our do make us feel bad about ourselves. Keep doing what you are doing and pressing forward with Him. The law of sowing and reaping is biblical and His word never returns void. Be faithful with what He has called you to do and one day, He will put you in charge of a much larger thing. For years I prayed for God to give me favor and opportunities within a certain aspect of my life. Over the past couple of years, He has begun to open door outside of the inner circle for that part of my life. I finally started to see, I had been praying for God to move in my fish bowl and God was giving me an ocean to swim in. God will always answer our prayers, just not in the way we necessarily expect Him too. When He gives you the ocean, move on from the fish bowl.  One day you will turn that puzzle piece over, the one that you have tried so hard to squeeze into a certain spot, and realize it doesn't fit the puzzle you were trying to put it into.

God has given everyone talents and abilities. If you are doing what He has called you to do, people are going to question and attack you. Not because they realize what they are doing, but because the enemy is using them to fire away at the target on your back. My heart is huge, that's a part of who I am. I can see the good in most and I look at people as more than just a number. I asked God for the ability to see others through His eyes, and let me tell you that has not been easy. While my flesh gets frustrated with the way someone has treated me, my Spirit sees the bigger picture. Does it make things easier? Not yet. My flesh still gets me in trouble and my mouth wants to run to the defense of me, but that's not something I can do. This is bigger than me, so I must defer to the One who can handle anything that comes His way. One day I will respond with just my Spirit and not my flesh, but I'm a work in progress. 

The task that has been set before me this year is one of impossible proportions. My God though likes to work when things are impossible. I've seen Him do it more than once, the only difference this time is it is a journey not a sprint. The impossible times before have been short sprints, one where the deadline/end time was in the near future. This year the impossible task is a little more lengthy, and more of a marathon instead of a sprint. God's got it though, He just has to keep reminding me of that over and over.

If  have learned something on this first leg of the journey, it is this....I am thankful for those who see me for me and love me that way. I'm thankful for those who have taken time to get to know me. Not the me I try to put on for others to play the part they have requested, but the me that is who I am. I'm tired of wearing masks just so someone will be happy. I'm tired of people trying to fit me in a box that meets their expectations. I am who He says I am...not anyone else. I am a Princess of the Most High. I first had that encounter when I worked at WorldSong and I have never let go of that precious truth....I am a Princess because my Daddy is the King of Kings. I'm someone who grew up with incredible examples of teachers who cared. These were teachers who were there because they wanted to be and who saw us as who were, not just a number. I grew up with teachers who took time to get to know their students and to build that relationship that made us want to do well in their classes, because we knew they cared about us. That was the foundation I had and why I wanted to be a teacher. I felt God calling me to the public school system to be that kind of teacher to my students. That is why I do what I do and why I care the way I do. I've been at this teaching journey for 8 years now. I do not by any means know everything there is to know, but I have learned more than some will ever realize. I read and research what I do not know, and I find ways to apply what I learn. I then take and share that with others through my Professional Learning Network. Why did I say all of that...because I am a teacher too. I may not have a classroom of my own, but I have expertise that some will never tap into because they have labeled me and cannot get past the label. Lesson in that: Every person has something to offer, take time to listen and you may just learn something new. Labels are for food products to tell you what's inside. Labels are not meant for humans, because it takes time to know what's on the inside. I am someone who has seen God move in her life in ways that I can't put into words. My relationship with God has developed so much over the last 15 years that I still look back with mouth wide open. I've seen Him take two of the worst days of my life and use it for my good. I've seen Him build relationships that I still thank Him for daily. I've seen Him take a little girl who spent a good part of her life being a Martha, develop into someone who just wants to sit at His feet and be a Mary. I've learned to quit looking for Him in the earthquakes, and to treasure His whispers. I'll share some more on those moments along the journey in later from the heart posts.

This blog went longer than expected, but I hope you were able to take a peek inside my heart for just a few minutes. I am so much more than what you may see. Thank you to those that have taken the time get to know the real me. You are a part of this incredible journey and I am grateful for you. To those who haven't, I've learned you are a part of this journey as well. For God has used you to rub off these rough edges, to continue to burn off some flesh, and to refine me until He can see His reflection. I do not fit in a box, God doesn't work like that. I know who I am in Him and the next part of this journey looks to be amazing! Together He and I are going through this mountain and I can already see through to the other side.

Until next time,
Enjoy the journey!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

You are Who God says you are..........

It is what it is
I have been guilty of saying this more than once this school year. Honestly until my quiet time this morning, I didn't feel bad about it. I just chalked it up to the mood of the year and the situations I can't change. WELL....apparently God didn't care too much for this statement coming out of my mouth. He was blunt and matter of fact this morning and I had a two and half hour drive to listen even more.  His message was clear: It may be what it is, but you are who I say you are. Ouch...that one hurt.

Situations are what they are. You are responsible for you. You can't change what someone does to you, says to you, or doesn't say/do to you. You decide how you respond. Are you going to let it hurt you? offend you? anger you? As hard as it is, we tend to take things way too personal and not recognize that our enemy is not one we can see. The enemy will use anyone he can to achieve his purpose. If he can keep you down on yourself, frustrated, and feeling like you can't do anything right....he has won. So it may be what it is, but you are Who God says You are. There will come a point on your journey where you encounter a situation/season where you can't change anything. You just have to go through it. God has a purpose in that season. Do what He says, so the season will end, a new one will come. Seasons do not last forever, but it will be hard to recognize the new one if we are so focused on staying in the old one.

God has a plan and a purpose for everything. He knows what hurts you, what makes you upset, what angers you, and what makes your heart sad. He will not let a tear, a sigh, or a moment where you have to count to ten go unnoticed. All He wants is for us to let Him in on it before we let it affect us.

Please understand I am by no means perfect and have this all figured out. I'm just sharing where I'm at on my journey with Him. I make plenty of mistakes and some days I wonder if I haven't crept back over that mountain again. I've asked Him to move and do His thing as only He can, I've done all I can do. He may have to keep pushing me through it at some point, but the lessons and the moments with Him have made the fire worth it. His word never returns void and what He has promised will come to pass.  I'm just waiting on Him to let me unwrap the gift and to be able to show it to others. The time is coming, and apparently this is the lesson that will push me to mastering self control and patience.

Be happy with who He says you are. The box others try to put you in, is not from Him. He threw away the box when He made you because He desires freedom and a relationship. God has made us all special, take some time find out what He says you are. 

Until next time.......

Monday, October 7, 2013

Have a heart

I've learned some have a heart for things and some don't. Having a heart keeps you going when all you want to do is give in or when the fire starts to feel too hot. Having a heart allows you to keep walking towards the finish line because you know in the end it will all make sense and be worth it. Your heart is one of the most precious things you have. For with it, you can fight battles you can't see. You can do things you thought were impossible. You can keep going when you feel like quitting and most of all you can know you are making a difference even when you don't feel like it.

Guard your heart for as the Word says it is a well Spring of life. Your heart is not your own when you let Him take control. Your heart will take you places you never thought you could go, if you will listen and follow His lead.

Your heart will keep you focused and regardless of feelings it will keep you where you are meant to be.

I've seen what it looks like when someone's' heart goes cold, when someone chooses power over their heart, and when someone seeks to please those that are out to climb the ladder and not please the One who made their heart.

God keep my heart close to you. Regardless of how the fire feels, keep me focused on the goal, the prize that is ahead.....My heart hasn't failed me yet and I trust you with it completely.  I'm sorry for all of the times I've apologized for my heart for now I realize it is what makes me who I am.  God thank you for making me to be and giving me the peace and strength to walk in that calling daily.

Until next time,
Enjoy the journey!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Perspective check aka being real for a few minutes

I'm always real, but for most of my posts I focus on what He has said etc. This post may be a little different.

