Friday, December 28, 2012

Just thinking.....

Yes I've been at the beach, so I that means time to think. I had work I needed to work on, but you know sometimes life just needs to slow down or stop for awhile and let you catch up. I've been thinking about 2013 and everything that a new year encompasses. I may actually write out some "goals" this year. (No they are not resolutions, but goals of things I want to do this new year). Sometimes writing things out helps you stay focused. 2012 has been a learning year, but it has also been a growing year. I've learned a lot about who I am and where I want to go. In that learning, I've learned that there is a difference in loving/serving and being a doormat. When God shows you the difference, get up and shut the door. In other words, if you allow people to take advantage of you...they will. Regardless of how big your heart is, not everyone wants what is best for you, but wants what you can do. You have gifts, opinions, and talents that are unlike those of any others. If you keep the lid on your box, just because someone said to, who have you hurt? Not the others, but yourself. God didn't make you to keep a lid on everything He has given you. It would be like giving someone a present on Christmas and telling them they can open it and look at it, but never take it out of the box. It doesn't work that way. Life is what you make it. A lot will not like you, it's your decision how you respond. Do you let their opinion mess with what yours or do you keep going and doing what you know He's called you to.

The drive down to the beach was wonderful. There is something about a peaceful drive, with just your music and God. He started writing the 2013 theme for me which will be a blog after I get home. I love God's sense of humor and the way He really does "get" us. More to come on that later as well....I'm looking forward to my drive home tomorrow. The break has been nice, but I'm ready to be home(even if it is cold). I'm ready to see and listen for Him to write more on this radical to be radiant word that He started last week. I'm excited about the new year, excited about the new day. It is what you make of it. You decide what your schedule is full of and you decide how you view it/look at it. If I've learned anything this year, it is the simple truth....I have a voice and an opinion. Those that I want to listen may not always, but that doesn't mean I don't need to speak it. If I'm patient, God will take the fish bowl I've been in and turn it into an ocean. Sometimes we keep praying for a door to open and God has a whole other hall in mind. I've also learned there is a difference in loving/serving and being a doormat. Serve/Love because He said to, not because someone else wants you to. I've also learned its okay to be there to listen, but learn who is going to listen to you as well. Do what you can, and then when you have done it all....stand back and watch the One who can do it all do only what He can do.
More to come in the next couple of days....Getting excited about the blogs to come and what's in store. #radicaltoberadiant

~Until next time,

Sunday, December 16, 2012

From my heart...

Not the blog I thought was coming, but after the events of Friday....well it is a blog or bust night.

My heart goes out to the those affected by the tragedy in Connecticut, to the families, the teachers, and the entire community. It's a loss no words can comprehend.

I know what it is like to have presents under the tree and find out the person they were for isn't coming home.  While not a parent myself, I do know what it is like to feel the need to shield and protect the kids you have been entrusted with or the ones who may just be sitting next to you when something happens. I know what it is like to look at something that has rocked your world and go God what are you doing. So many people throughout this weekend have questioned where was God on Friday and why didn't He stop things before they happened. Please hear me when I say this, we live in an evil world and it is only going to get worse. Can I say why God didn't stop things on Friday? No I wish I could. That's just one on a growing list of why questions for God. That's where faith and trust come Him. When you can't see what He's doing and where He is at, you have to trust His heart. I promise you this, My God was all over that school Friday if not there would have been even more tragedy.

I've been reading posts on social media outlets this weekend and my heart hurts for more than just the families in Connecticut. People have made posts some out of grief or just shear not thinking, but it has exposed the true issue at hand....their heart. God sees our actions, but He cares about our heart. His word has and always will accomplish what it set out to do and somehow in the midst of all of this sorrow, grief, and just sheer tragedy good will come. As anyone who has ever lost anyone close, you know it takes TIME, and more time before you have the ability to see through His eyes and see how He has used something so evil for good. (Remember Genesis 50:20). Does it make the pain go away any quicker, why no? I am well aware of that. It's times like these where you have to decide what you are going to do with your questions(whys), your tears, your brokenness etc. I've seen both sides of this. I've watched someone who lost someone close to them, take their questions, tears, and brokenness and give it to God to use as only He could. I've also seen someone who let those questions, those tears, and that brokenness and let it eat away at them and drive them further away from the One who can heal. There is a vast difference in outlook and life between the two. God didn't say it would be easy, but He really does want to be the One that dries your tears.

I've also read posts addressing prayer taken out of school etc. Yes the government messed up when they took prayer out of school, but that was only the beginning. The list of rules and regulations and dos/don'ts that have come since then is just plain ridiculous. Hence the need for more Christian teachers to take a stand. I've heard the old adage that as long as there are tests in school there will always be prayer in school, while the same is true for Christian teachers and prayer. While the stand we may take is silent, I can assure you there is prayer still in school. We can't initiate it, but we can take our requests to God throughout the day. I think too many times we look at prayer as closing our eyes and bowing our heads, but it is so much more than that. It really is just like talking to yes throughout the day there are teachers praying, not out loud but silently in their hearts. You don't hear about it because it's between them and God. It's one of many things teachers do that you don't always hear about ;-) (buying lunches, Christmas presents, conversations spent just listening to parents talk just to name a few etc.). My prayer each and every day is to just live it for Him. He'll put people and situations in your path to love and be a light for Him. Love is a language all can understand.

God gave me a word earlier this school year (when I was asking a why question no doubt), He said to love them. Love them like He loves me. Love without question, Love with grace, and Love with forgiveness. Love with His love. That's a blog for another day though ;-)

So many of you reading this may be feeling fear and wondering what tomorrow may hold. Well I can't tell you what tomorrow holds either, but I can tell you who holds tomorrow. If I've learned anything this month it is that we can plan all we want, but He directs our steps.(It's a lesson I've had repeated every couple of years). We can make plans and God encourages that, but in the end we still have to place those plans in His hand and just follow His next step. I don't know the details about your tomorrow(or mine ;-)), but if you are a Child of His...I know He's got you. He knows what time you will get to work, the traffic you will encounter, the people you will meet tomorrow, and the ones who will need you. He also knows how you are going to feel tomorrow. He knows your heart and the fears that you  have.  The quicker you give fear over to Him, the faster faith can take over. When fear knocks at your door, let faith answer. Fear is always going to be around, that is the world we live in, but faith is there too for those of us who are children of the Most High.

So walk into tomorrow, trusting Him with your fear(and other feelings), and having faith that each step you take will be ordered and covered by Him.

Live each day for your audience of One! Don't let a moment slip by without giving it your all, without telling those who you love how much they mean to you, and most of all knowing that He has you in the palm of His hand regardless of what the world throws at you.

Until next time,

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I've learned....

I wish I could pick a title for this one other than I've learned....that would mean I had only one thing to write about and one focus, but sadly not true. One thing I can say about being in the fire is, if you cooperate, eventually you start to see His reflection instead of your own. I've learned(the hard way) what dying to the flesh feels like, what biting your tongue when you want to say something back, about just doing what He says to do regardless, and about knowing that His plans are always higher and His plans always win.

I've learned that the knife in your back always hurts, but enough knives get stuck in and you start to give it over to Him a lot quicker. He didn't say we wouldn't feel hurt, but He did say He would use it all for our good!!  Again, His plans are always higher....may as well do it His way ;-)

I've learned that I've been Martha too long, I'm liking Mary more and more. Doing things for God is never wrong until it replaces being with God. Take the time to be with Him, and watch what you can do with the strength and the overflow He gives you! God's just beginning to do things and I'm ready to see where this next year goes.  Stay focused on the job/talent/gifts He has given you and just do what He has called you to do and be who He has made you to be period.