I'm pretty sure the last six weeks would be called a boot camp of some sorts. I've learned more than I could ever put on paper. I'm a lot lighter(not literally, but in other ways) because I have finally dropped a few things that were keeping me from running the race He has set before me. I was starting to become convinced that I was a marathon sprinter.  I would take off running trying to keep up with those in the lanes to the sides forgetting what the real prize was. I was more concerned with the crowd than the finish line.  In life, no one can take off running a marathon without training first. I'm finally looking at the end of training and ready to start jogging on this journey with Him.

Lessons have finally sank in, and application time has arrived. So here is to the week ahead, the journey ahead as the application process starts.

It takes time to realize that its okay for everyone not to like you. Accept that truth and move on. Spend time with those who love you for you and not necessarily what you do. Friends love you, acquaintances love what you can do for them. There is a difference and not learning it will cost you.
True friends are few and far between. They will be there always and will love you know matter what. God friends are the ones who pour into you as much as you pour into them. They make you a better you. Jesus had lots of acquaintances, but only a few close friends. There is a lesson in that.

When you ask God for wisdom, and He answers that request....USE IT!!! He didn't reveal things to you and give you discernment for this season just so you can keep trying to run the popular race and please everyone. He gave you that wisdom to take you to a new level, so you would see with His eyes why some do what they do. So you would see a bigger picture and could know how to guard your heart. So you would realize that time spent with some people is not productive as it breeds negativity, doubt, and just plain flesh issues.  When He says to do something....DO IT! He is not going to move a mountain you are trying to climb. So when you ask Him for help, take it and apply it. God doesn't always change the situation, but I am living proof He changes you while in it.

God made you to be you. Don't apologize for that fact. (Oh how long it took for me to let that truth sink in....). I've learned how precious His favor is and how real it is when you are looking to find purpose. I've learned that His favor is not something you can work for or earn, it's all Him. I've learned that some people will never be happy or positive, that's their problem not yours. Stay focused on what He has called you to do and know that in the end every battle, every ill word, every enemy will be taken care of by Him.

Words will still hurt, people will still be mean, and there will be times when you grip that shield of faith with both hands and say over and over I trust you God, I trust you. You are still moving forward. Freedom is that place where yes you may cry when you are left out of something, you may get upset when someone doesn't listen or says something unkind, but freedom is swallowing, taking a deep breath and realizing it is their loss not yours. Freedom is not letting the way other people act affect how you see yourself. Freedom is His voice being louder than theirs.

So my situation hasn't changed, in fact it's probably not getting better, but that's okay. There is a peace walking forward knowing He really has got this. There is a peace knowing how much He loves me and that NOTHING can change that. He knows my heart period and for that I am thankful.

If you do not have the new Bowling Family CD, GET IT!! It is so powerful and anointed and I'm not just saying that. It took my journey to a new place last week. The song I know Enough has been my theme since I first heard it. "I've been on the other side of the mountain, seen the night give way to day, delivered over and over when it seemed there was no way. I've been rescued by mercy, lifted by love. I may not know much, but I know enough."  That is just a sample of the lyrics. Get it, I promise you it will be a blessing.

Different kind of blog I know, but it is where I've been the last week or so. No more people pleasing, playing the game, or doing things just so someone will notice. God is the only one who needs to notice, and He has never stopped paying attention. He knows my heart and His favor will protect even when I can't see. "I may not know much, but I know enough..." I've seen God move in miraculous ways and last week I was reminded that I'm not the same. I've been changed by an incredible relationship with the One who knows me the best and loves me the most!!

God gave you the light inside of you that makes you shine and sparkle. Guard the outlet and don't let anyone unplug it!!

On the journey,

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Darts, Knives, and Forgiveness

When you are doing what God has planned for your life, what He wants for you to do, rest assured you the enemy will come looking for you. This truth seeped into my mind a couple nights ago when I had finally had enough with a couple of situations that were just draining me. I had asked God more than once to fit the pieces together, but what I really wanted was for Him to fix the situations. I wanted Him to take out His big magic eraser and make them go away. I don't like being uncomfortable. I don't like being stretched. Oh, but see that's how we grow. (Like it or not, it is....). The sand has to get inside of our shells and its our choice if those things that are irritating turn into pearls or just stay as irritants.

So why did I use the term seep when I referred to the truth earlier. Seeping implies that it took time to get into my mind which it did. Like I said, I wanted Him to just make the situation get easier and comfortable. He wants me growing ;-)

So as I said earlier in a blog, He kept writing with this truth. Now on to why this is called Darts, Knives, and Forgiveness.

Darts: When you are where God wants you, the enemy is going to throw darts your way. His goal is to try and mess you up, throw you off course, and just plain distract you. What God showed me though, is as long as we keep our shield of faith up, the darts cannot affect us. It is when we take our eyes off of Him, start worrying about what comes next, spend time trying to figure out what is next, that we lower our shield of faith and get hit. Faith is not always knowing how the pieces fit together, but knowing and trusting the One who does. Faith doesn't fear, reason, or worry.

Knives: Knives in our back hurt. They just do, God knows that. If you read in Ephesians 6, there is a piece of armor to protect every part of our body except our back. If we are moving forward and following Him...our back is never exposed to the battle. It is when we get scared and start to turn around and run back that we end up with a knife in our back from someone. Knives are unexpected to us, but God knows before they hit. He will take the knife out and use that hurt to remind of us of His truth if we will let Him. Stay focused on the path He has planned for you. Stay focused on what He has called you to do. Look straight ahead and don't turn back. He has your back covered, if you keep moving forward.

Forgiveness: This truth came this morning. (I've heard it before, but it stuck this morning). Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for us. A lot of times, the hurt we feel, the hurt that caused the wall to be built around us is a hurt that the other person may not even know exists. If they do know they hurt you, chances are they have already moved forward anyway. If you hold on to the hurt, you stay put. Forgive that person and let go of the hurt. Forgiveness gives the hurt to God and lets Him do what only He can do. You can't run this race if you are tied to a hurt someone did to you. Move on....time is too short. (Word of caution: Forgiveness doesn't mean you continue to let that person hurt you. It means you follow His leading when interacting with that person. Please Him with your actions, interactions, words etc. He will protect your heart ;-)).

I heard this song last night for the first time. I'm still not sure how I had never heard it before, but I think God knew exactly when I needed the words. I've let the enemy make me feel guilty for having too big of a heart. I've let what others expected dictate way too much instead of following my heart. His box is the only One I was made to fit in, not the boxes others try to stuff me in to meet the their own needs/wants. No more apologizing for who He made me to be....My big heart is part of who I am;-) When I heard this song last night, God whispered this is you. Be who He made you to be!
Enjoy the journey!
Until next time

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I feel like a failure

Don't let the title throw you off, read the whole thing...there is meat I promise.

So this week, this has been how I have "felt". I even told a few people that yesterday, that I felt like a failure with the way some things were going.  WELL.....Only God would take my words and use them to teach a lesson only He could. So keep I said there is meat and not just venting.

Feelings will mess you up period. They just will and if you follow them they will mess you up even more. Feelings can be a good thing, but sometimes we have to do a feelings check. We have to look at what His word says and check our feelings with that. If the two line up, not a bad thing, but if they don't then follow His word. Now before you start beating yourself up because you have fallen and let feelings take lead, this takes TIME. When God wrote the verse about denying self and taking up our cross, I am pretty sure He had feelings in mind.

So when you get one of those feeling moments, what do you do? By no means have I arrived at perfecting this part yet, but I am pressing through it a lot quicker than I used to. So what do you do, well the quickest and easiest thing is to go God I feel this way, but I know you said__________. Be louder than my feelings. That's the quickest way, because then the feelings do not have time to take root. The next way is to take time to process that feeling. I have found that the busier you are, the harder it is to get slow down enough to put the feeling in its place. So process it if you must, but remember what He said and move forward. Hit the delete button on the feeling and quit replaying it. The more you replay it, the more it takes root. (Trust me, I know this all too well). If you will let Him though, He can dig the feeling up, bring healing, and give you what you need to smile and move on. One word of caution, He didn't say that you would never have another one of those feelings again, but He did say His word will never return void. Feelings may say you are one thing(and chances are they heard it from something someone said to you), but God says you are so much more.....

There are going to be days when you feel like a failure or feel like you have made a mess of things. Pay attention to your words. When you are saying I feel....remember it's not permanent. If you let it take root, it will turn into stress. If you can delete it, it turns into peace. Only God can take an impossible situation and remind you that you are Right where HE wants you to be.  Stay focused, know the darts and knives are not a surprise to Him, and know that He doesn't see you as a failure.

So I took those words to Him yesterday and let Him take them as use them to write this blog. Circumstances may make you feel like a failure. Situations can cause you to feel like you have messed up. Other people can bleed you dry to where you don't feel like you have anything left to give, BUT God says I've got this just keep doing what you are doing. God knows your heart and why you do what you do. Make His to-do list, your to-do list and stay focused. The only way to not fail at something is to never do anything.

So yes, I felt like a failure yesterday. It's life and the situation/circumstances led to that. Am I failure? No, because I can look back on yesterday with His eyes and see how His heart came through even amidst the busy.

Different kind of blog, but I am trying to stay focused on the other side of the soap box. He is using this year and all that entails to make me more like Him. He's got this in so many ways!

Enjoy the journey,
Until next time ~Melissa

Next blog: When you are doing what God wants you to do, the knives and darts are going to come. It means you are making the enemy mad. He took this word that He gave me yesterday and painted  picture. He continued writing on it last night. I'll type it out soon! Stay tuned!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday's meditations

In June, Monday and I may be friends again. For now, I'm learning from Monday yet again. God's been on me lately to follow through with a couple of things He has been asking me to do. It may seem little to us, but it is obedience. We take a step toward obedience and things fall in place that before looked like a mess. Obedience opens our eyes to see things through His eyes. Obedience today has given me peace that I honestly can't explain. It's made me see things from His perspective despite all of the negative around me. So 24 hours into the "next step" and I'm learning.............

Yesterday in church, we sang the song You are my all in all. I can't help when we sing that song but go back in time to my time at Madison Academy. That song just touches a place that unless you were there, it's hard to explain. Sweet memories.....and sweet times that's for sure. It made me appreciate what I have today and that time has made me the teacher I am today. I would not be the teacher I am today if not for that time. Tonight, mom and dad are watching NQC. Sweet memories God has brought back to me tonight. Oh how He has reminded me of just how incredible He is and how blessed I am. I am so thankful for the heart He has given me. I never realized until this afternoon when God started connecting the pieces, just how certain moments have prepared me to do what I do now. Thank you Lord for my really big heart. (Blog to come later: Apologizing for things that God made a special part of you.) It may not be on this side of heaven before you fully understand the depth of your reach and witness, but one day He will make all things clear. Continue to sow and follow His lead. Harvest time is coming soon.......

So yeah I've been thinking today and just taking a few moments to be thankful. I'm thankful for the amazing times God has shown out already in my life. For the foundation He gave me that He continues to build upon every day. For the friends He has blessed me with, who may as well be family. For the opportunities that only He could provide. For the ministry He has given me, even though it is still a work in progress.

I am thankful for those that look beyond what I can do and love me for who I am. I am thankful for those that know the real me, and sad for those that think they do. I am more than what I can do, it's just taken me awhile to finally appreciate that truth.

Different kind of blog I know, but I've been listening. More will come soon, I have this incredible feeling that the best is still to come. God is on the brink of moving like never before, He is just waiting for some of us to follow through with those little things He has asked of us, so He can do the big things we have asked of Him.

Enjoy the journey!
Until next time

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Revelation from the weekend....

Blog time ;-) If you are on my Facebook, this has to do with my status from Saturday. The first three weeks of school have been rough, I'll just be honest. Things are not going the way I planned for them to, the way I envisioned they would, or even the way I hoped they would. Last week was the first week I ran schedule and it wore me out. Those that know me, know my heart can be too big sometimes and I give way more than I should most days. I reached a point last week where I had given all I had left to give. You can give and give until you reach a point where you deplete what you have to give. Visual lesson: Last week I also learned how far I could go on my gas light. I learned that the so many miles to E go very quickly the closer it gets to E. I let my gas tank get the lowest it had ever gotten and God used it to teach me a lesson. I was like my gas tank last week. I ran myself down way lower than I should have. God gives us warnings for a reason just like gas lights and count downs that say how many miles to E. I have to pay attention better to both ;-)

So I went away this past weekend. Did I have paperwork I needed to stay home and do? Why yes, but I also knew if I didn't get away it would only get worse. I knew if I didn't have some me time and pour back into me, I would have nothing left to give. See I've quickly learned, a lot of people sadly will take, but very few actually give and make a deposit in you. When you find a friend that loves you for you and pours back into you, spend as much time as you can with those people. I am thankful for these precious ones in my life who mean more than they will ever know.

So the revelation took place on the way out of town Saturday and He wrote on it all weekend. So many times we think we are supposed to do it all because God will never give us more than we can handle. God will never give us more than we can handle, but people can and will if we let them. God's plans are for our good and not to harm us, but when we let others dictate our schedule, vie for our time, and keep us busy, we miss out on some incredible moments God has in store for us. We end up stressed, frustrated, and frankly overwhelmed when we take on what others want us to. So how do we draw the line? I'm still walking that out. I've let others dictate for so long and pile it on me(especially in the last three weeks), that it's going to take some time to step back and prioritize again. This is where faith comes in and trust. It takes both to keep walking forward and listening as He whispers which way to go and what to leave behind. In short, I have a strong feeling there will be more blogs coming from this revelation.

Know who you are and what He has called you to do. Let that purpose dictate your schedule. Love as much as you can, but remember to love yourself at the same time. He gave you gifts, you only need to receive them to use them(others don't have to approve or acknowledge). Words will hurt and the enemy knows which ones hurt you the most. So smile on the days when someone tells you aren't important(because you know you are). Keep doing what you do on the days when someone says you aren't a teacher(because you are in so many ways). Hold back the tears when someone says at least you are single and don't have a family(because they don't understand how your heart longs for a family to take care of). He has given you a purpose and has amazing plans in store for you. Hold tight to what your inner circle, those precious few that God has given to you who are there to speak in and mold you, and let the words of others come and go. God will take care of you and remember He doesn't like it when His children are mistreated. Thank Him for using the hurt to make you more like Him. Keep moving forward and stay focused, knowing that the God who kept you safe during the storms in your life thus far is walking you through this one as well. (Yep, sometimes God uses the bus wreck to help me keep things in perspectives...but that's another blog).

The battle does not define YOU!,
Until next time,

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Take Three

Well it's week three of the school year, hence the name of the blog...take three. I can't say the first two have gone according to plan, but I'm making progress. So here's praying third time really is the charm ;-) Seriously...I'm praying God jut does His thing and keeps me focused. So here are some thoughts/revelations as I look toward week 3.

I'm so thankful for the positive journal, because without that right now I could easily focus on the negative stuff that happens all day every day. I'm learning some people are just negative and I don't want to be one of those. I've also learned that thinking about the yucky negative things only makes you stress out more. It's kind of like that old saying, out of sight out of mind, out of mind, out of feeling. In other words, what you think about it affects your feelings. If you constantly focus on the stress and the negative circumstances, then worry and stress will stay with you in your heart. Focus on the positive, what God has called you to do, even if it is simply God's got this, God's got this, God's got this.