I've learned that boundaries are a good thing. Love everyone, but be careful who you let affect you. Also learned a BIG lesson(the hard way)...God has given you gifts and talents...Recognize them, use them when He gives you a chance, but stop giving them away just so others can use them to advance themselves. You have things that only you can do, helping someone is one thing, but when they take your idea and use it for their own......learn the lesson and MOVE on. Lesson being...go through the doors He opens, cause if you keep trying to open them on your own....He'll let you see what's behind the door.

Moving forward, God's got this and lesson learned the over the last week and half especially....only He knows what THIS is ;-)

Until next time,

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Conversation with God...

If you are on my Facebook, you know my weekend has NOT gone according to my plan. It's been one of those I'd rather forget about just to be honest. That being said, after I got done with my pity party(Yes I was entitled to one) and put things in perspective, God and I had a LONG talk last night. I was rather blunt and asked Him why more than once. We all get to those moments. We ask God why...its usually then hopefully we realize His plans are not always our plans. I learned a long time ago this truth, but apparently I forget it from time to time. God knows what He is doing, our job is simply to trust Him and follow His lead. Things are going to happen to us, that is the world we live in I'm afraid. Life is not going to be a bed of roses or always go how we think it should. We will have bumps in the road and sometimes those bumps may knock us down. His hand will always be there to pick you back up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward. See the enemy wins if you stay down, the enemy wins if you keep thinking about what happened instead of moving forward. Standing still and sitting down are two separate things, but that is a blog for another day. So here's a glimpse into my conversation with Him last night.

Me: God, why did the deer have to come out when it did Friday night? I didn't really have time for that to happen.
God: Sweet daughter, If you had been a few seconds faster or the deer a few seconds slower, the damage would have been much worse to you and the car. I kept you safe that night, yes it may inconvenience you some, but this will only make you stronger. Remember I know what you can handle and how strong you really are. Just trust me.

*side note: I learned after the bus wreck a new definition of safe. Safe doesn't mean you may not end up with some bumps and bruises(or your car may not), but it does mean you will walk away knowing God took care of you and did what only He could do.

Me: God, why did my tooth have to mess up this weekend?? Dentist had said to watch that spot, but couldn't we watch it a little longer ;-)
God: Well, sweet princess, the tooth was going to mess up in 3 weeks but I thought you would rather take care of it now before you go to the beach.

Me: God that's two BIG things in one weekend....
God: Yes child I know. Remember all of that favor from over the summer and the opportunities that allowed you some extra income. Remember how I said to save it, well see I knew this weekend was coming and that you would need it. You did what I asked, so now even though you have been hit with two big things, you are at peace.

Me: God I'm sorry for complaining and having a pity party
God: Oh sweet girl, I know your heart. You were letting feelings have their way for a little while. I knew you'd come climb up in My lap and ask me what was up. I know you feel like you have a lot of stress coming from different directions, but remember I know your heart. You are stronger than you think you are and regardless of how you feel, you can handle much more than you realize. Keep doing what you are doing, trusting even when you don't feel like it, and letting Me remind you that I see you as princess always.

Me: I love you God
God: I know sweet girl, and I love you too...always

Sweet readers-I don't know what you have going on in your life right now. December is a month full of parties, memories, and just being busy. Don't forget about the reason for the season. I know that sounds cliche, but don't forget about the love He gave and share that love with others. We spent November being thankful, let's spend December giving. Stay in the word, there is truth to be found and amazing revelations that only come from Him. Take time to let Him pour back into you, God has things to show you, it's up to you to listen with your heart and look through His eyes! Thank you for letting me share.
Until next time

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blog or Bust night...

There are about three blogs in the works, but this is not one of them. The three in the works I assure you have some meat, but they are still being written. For now, I just need to write.

Today was the worst day I've had all month. It's like the enemy saw me get out of bed this morning, knew I hadn't slept much but had been up praying about a few things and said let's just see if she is ready for this. Well, I'm still trying to decide if I was ready for it or of right now the vote is no. This has been a day from start to finish that I would rather forget, but over and over today I've asked God for a chance to put the pieces together. Pretty sure I was even begging at one point for fear that this day would be lost to all of the drama that had engulfed it.