I've also learned at least in my situation right now, God's not going to change the circumstances until He finishes changing me. As much as I have asked Him and told Him, I'm pretty sure I'm in the belly of a whale, He has a plan so I may as well smile and go along with it. I have found amazing comfort in those that really know me. Even though I may not always see these people every day, that is just another thing that makes them God friends. I've learned that friends who truly love you for you without any expectations are few and far between. Cherish the ones you have and spend as much time as you can with them. They make you a better you ;-)

We sang a line this morning...."your peace is overwhelming". Oh how amazing His peace really is. The enemy hates peace though and will do EVERYTHING he can to try and mess with your peace. Trust me, I could write a book in just the last two weeks.Well guess what, regardless of how mad I make him....he's a liar and a loser. God's plan for this year is to chisel and make me into more like Him to accomplish the purpose that He has planned. I have two choices, cooperate and do it is His way, or not cooperate and it still happens.  The first is my choice.

Pastor Lon said something this morning in his sermon on if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it about wondering what kind of testimony Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego must have had.  Now at this point, most everyone else was still focused on what Lon was saying, but well God was taking me to the woodshed. Oh was He taking me to the woodshed. He was playing a review of some moments in my life where He had shown out as only He could. See every now and then I have to have these woodshed moments because I get so caught up in the stress of this world that I start to forget.

So here is to take three this week. That's the beauty of grace, I get a take three and a take four etc. I get to keep doing this as long as I'm moving forward until the burned off pieces have fallen off, until the part of me that doesn't look like Him can't be seen. The circumstances look ugly, but as He reminded me today this isn't new territory. We've been here before and walked through the fire not smelling like smoke. I told Him my fears, I gave Him all of my questions and doubts, I told Him my worries and asked Him to carry them all. I told Him to everyone else it looks impossible, but I know with Him all things are possible.

It's take three this week God. Give me words seasoned with grace. Give me a heart that knows no limit. Give me eyes that stay focused forward. Give me hands that reach down while still outstretched. Give me feet that follow each step you take. Give me ears that hear you whispers and most of all give me wisdom to step forward even when stepped upon.

Until next time

Philippians 3:13-14

New International Version (NIV)
13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus

Sunday, August 18, 2013

My heart tonight (a just thinking post)

Here's my heart on paper tonight, please don't analyze and/or judge. This is one of my just thinking posts. In other words, it's my blog and I get to share period. Over this past calendar year I have learned so much about me.  I've learned why I do what I do, who it matters to, and what really matters. For so long, I have been that people pleasing person. The one who tried to make everyone else happy and lost myself in the process. I was the one who cared more about what others thought and let those expectations drive what I prioritized. This summer God has peeled back the layers and shown me so much more than I could have ever imagined. Life is short and some things that we put value on, shouldn't really matter in the scheme of things. So this blog is mainly what I've learned, what I'm still learning, and where I still have to go. I'm not where I need to be, but thankful I'm not where I used to be.

I've learned that who I am is pretty special. I've learned that I let what others said and did matter way too much than it should have. I've learned that God knows my heart and He will let me know when I've stepped out of line. I've learned that patience isn't easy. I've learned that His timing and mine are two different things. I've learned that I don't have to say everything that comes to mind. I've learned that I don't have to push replay on thoughts that are not from Him, delete works well too. I've learned that He loves me way more than I ever thought and has more in planned still than I could ever imagine. I've learned that God moments and God friends mean more to me than everything else put together. I've learned that trust has to have action not just words. I've learned that some days it really is just one step in front of the other. I've learned that I do make a difference, sometimes it is seeds planted, some time I get to see the harvest, but a difference is made period. I've learned that I have been the one defeating myself. I've learned that if you don't believe in yourself and what He has called you to do, it's hard for others to do the same. I've learned that I have gifts and talents that I still have yet to fully tap into. I've learned that God doesn't always answer your prayer with someone you can see. (i.e. social media....answer may not be always someone you know).

I'm still learning how to let Him do His thing without trying to help. I'm still learning to rely on Him with it all not just with the big stuff. I'm still learning who to listen to and whose words don't need to take root. I'm still learning what the future holds, but thankful I know who holds the future. I'm still learning to do things without complaining. I'm still learning to not come unglued after I've stuffed my feelings/emotions. I'm still learning which bridges still need to be crossed and which ones can continue to burn.

The kids come back tomorrow, summer has officially ended for 2013. I didn't accomplish everything on my to-do list, but I enjoyed my summer tremendously. I finally grasped some truths that were along time coming and am working to put those in place during this school year. Being a special education teacher is not always an easy thing. Some(I dare say most), view us as paper work holders or assistants.  That is so not the case. Just because I do not have my own class(or even a room this year), does not change the fact that I am a teacher too. It's a partnership and with some students it takes more than one to help them be who they are meant to be. Thankfully last year God used people I have never even met to remind me over and over again how good of a teacher I was and that I had a lot to offer. God will always send us the encouragement we need, it just may not come from where we "expect" it.  God knows my heart. He knows why I do what I do, why I am where I am. My heart is just to make a difference. I still enjoy seeing the light bulbs come on, I still enjoy seeing the faces of those when they do something for the first time. Teaching comes in all different styles and ways. God's called me to make a difference each and every day and to do it His way. As long as I stay focused on that, the rest will fall into place.

Different kind of blog, but as I said it's my heart and a just thinking post ;-) Trusting God to do more than I could ever ask or imagine this school year. Trusting God to water the seeds that are planted, and to do what He does best ;-)

Until next time,

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My coversation with God this morning

It wasn't much of a conversation because He did most of the talking. I understood it this morning, but by this afternoon I really understood it. Through a few tears I poured out my heart and He listened. Then He started connecting a few dots.

I wasn't even on the main highway this morning before He asked His first question. It was plain, Do you really trust me to take care of you? I replied with a quick yes. To which He said then do what I asked you to do and let me do what I do. Joyce Meyer had been preaching on the same subject this morning, so I guess God decided let's build on that.

How many times do we continually ask God for something, but don't follow through with what He has asked us to do. He knows we aren't perfect and that it will take some time for some of it(old habits are hard to break). He knows our hearts and knows where we are on our journey. We cannot crucify the flesh without His help, trust me it will not work. So if you have been trying on your own, pick yourself up, dust off the bruises, take His hand, and do it His way.

He didn't ask us to understand everything, He asked us to trust Him. He didn't say we would be able to see how the pieces fit together, He just asked us to look through His eyes. He didn't say we wouldn't feel hurt, He just asked us to bring those hurts to Him. He asked you to be you because that is how He made you to be!

So before you start letting frustration take over, remember what He has told you to do. That's all you have to do. He will take care of His part. The rest of the drive this morning was spent with Him reminding me of all of those times when He did His thing. Those are the times that really brought a smile to my face, a smile that isn't tied with feelings I can think of two things now that I am involved in that were total God moments. Both require an investment from time to time, but both put a smile on my face regardless of what the day has held. God knows what you need, let Him open the doors, and watch Him do more than you could imagine.

Stay focused on what He has called you to, be who He has called you to be, and listen to the One who loves you the most! 

Until next time,

*One last thing I am noticing this week.....when you truly give the hurts, frustrations, stress, discouragement, disappointments, all of that "stuff" to God He gives you the strength to keep moving forward with a smile on your face. It doesn't mean everything is worked out, it just means you know who is working it out.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Positive Journal

I'm determined to stay positive this year, BUT I quickly realized today it is so far out of something I can do by myself. Why do I say it is going to be harder than something I can do on my own? Because the enemy would rather me think/speak negative and he knows just where my buttons are. I can put up with a lot, just not when I'm hot. To use Duck Dynasty language, I would probably be what Phil would consider a yuppie girl. Nonetheless I needed a feeling crabby shirt by the end of the day.  So on the way home I got an idea....well okay God gave me an instruction. I'm going to start a positive journal in my calendar. Each day I'm going to write down at least two things that happened that were positive. If we focus on the positive, the negative will not have any room. It goes along with that lovely verse in Philippians 4 about thinking about whatever is pure, lovely etc. Negative things and people are all around us, it is our job to stay focused regardless of what is thrown in our path. We are on the journey He has planned for us and right where He wants us to be. So is today a fail, why no. If you learn and keep moving forward, it is a success. Staying down is the only thing that constitutes a fail.