Lesson learned over the last two days, I'm not apologizing for who I am anymore. I've spent way too many days apologizing for things about me that God has more than once told me are a part of who I am. I've aplogoized for haing a heart too big that cares too much, to which God said....that is all a part of my plan, just look how many I gave you to care about. I've apologized for being too passionate about things, to which God said...I'd much rather have you hot than I can mold and work with. I've apologized for for standing up for myself, to which God was like umm....serving and love do not mean being a doormat.

I've been the push over one too many times and it hit a point today. I have feelings, opinons, and am pretty good at what I do if I am just given a chance. At one point today, I had decided that I give up on a which I heard(when I got quiet....don't give up when the adversary says to give in..)Hmm....

One truth:: The more you seek after God, the more the enemy seeks after you. This is so true! The more you set out to live out what God has called you to do, the more others are going to seek to tear you down. The devil(who is a liar by the way), will do what he can to wear you down. Be careful, be careful, be careful, be careful who you surround yourselves with and who you listen to. Hear my heart on this, I've learned the hard way. There are those in your life who love you for you and those that love what you do. Learn the difference before you decide what to do.

Believe in yourself and the power that you have within you. It is greater than what anyone says and can defeat any pity party(TRUST ME ;-)). God loves you for you and He always will. Now take that love and leave that mess with Him. Some days you just need to crawl up in His lap, cry a few tears, and have Him remind you He's got you and all of the pieces. Sweet reader, stay close to Him because you are about to mount with wings like an eagle and FLY!!

I hope some of this made sense and there were a few nuggets hidden within. I still have three blogs to write later, but tonight I just needed to write. Today was a day where I have felt worn to the bone and honestly felt horrible all the way around. We all have days like that...but on those days I challenge you with something He challenged me with. Ask Him to show you the God things in the day? He will show you. It makes those tears of passion, those feelings of being two inches tall because of the lack of respect, appreciation, and voice seem worth it. You defeat yourself more than anyone else does. You can't let someone else's treatment of you dictate how you feel about what you do. This is beginning to sink in. We all want those outward signs of appreciation and those outward signs of making a difference, but some times God calls us to a season between just us and Him. Times when you have to rely soley on seeing things through His eyes to keep doing what you are doing. It's a difficult season and often lonely, but oh so sweet. Believing in yourself is half the battle, be the princess He made you to be and just do what He's called you to do. Know His word and line it up with that, as long as they match keep walking forward.

Until next time,

Sunday, November 25, 2012

You have the right...........

to choose what you think about and for how long.

Yep I've heard Joyce Meyer and others say this more than once, but it has started sinking in over the last couple of weeks.  It really is up to you whether you hit delete or replay on things. Let that sink in for just a minute. You can't change what people say to you, what they say about you, or what they don't say or do. The quicker we realize that the only person we can change is the one in the mirror each day, the faster we are to letting God take over and start the process of us becoming more like Him. Let's face it though the more we try to change others, the less time we have to let God change us because our focus is not on Him, it's on them.

Know what He's called you to do and do it!! Then once you start to do it, be at peace with it. Sometimes we know what our calling is, but we fight it because we want to do more in the flesh. the flesh things will only lead to stress and frustration. Regardless of your feelings and what things look like, you are here for a reason, for a purpose, and there are things He has planned that only YOU can do. So quit comparing your life and you to someone else, and quit letting others compare you to other people. Remember He said when you have done all you can do to stand. Stand and let Him do what only He can do. Let Him remind you He's got your back(and your front for that matter ;-))