So I'm keeping this journal in my calendar, so I can look back on it as needed on those days when nothing seems to be going right. God's got this and I truly trust Him with it. I may be tempted to pick it up from time to time, but I have learned it's too heavy for me.

As Joyce Meyer has said many times before I'm not where I need to be, but praise God I'm not where I used to be. This is going to be a good year ;-) how do I know? He told me so ;-)

Until next time,

From time to time when I post I may share my positive journal. Here are today's:
1. Unexpected time to work in my room
2. Everything has a place(almost)
3. Lunch at the church(always the highlight of Back to school week)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Is anything too hard for God?

Have you ever had a week where God not only brought a verse to you but a song to mind that said the exact same thing? Yeah that would be me last week. The verse was from revival Monday night and two days later I found myself singing this song(which I had not heard in YEARS!). To say this isn't what I needed as I get ready to start the school year, would be an understatement.  This is for more than just me I'm sure.

Here is the verse: “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27

Here is the YouTube clip of the song:

Part of the lyrics: Is anything too hard for God? Whose got a problem beyond His power to solve? Are there situations that He's not the Master of? Is anything too hard for God?

We make God laugh when we try to analyze and work things out on our own  Have you ever given a child something to figure out? They could easily ask for your help, but as they get older they like to try and do it on their own. God stands there ready to do it for us, but only if we will ask. He knows that we will try and do it on our own, but that doesn't change the fact that He is there waiting. So whatever it is you are facing? It's not too hard for Him. It may seem impossible for you, but that's because it is meant for only Him to do. Give it to Him and walk on in peace knowing He's working it all out for your good. Nothing(big or small) is too hard for Him, it only becomes hard when we try to do it on our own. On our own problems will seem like mountains, but to God they are not even the size of a hill. Walk with Him and watch your mountains disappear because you will soon be on top of them.

Until next time,

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Reflections....aka I'm learning

Have you ever felt like you lived part of the lyrics of a song? Of course I know most of us have at some point(and some of you are singing a particular song in your head right now). I have learned so much this summer, it is mind blowing but I am so thankful. I'm still chewing on what He confirmed last night listening to Siran Stacey, but that is a blog for another day.

The lyrics of the song I've walked out this summer is from some precious friends and it is called I'm learning. There is a part of the chorus that says...."and I'm finding as the road keeps winding, I don't know which bridges to be crossing or which ones I should be burning, but I'm learning."

So where has this taken me this summer? Most of us have been on that road. The road that keeps winding around and around. We keep walking and staying the course, but we can't exactly tell where we are headed.  Then get to a bridge and the question comes to mind, is it one to cross or one to burn? If you are like me, you spend time starring at the bridge analyzing every little bit trying decide whether you walk across it or burn it and keep moving. Chances are you reason out the burning even though it is the best thing, because you see something good on the other side of the bridge. Good is not always what is best and good is not always a God thing. Some bridges are meant to be burned so you can keep moving on your journey. The choice is knowing which one He wants you to cross and which one holds your freedom when you set it loose. The hard part is listening and following your heart and not your feelings.

So I've spent the summer learning. I've learned some of the bridges that need to be crossed and the ones that need to be burned. I've had it so lovingly put into perspective(Thanks God ;-)) which things matter and which ones really don't. Not everything that seems like a big deal, really is. The same is true for people. Be cautious with who is in your inner circle and who is influencing your heart. Let those be the people whose words you press replay on and for the others, hit delete. God will let you know which words need to be taken to heart, trust Him.

So whether you are on the winding path or find yourself starring at a bridge trying to decide, trust Him. If you will listen, He will show you what to do. For those that need a neon sign, He's even good with those too.

Until next time,
Keep learning!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Protect Your Flame

I am so thankful that I have one more week left of summer break. After the last few days, God's given me a couple of things I need to work on before the extreme routine starts again. I have walked out the "Be careful if you think you are standing, so you don't fall" verses. I thought I had a good grasp, but apparently the enemy knew EXACTLY where to hit me and how many times to do it. So, lessons learned, weak spots exposed, and now time to suit up. Time to get ready for the year and to protect this flame He has lit from going out with every blow the enemy sends my way. So that's what this blog is about, just a few words and revelations I've had so lovingly given to me in the last week or so.

In this world we are living in with the way everything seems to go down, it is important now more than ever to protect your flame. By that I mean, when God lights your fire, protect it! Don't hide it, but don't let the enemy blow it out at each turn either. That flame is what will keep you going through the valley, mountain, or just plain on the journey. There is a difference between a God lit flame and a flame you lit on your on, but that is a blog for another day. A God flame cannot be easily extinguished and doesn't go out just because feelings get in the way. A God flame is one that will keep you going when it seems like nothing else is going the way you think it should. So how do you protect that flame?

  • Be careful whose words you take to heart. Not everyone who speaks to you has a word that needs to take root.
  • Stay focused on who He has called you to be. Well-meaning people can try to extinguish your flame simply because they want to light one of their own for you so you can fulfill a need they have. (Caution: There is a Difference!).
  • Frustrations are two fold. There are frustrations that are meant for God and God alone. Then there are frustrations that are meant to push you to change(aka getting healthy).
  • Not everyone in your life will understand you, and that's OKAY! God sees your heart and knows what He has placed inside of you. You are special and He has extraordinary plans for you!
  • Actions do speak louder than words. You can't control how others treat you, but you can control how you react to what they do to you. Sometimes a word is needed and sometimes it is better to just walk away for awhile.
This may not make sense to some, but if you are in this season you know what I'm saying. God has a unique purpose and calling for each of us. Be patient and know that He is working even when you can't see it. When He gives you an audience, a flame and shows you what is on the inside of you what makes you, you...Don't ever forget it!! The enemy will try to discourage you through every means possible. Remember what He has shown to you and that God flame will get you through it all! That God flame will shine to others even when you don't realize it.

If you had asked me in May what I thought about my candle I would have told you I was burning it at both ends and the wax was gone! He has rebuilt the candle this summer and lit a flame like only He can. That flame scares the enemy and that has become quite evident over the last couple of days. Guess what lose.

Until next time

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I have had more revelation in the last 48 hours than I think I can process right now. Believe me, when you ask God for a word, be listening and be ready.....He will show up and tell it to you(whether you want to hear it or not). His truth will change you, trust His neon sign the first time....if you don't you will see it again and next time it may hurt. An amazing friend posted something about this on Sunday and God has used it to open doors and show me more than I could ever imagine.

This summer He has peeled off layers, exposed to me some of those this is where that thought process comes from etc., and gotten real. It hasn't been pretty, easy, or even fun, but it has been necessary. Change will not happen until you make the decision to change. As long as you want to stay comfortable and doing what you have always done, the way you have always done it, and making sure those people who you have always made happy or happy....nothing is going to change. God will put the opportunity to change in front of you, but He will not make you walk down the road. There comes a point where you have to make the decision, you have to listen when He says let's go. He is not going drag you kicking and screaming down the path He wants you to take. His truth is sometimes not easily digested in one setting....sometimes you have to chew on it awhile. So I guess this blog is me chewing ;-)

Who are you connected to? Take a minute to really seriously think about the answers to that question. I'm not talking about your connection with God, we'll talk about that One in a minute. I'm talking about who is in your everyday world. Who do you communicate with on a daily or even weekly basis? Who communicates with you? Who are you around in meetings or other group settings? Whose social media do you pay attention to? Who do you check with before you do something? Who are you allowing to speak into your life be it verbal or nonverbal communication? Who is impacting your walk(good or bad)?

Sometimes those we find ourselves connected with are not necessarily those that have a good impact on our lives. Another thought to think about is, who is adding to your life and not just subtracting from it? Now before someone says, God says to be a servant, do for others etc. Think about this for a minute: If you are truly involved in service and doing what God told you to do, they are adding to your life by building fruit. Subtracting service moments just keep you busy. Know the difference and make your time mean something. That was my word at the beginning of the summer. Be fruitful, not just busy. Balance is the key and no one area should dominate all of your life(job, family, health etc.) There is time for it all when you order your priorities right and remember what truly matters.

Just because someone speaks something doesn't mean you have to accept it. It has taken me a LONG time to get that truth. You can really choose what you think about(Joyce Meyer has always said it, but it has taken me a long time to "get" it). God will give you the strength to do what He has called you to do. He called you to be you, no one else. He is happy when we look in the mirror and smile. He gets excited when His children realize the gift that is on the inside of them. After all, He is the One that gave it to you in the first place.

There may be more on this to come in the next couple of weeks, but for now just think about it. God has given you an incredible journey and race to run. Stay connected to those that are going to believe in you, support you along the race, and run with you. He has given you an amazing gift...YOU! Show the world that gift and just be YOU!! Part of that is letting go what may so easily entangle us and setting our eyes on what really matters.

Until next time,

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sweet Spot

Summer is slowly winding down, and I must say this has been a good one. Don't get me wrong it's had its "stressful" moments, but notice I said moments. The moments quickly faded and what came after was peace. Not peace that it was over, but peace that it was all going to fall into place. This is what the other side of people pleasing looks like. See for so long, I've worried more about other people thought than if I was being me. In other words what others thought and asked of me was placed as a higher priority than what He thought and asked. End of last year brought me to a point where I knew things had to change, I had to adjust and start listening or there were going to be serious consequences(stress is not good physical). The goal this summer was simple, be fruitful not just busy. I think it is safe to say I've listened and have really enjoyed the time. I've learned to let the stress roll, this too shall pass, and why worry if you can't change it. Things that would have kept me in unnerved for days, last minutes. The process isn't completed, but I am a lot closer than I used to be.

So why is the blog titled sweet spot? Think abut what you love doing, what you are good at, passionate about, those things that make you smile. Now how much of your day do you spend doing these things? Probably not as much as you would like, and if you are honest with yourself....there may even be some days where no time is spent at all. Sweet spots are from God. He has given us all things we are good at. Not necessarily things we went to school for, read in a book, or ever thought we would be doing....but things that just come naturally. We smile when we are doing them, they bring happiness and peace. Those are moments when you know you are operating in the place where He wants you and doing what He asked you to do. So many times He tells us what to do, we listen, but never put it into practice. Then when things start taking a turn we don't like we ask Him to intervene, when He's already told us how to jump over the turn, and walk across to the other side. We listen when He talks, but it is more than just words, we have to put action to what He says. Sweet spots come when you put it into practice. Sweet spots bring a smile and even when those stress moments come, they are only moments and not hours.

Balance and perspective are key to walking in peace. Remembering that it isn't about what others want, but what He wants that matters. We spend too much time running around being busy when we need to be fruitful. Fruitful moments will last after we have moved on, busy moments will only last for the moment. Live in your sweet spot and when He speaks, you need to do. Stress moments will come and they will go. Don't let them wreck who you are or even where you are at. God called you to be you and no one can play the part He wrote just for you in this show called Life. Don't let others steal that from you. Take a moment and ask about your sweet spots. Listen when He tells you(again) about your gifts,  your passions, those things He gave only to you. Now when He gives you the next steps...the what to do with what He has told you.....DO IT! Are you sitting on a word today?

Until next time

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I called you to be YOU.....

Okay today was the day I had been on my calendar to do one of those "dreaded" things on my to-do list. I mean literally since I added this thing to my to-do list, it has been a dread/worry whatever you want to call it. Why do we do that to ourselves? It wasn't anything major, just a pure inconvenience but I let it annoy me for numerous reasons. Add doing it in a no air conditioner setting and it's hard to stay positive. Now that I am on the other side of that dreaded to do and it is a done item, the weight is lifted. Now if only I had completely trusted Him with taking care of it in the first place? He loves us that much.

Sometimes those bumps in our schedules, those inconveniences we call, are nothing more than God moments. Sometimes God uses those moments to whisper something because He knows we are listening.

So this morning, He was whispering and I was listening. It was such a sweet moment. So many times we get caught up in making sure we are doing what God called us to do. We look to others who may have the same calling/ministry etc. We try to make sure our schedules look like theirs and make sure we are doing all we can to run that race. It happens at work too. We see others getting pats on the backs, recognition, and moving on up the ladder and we "feel" we need to match everything they are doing(especially if we don't "feel" we are where we should be...). We get so caught up in making sure we are doing our calling, that we forget to be who He called us to be.

His whisper was plain and simple this morning, but straight to the core. "I called you to be Melissa".

Those few words sunk in and wow. We can get so caught up in our doing that we forget to be ourselves. We forget that our doing comes from who He has called us to be. Our doing will come naturally if we will just be who has called us to be. After all, He knew us before He made us and each part of us is there for a reason. We make Him smile when are just ourselves ;-)

Until next time

Friday, June 28, 2013

Just thinking....

No title really on this one, lots of "thoughts"/themes running through my head and heart. I can't believe a month of summer has almost passed. I wish I could say I had accomplished all of my goals already, but that would be no, not finished yet. I am making progress though and that is a very good thing. Where is some of this coming from? Let's just say the refining process. When it is all said and done, I just want to hear Him say well done. I want my life to count for Him and when I look back on the day I want to know I did all I could for Him and made a difference.

Knowledge without application is just words. I've been hit with this a lot lately, personally and professionally. So many times people "know" about something, but if they can't take it to the next level and apply it, where does that knowledge get them? Scripture calls it being a hearer of the word and instead of a doer. Learning is a great thing, but if you spend all of our time learning and never putting it into practice, where does that learning get you?

Freedom....ask Him for it, but once you ask, be prepared for what He tells you to do next. He tends to get specific. At least with me, He does. He and I have that relationship where He can just tell me what to do, then it's my turn to do what He says or take a 40 year journey that should have only lasted 11 days. The problem comes when we don't do what He says, think we can get away with just doing it half way and try to keep the reigns. A pilot doesn't land a plane with half the wheels still up. This journey we are on is all or nothing, He wants all of us. All of our thoughts, all of our emotions, all of our dreams, all of us. He knows what makes us tick, what makes us smile, what makes us cry, and what makes us keep moving forward. The funny part comes in when we think we know ourselves better. Trust Him with your heart, mind, and soul. Trust Him with all of you.

Defeat...there is a line an old Dottie Rambo song that says "...defeat is just one word I won't use"... Defeat and can't go hand in hand. We let people defeat us, food defeat us, and even our thoughts toward ourselves. Tell yourself you can't do something enough times and you eventually start believing that you can't. Be who you are and you will walk through those defeated times with your head held high. Not because you are something, but because He is everything. He's got your back and just needs you to keep moving on this journey called life. Once again I have been reminded to be careful who you let into your life. Some are meant to speak into it, some are meant for God to use to speak into your life(aka sandpaper). Talk to God about your relationships, He will show you the difference. When He tells you someone is sandpaper, let Him use them to make you more like Him. Don't let them defeat you, remember their purpose and keep things in perspective. This season soon passes and you will be stronger when it does.