So where is this all coming from...revelation time and listening. Time to patch up the crack in the window, that the enemy has been using to get in and cause stress. Things are not going to always go as planned, but when you follow His plan through the twists and turns it may seem, it will always end up on the other side of the mountain. You are unique and you are one of a kind. He didn't make you to be like anyone else, so quit claiming and believing the lies that you are fed that you should be anyone other than who He made you to be. Last careful whose words you push replay. Not everyone in your life is meant to speak into your life. Jesus had 12 disciples, but He only had three in the inner circle. Trust your heart, line it up with scripture(1 John 4:1), and look at what fruit it leads to you in your life(doubt/discouragement or encouragement/hope). That will tell you whose words to hit delete on and whose you can replay. This is not an easy truth to get, but it's one I've had taught more than once and am slowly starting to see through His eyes. He'll teach you when to say yes and when to say no, who to listen to and who not, and when to speak up for yourself(or something else) and when to just stay quiet. I believe God called us to love and serve, but He did not call for us to be a doormat. We get ourselves in those "doormat" situations by trying to be people pleasers. Want to be truly happy? Let Him fill your schedule and trust me, you'll do more from the overflow then you could ever put on a to-do list. It's time to quit playing games and get busy about what He's busy about.

Give Him your five loaves and two fish and be ready to collect what is left! It really will be more than you could imagine ;-) (Yes He knows I love a picture to visualize).

Until next time,

Just FYI....when you start giving Him your thoughts and hitting delete more, be prepared for the enemy to slide in any chance he gets. Once it happens(and it will), repent, and patch the crack in the window again. It takes time to replace the world's words with His words, but in time He will be what you hear more than anyone else ;-)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankfulness and more.......

I've tried really hard on Facebook this month to participate in the month of Thankfulness ;-) so far so good...some days have been a little trivial and some deeper than others. I think God understands though...those little things that we call trivial are part of who we are. Those shows that make us laugh(aka Duck Dynasty) or those things that make us smile(aka white chocolate milk shakes at Steak and Shake).  I think, no I know God enjoys making us laugh and smile. He also enjoys when we say Thank You, because after all every good gift is from Him. I've also thought about where I'm at and where I'm headed this month, because face it if you are paying attention to the news, it is time more than ever for Christians to not be found lukewarm.

Most of all I'm thankful for what He has done for me. For those days when I feel like I've made a mess or things or like I'm a big old failure, a message or a text from a friend reminds me who I am. After all there is a difference in who I am and what I can do....He loves to remind me of that truth especially when I've seemed to forgotten it. Who I am, His princess...what I do, countless things! Balance comes when what you do comes out of the overflow of who you are. Some people love you for you, others love you for what you do. Know the difference between the two when deciding what to do. Too many times we change who we are for people who only want us to do something for them. Hear my heart....yes God said to love everyone and to go the extra mile, but I think we do ourselves a disservice when we take on trying to save the world without following His lead. We can get caught up in doing for God that we forget to spend time with God. When we reverse the two, things fall into place. Don't overwhelm yourself with so many "good" things that you miss out on "God" things. If He calls you to walk the extra mile, trust that He will walk it with you(which brings strength, wisdom, discernment etc.). When we open doors on our own, we walk through them on our own. When we walk through the doors God opens, He covers every word, action, and takes care of us as only He can. Now if you walked through a door on your own, confess and ask for forgiveness. He will meet you right where you are and help you to grow in the process.

Patience sweet reader, God's got more planned for you than you could ever imagine. He loves you right where you are and just wants you to follow His lead on this journey. He's such a patient guide though, because He waits until you are ready to follow His way alone. He's a patient Father in that He realizes sometimes a child needs to try things for themselves. He's gentle to pick us back up, clean the wounds, and say let's try this again. He loves you more than you love yourself and truly only wants what is best for you. He knows what makes you stresses you out, what frustrates you, and what makes you hurt. He also knows that sometimes these things will make you grow and make you more like Him. He holds you in the palm of His hand, trust Him to work it all out for your good. He promised in His word that He would.

Until next time,

One last thought: When your job starts to be too much(stress, frustration, paperwork overload etc.), slow down enough to hear His whispers and listen to His heart on the matter. He will remind you of a few things, I promise ;-) .....That's a blog to walk out before I write out

Friday, November 16, 2012

Puzzle Pieces

For as long as I can remember, God has used a puzzle box lid to teach me more than I could ever write in this blog. I remember putting puzzles together when I was younger and I always started by turning over all of the pieces on the front side. Then I would start by putting the corners in places. Next I would start trying to match pieces up by looking at the box lid. Slowly using the lid, the pieces would start to come together. It took focus though to stay on task and not get half way through the puzzle and want to quit and moving on to something else. Ever found one of those pieces that you were just sure fit into a certain spot? The odd shaped pieces were always tricky. I'd find a piece that I was sure fit somewhere and I would lovingly make it fit where I wanted to. Sometimes it didn't even matter if the color matched or not, when I was ready to be done the piece was going where I wanted it to.

Life can be like a puzzle sometimes. We have all had pieces that we wanted to fit into a certain spot, regardless of whether they worked there or not. We've had pieces that were odd shaped and only fit in one place(because after all that's how the puzzle maker planned it), but we get in a hurry and rush to guess what corner it matches. Those odd shaped days usually leave us going, umm...God help please or can you just tell me where this fits in your plan? Personally I've asked Him that last question more than once. Some how I think I can move on and keep going as long as I know how it fits. Honestly ask yourself a question, if you could see the box lid, would you really want to know? The truth that God is the only one that has our box lid keeps us leaning on Him. If we knew where we were headed, we would think we could do it on our own. I mean after all, when we think we know what's next we keep walking until we find the hole called distraction.

I can think of two vivid moments where I felt like the pieces were all jumbled up in my puzzle. I couldn't see how the pieces before me were ever going to come together to look like the masterpiece that God said was on the box. All of those odd-shaped pieces didn't fit where they looked like they belonged and the more I tried to act like I knew where the pieces went the more I realized I was clueless. When we get to the point where we finally give up, and realize this isn't how it is supposed to go, that's when God can work. As long as we have control of the pieces, He can't do anything. When we take those pieces and give back to Him(after all they are His anyways), and wait on His timing. That's another part where we mess up...because His timing and our timing is SO not the same. My average seems to be about two years, before I can start to look back and see how He put these pieces together. The only way to see how some of those odd shaped ones are going to fall into place, is to let Him do it.

I've realized only recently that I'm in another one of those odd shaped puzzle piece moments. I can look and see parts of me(aka puzzle pieces), but I can't see how they are all going to connect and fit together. Thankfully I have gotten the message finally, it's not my job to figure it out. The more we analyze the pieces and attempt to make them fit, the more frustrated and stressed we become. The more I step away from the puzzle, I realize His fitting the pieces to fit His plan not mine.

So what pieces are you holding on to and trying to make them fit? You can squeeze them in and push them in place, but it won't be a good fit unless you let Him show you where that piece belongs. He has a plan for each piece and together it makes a masterpiece that only He could design.

One word of caution(lesson learned the hard way)...When you start letting Him put the pieces in place and control is totally His, you will have an amazing sense of peace, perspective, and purpose. However, look out...because well meaning people will try to tell you where your pieces fit. Most of the time they have in mind what your box lid looks like and they think they can "help" you by showing you where everything goes. God has a plan just for you that only you can do. He has you where He wants you or He would move you, trust me(even if you are still trying to figure out how this piece fits into that puzzle ;-))

Until next time

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Making a difference........

Pretty sure God just smiles or may even laugh when we so sweetly pray, God I just want to make a difference. I know I've said it more than once ;-)

Whether you realize it or not, you make a difference each and every day. Sometimes it may be a positive difference and sometimes it may be a negative difference. Let that sink in, it took some time for it sink in for me. So in a way God is answering that prayer to make a difference, you my friend are deciding what kind of difference that will be. Sometimes to that positive difference, you have to ignore what others are saying. You have to move forward when everyone else seems to be standing still. You may even have to go a different route than EVERYONE else to stand up for what(or who) you believe in. Your head will tell you to go the route everyone else does, to live at the norm, or to just do whatever you feel like doing. Your heart on the other hand hears truth. Your heart knows which road to take, how to live above the norm, and to go against your feelings.