 Watch your words, don't say you can't do something if God says you can. He is given you much more power than you may even realize. Let Him exhibit it through you!! God has a plan and He thinks the world of you. Some seasons are for planting, some are for watching things grow, be patient and know that regardless of what season you are in God is at work.

Until next time,

Sunday, June 23, 2013

24 hours.........

Well it has been a LONG time since I posted on here. Sorry about that......
The end of school is always hectic, but that is no excuse.  I have to eventually get in a better habit with this, but I digress.

So I've had a couple of trips lately and what does that mean, car ride and think time. Think time and God time have been deep lately. God is peeling back layers and doing that thing He does. If you are asking what is that thing He does, think about playing with play dough. He uses a cookie cutter that looks like Him placed into the dough that I call me(yep, mine is pink too ;-) Little by little the excess dough is pulled away, so one day the shape called me will look just like Him. My issue is that I try to put some of the dough back, and all that results in is yet another time of Him taking it away. I'm learning though.

So why is this blog called 24 hours? We all have the same amount of time in each day to make a difference. Yet sometimes we stay so busy that at the end of the day, can we look back and see one thing we did to make a difference? I set out with one goal this summer, to be fruitful not just busy. I'm tired of wasting time on things just to try and make it up the ladder. I've learned some of those ladders I thought I wanted to climb were leaning against buildings I didn't recognize. Sometimes we need to do what we do because of what HE  did and forget about the rest. Do a heart check and see why you do what you do. Is it to see that smile on someone's face or to try and get that pat on the back?

Let the wall come down that you have built up trying to protect yourself from getting hurt again and trust Him to guard your heart. Be careful about giving the enemy a foothold and do what God says to do. Footholds come in all shapes and sizes and most of the time make you feel comfortable and feed the flesh. Feed that deeper part of you even when it's not comfortable. Don't look at what you are doing as little, just because what you see someone else doing may be big. Patience means letting God do things in His time while you keep moving forward. He knows what He has planned, He will finish what He started, don't rush ahead. Sprinting ahead leaves you out of breath and you end up having to stop and catch your breath anyway. Keep up with His pace. His pace for you is meant just for you, and only you.

24 what you do because of what He did and trust Him. The rest will fall into place. Don't fill your schedule with things, just to stay on the go. Listen to what His plan is for you and fill your schedule with that. Being fruitful means sowing seeds that one day will reap a harvest in His time. Being fruitful means sowing into lives and giving of yourself. It's not always easy, not always comfortable, but always a God thing.  Little doesn't always mean less. Look at what you do through His eyes, because it's big to Him.

Until next time

Saturday, April 27, 2013

You are an orginal!!

Taking a break for paperwork...He started writing and it is so real...well someone else may need to hear it too.

This is another reality check so to speak ;-) Be who He made you to be regardless of what people say!! I'm tired of what other people say and the box other people try to put me in affecting what I think of me. Know this....once you find out who you are in Him, once you get that footing and start standing in the confidence of the call He gave you and what He can do through you...LOOK OUT! The enemy will use everyone and everything he can in order to knock you down. The enemy wants nothing more than for you to go back to doubting yourself and what you can do. So what does he do to try and knock you down? Well.... he may send people in your path who do nothing but compare you to other people, make sure your schedule is so busy that you feel nothing but overwhelmed, stressed, and have no time left to take care of yourself or spend time with God, or he could just try to make sure you hear nothing but negative all day.

Be who you are!! Be who He made you to be and know that regardless of what others say or who they compare you to...God has a unique plan just for you and He is going to use you!!

This is has been a stronghold all year for me, but I feel like this week I have slowly begun to break free from it. Let's be honest, eventually you get to a point where you just tell God break it off...whatever is keeping me from running this race right now...break it off. This is what it happened to be. I've been compared to others so much this year in an area of my life that it is just sad. Sad for me because I let it get to me and sad for them because they have missed out on seeing who I really am just because I'm not the one they wanted. Others, as well meaning as they may be, will put you in a box if you let them. (TRUST ME ON THIS ONE)....I finally got the lid off of it this week. The only box you should stay in is the one God has planned, but guess what sweet reader...God will not put you in a box. He made this journey for you to enjoy, for you to run the race with courage. You can't run if you are in a box.

Forgetting what is behind, I press on to the high calling! Be careful who you listen to and who you let speak into your life. The word says to test every Spirit...not everyone in your daily life will support the you God has called you to be. Bloom where you are planted while you are there and trust that He will move you on. Sometimes we are in places in order to break some things off so we can continue running the race. How long we stay put determines how long it takes for us to break it off.....Break it off and run sweet reader!!! I'm ready are you?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reality check moment......

I had no intentions of posting another blog until May, but it is a blog or bust kind of night. Let me say first off, this is a true honesty check/being real blog.

I am tired, more than that I'm exhausted and worn to the bone. I'm also smart enough to know this is the time when the enemy works his best schemes. If he can keep you busy, tired, and stressed...he has won. Apparently I'm making the devil MAD....because he keeps trying to throw it on me. To quote our youth pastor...what a blessing... Little does the devil realize, I've come too far to let the stress win. It may get down, but I won't stay there. It may wear me out physically and mentally, but Spiritually in my heart...I know God's about to show out.

Joyce Meyer said something this week about how God doesn't like it when His children are mistreated. Our attitude in response to that determines what He does next. Got me to hard it is to pray for those that are mean to us. It's hard to ask God to bless those that have stabbed us in the back, those that have walked all over us, those that have thrown us under the bus and then drove over us with it. But isn't that what God calls us to do? If we are praying for them, they can't hurt us. If we can get to the place where we see them through God's eyes, we can take a step back and stop. God's got our back. Every knife will be worth it, every tire mark, every footprint...but we determine how quickly He can get to work. OUCH!!

This revelation hit me like a ton of bricks. She just started it yesterday....God finished it a minute go typing it out. See for the last couple of weeks at work, I've felt useless, like I can't do anything right, and like I'm barely keeping my head above water. Satan knows my weak spot, the weak part of my day...and it's there. I've been so out of balance in that aspect that it has affected the other areas of my life.

Respect yourself, believe in yourself, have confidence in what God has called you to do and what He has placed inside of you, and walk forward. Don't let the way people treat you determine who you are and how you act. Hard lesson especially after repeated "abuse" and mistreatment, but trust me He has got this.

Just being real.......

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The God sized list

Well I did it....I looked at the calendar, the to-do list, and what was due between now and summer break. Ouch is all I can say.....What is due in the next 15 days is insane.....

Overwhelmed feelings lead to stress and that can lead to panic.....but I told my flesh to calm down. Actually God did ;-) He reminded me of some amazing verses in 2 Corinthians. This power is not mine, it's from Him. I have NO idea how everything will get finished, but I know what He promised me. I am doing my part and trusting Him to do His. He hasn't failed me yet, so I know He won't start now.

Honesty check: This isn't going to be easy. My stress level is out the roof, just ask my massage therapist. The lesson to learn in all of this is despite the stress(aka storm), if God said you are going to the other side, then follow His lead.....take a breath, relax, and rest. (Resting doesn't always mean sleep....but that's a blog for another day). I'm not getting into the details of my to-do list, but know it's God sized. I have my scriptures to claim in my mind and the devil(who is a liar by the way) isn't going to get the best of me.

Believe me when I say....the blogs that will come when the next 15 days are over are going to be awesome! He's about to show out even more than He already has.

If you are in my every day world, patience is appreciated. I'm carrying a lot, giving it my all, and doing the best I can.

Until May

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Who rocked the boat?

The enemy loves nothing more than to find you at times when you at your weakest. Those times when you are worn to the bone, stressed to the max, and mentally exhausted. Those times when you know in your heart you are doing the best you can at the massive to-do list but the list just keeps growing. Those times when the world wants to see how much they can throw at you before you break. Those are the times when we absolutely, positively have to crawl in order to keep walking forward. The enemy knows when you "feel" weak. Note I said, I feel weak. I have learned this week, I can be drained, mentally exhausted, stressed to the max, and still find a place of peace. Please hear me is not easy. The hardest part is recognizing when you get to that point and taking some time(regardless of your schedule) to let Him calm you down. When you know you are at that point, stop and take that time. Physically your body may be tensed up(just ask my massage therapist...I'm so knotted up and tensed up it isn't funny), but if you can spiritually stay unwound you can keep pressing on to the other side of this journey. 

 Obedience regardless of how small it may seem is important. If you start to feel the boat rocking, see if you may have missed something. Trust got to get quiet first though and He'll tell you. Just remember His mercies are new every morning, just get back up, dust yourself off, and keep walking forward.

The blogs that will come when this boat gets to the other side are going to be amazing. I don't want to start on any yet, because He is so not finished. Thankfully I will have this summer to type them out. God has in mind what I'm supposed to learn/develop over this journey and apparently I'm on the fast track.. Discipline is the key of that I'm sure. 

Stay tuned

Monday, April 8, 2013

Shine because He said to!

A day is never wasted when God is orchestrating it, so I would be remiss if I didn't type a blog that He apparently has been writing all day. In this day we live in and with the lives we all lead, I would bet I'm not the only one who needs to hear this every now and then.

Colossians 3:23 was spoke to my Spirit yesterday, and I had an idea then where He was headed with it. It's still a lesson I have yet to fully grasp, but oh He is so patient. Today was another day of learning in preparation for the test. The verse says Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Anyone else thinking ouch? If not, read it again ;-)

Honesty check, the time from Spring Break to summer break is the most stressful, craziest time for me at work. This year the stress has been multiplied and just being real for a I could see the storm brewing inside of me. I was ready for Jesus to wake up, calm the storm, and let me go to sleep on the inside with Him. Sometimes though, He needs to calm us to show us we will make it to the other side, storm and all. He knows me, He knows what I can handle, but some days He believes in me a lot more than I believe in myself. Some days flesh speaks the loudest, but if we will get still that still small whisper can be the most calming thing ever. The tears came and I just had to smile. Sometimes I think we have to go through certain storms just for God to remind us what He can do through us because the enemy would love for us to think otherwise. I thought to myself more than once today why can't I just half way do things, why do I care so much(usually those questions come when we compare ourselves to others)....that's when He reminded me of that verse again. It's about what He says, not anyone else. He is the One we need to seek to please with our schedules, our time, our words, our deeds, our lives, our all. When we lay our head on our pillows at night, regardless of what a mess the day may look like, we can rest when we know we gave it our all and did what He asked.

God is looking for us to shine not because anyone asked us to, but because it is the right thing to do. Too often society(including Christians) have sought to do what is "right" simply because someone else was looking or for the applause/pat on the back. It's time we do what we should simple because He said to. This is a HARD lesson and I am not there yet, but I am not where I used to be ;-). This is one of those journeys that take time and patience. God knows we will not always be able to run it. Some days we will have to walk, some days crawl, and others He may need to pick us up and carry us. He knows the world is mean and self-seeking. This is a journey that takes time, dying to flesh is never easy.

So whether your Monday was a calm one or your Monday was stormy, God is in charge of the week ahead of you. He knows what each day holds, trust Him. Some days He'll calm the storm, but if chooses to calm you instead know that you are going across to the other side with Him. It may feel rough at times, but He can see the other side, He just needs us to trust Him.

Shine because He said to! Not because the world is looking to polish  your star, but because you are plugged into the One who never has a power outage. Don't let anyone dull your star or pull the plug on what God called you to and made you to do. Not sure who this part is for, but You do make a difference! No one can do what you do and play the part that you play. He sees each thing you do, and He is giving you a standing ovation. You can't always hear the applause, but if you listen really close, you can feel it when He says I love you.

Until next time,

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday Musings...

Just a quick blog before I start the paperwork for tomorrow night. I'm over trying to do statuses on Facebook. People read too much in them and try to figure out what you mean. A blog is a place where you can explain more ;-)

So yesterday was Resurrection Sunday and God kept live like it. So many times we celebrate and get excited that He is alive, but how many times do we forget that power on Monday? Stress is stress and people that know the real you, I'm talking the you deep down, the you He sees....the real YOU...will love you regardless.  They will not see Welcome written across you and will see your true potential. They will respect you and value your opinion. When you find those precious few, pour into them and treasure your time with them. The ones who just take, be know who they are. Remember God is the only One who pleasing matters ;-)

Off the soapbox for the night, tomorrow is another day. I'm happy. I'm content being me and love the fact that I have people who love me for me.  Moving past the others, God's got a plan!!

Just being real ;-) Will be back to more devotional type I promise.
Until next time,

Saturday, March 30, 2013

You can do it!

Words are powerful things. The old saying of sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me is inaccurate. Whether you believe it or not, words are powerful and mean more to what happens in your life than you can imagine. So many times we tell the kids to think before they say something, but how many times do we stop to take our advice? How many times do we run that thought through something other than our own flesh? How many times do we let that thought become a word or phrase only to wish we could take it back? We blame a lot of our mess on other people, but in all honesty we haven't helped the situation any ourselves if we keep looking at it from a negative perspective. God's keeping His promise, but so many times we fail to do our part. We see the glass as half empty instead of half full. We see the stress instead of the strength. We see the problem instead of the provision. We see the complaint instead of the compliment. The title of the blog is simple You can do it! Think about that for a minute, as Christians we are celebrating a weekend full of power. That very same power lives inside of you. Tap into it instead of tapping out. Choose the overflow instead of the overwhelm. Tell yourself you can do it because He said you can. Believe in yourself as much as He does. After all, He promised He would give you what you needed to do what comes your way. Don't defeat yourself before you get started. Watch how you talk to yourself. Too many times we are our own worst enemy and critique. The world will do its part and provide enough criticism and negative words, don't help them any by telling yourself first. You can do it, for no other reason than God said you can! Walk into next week knowing He's got your back and has you covered. Trust Him, do what you can, and take care of you in the process. Everything really will fall into place if we will do what He says when He says it.

Until next time,

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 2 aka The Middle

This is my favorite time of the year, I love it more now that I have finally learned that the feeling and excitement we get for Day 3 is the same excitement and power we can have each and every day. (If you are not there yet, be patient with's on that list of things you can't see but He can also learned as the list of Relationship Lessons 101). I know I've been quiet this month, He's been writing some that has been just between me and Him.  I still had some revelations and some "stuff" I needed to make sure was at the bottom of the mountain. Apparently there will always be "stuff", but its your choice where your focus is. I digress though...
This is not a blog about the past month, this is a blog about Day 2 and what He wrote tonight.

Tomorrow is Day 2 in Easter weekend. Day 1 was filled with sadness and loss of hope. Day 1 was a storm and a situation that rocked their world back then. (Stay with me....) Day 2 was kind of quiet, several were scared from what happened on Day 1, and most had probably forgotten what His promise for Day 3 was. Day 2 was the middle....that place between the storm and God showing out. Day 3 reminds us that even when it looked like all hope was lost, God showed up and showed out. I don't know where you are at right now, but Day 3 is coming. If you are in what looks like Day 2...the storm has happened, remember Day 3 is coming. Patience sweet reader, God is never late and will always show up and show out just when it's time.

More blogs to come I promise....if you could listen in on our conversations lately you would know He's writing a storm. Courage will come soon to type some, I know. Be available and be listening....the time is coming when God is looking for those He are ready to hear it all and then go share it!

 Thankful for grace tonight and His mercy....excited just because I know He's got it(and believe you encompasses a lot just on my part ;-)) Best thing is....He can handle it all much better than I could ever think of doing.

Until next time!