As Dr. Seuss would say, Today is your day you are on your way.

What difference are you going to make today? Are you going to be the one who sows that seed in someones life or are you going to to be the one who causes that seed to not take root? God has a plan for you that is  beyond your wildest imagination. The devil also has a plan for your life as well, and it is to WEAR you DOWN and OUT. If the enemy can keep you defeated, frustrated, and not productive, he's won. So on those days when life throws it all at you, remember God stands ready to catch it all. Breaking points will come, but God will always be there for each and every cry along the way home. He knows why you do what you do and despite what ANYONE else may say or do, He is smiling. Let yourself off the hook, you can never do it all, and it will never all be perfect, but God sees why you do what you do. His smile is the only one that matters. Keep focused and push past the pain. Endurance will develop eventually(at least that's why He keeps telling me ;-)).

Just wanted to end with this song that has ROCKED my world lately. What are you waiting for today?

Monday, October 29, 2012

A silent month

Well it has been a month since my last blog, a very LONG and trying month to say the least. It's been a growing month that's for sure. I feel like I've been stuck for a month, down for the count so to speak. I took one too many knives in the back and one too many darts from the enemy without my shield up. I've learned who to trust and who not to trust. I've learned who I can be myself around and those who just want to see what they can get from me. I've also learned whose opinion matters and whose doesn't. Please hear me when I say this was NOT an easy lesson. It has taken my energy, it's taken my voice, and above all it caused me to doubt myself. This was a lesson in not letting the word take root as well. It was a lesson in who are you going to listen to? The world or His voice. The enemy knows where you are weak, which buttons to push, and just how to wear you out(most of the time because we tell him with our own mouth). I have taken heart in the truth that he wouldn't be worried about wearing me out if he wasn't worried about what I could do, but GOD.

My God is bigger than what people think. My God is bigger than what people do. My God is bigger than that knife someone stuck in your back. My God is bigger than what people say. My God is bigger than anything. See when we lose focus on how big our God is, we concentrate on how big everything else is. Does God leave our side? No, but I think(well I know), He stands there patiently waiting and giving us time to figure some of this out on our own. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to say nothing at all, to let Him be your defender. We try so hard to do what we can, but eventually you reach a point where you can't do anything at all. It has to be God or nothing will work. You try to fit a puzzle piece into a space where it isn't meant to fit. Only God can change the shape when He puts the piece in place.

So I spent the last month depleted, trying hard to put back in what the world had taken out, and just thinking. I spent the last month writing in my journal instead of blogging(long story....). It was a sweet time, but it was also a lonely time. I am so thankful for friends who regardless of how much time passes, I can be myself around them(flaws and all). They love me for me and I don't have to do a thing. I saw these precious friends last week after a LONG time and got back up. God friends are friends who after you have spent time with them, you have the strength to get back up again. God friends give you what you need to move forward when the world tells you to just stay put. (You may ask where this term God friend comes from? It's a relationship only God gets the credit for).

So how do I know I'm on the other side of this finally, because I had a knife stuck in my back again today. Why do the ones that blind side us hurt the worse? So the question was poised.....Do I keep turning the knife and only hurt worse? or Do I let God take out the knife and in the process use it to cut off some more of me so that I can look more like Him? He won....

So if you are at the same point I was, quit letting what others say/do hurt you. I know it is easier said than done, but in the end the only person we hurt is ourselves. We let others dictate how we feel about ourselves, what we believe about ourselves, and how we see ourselves. This is not how it is supposed to be.....If you have a knife in your back, let Him take it out. He will use it for your good in the end. Will you have a scar and still remember the hurt? Yes, and during certain seasons you may even still feel the hurt, but instead of focusing on what you feel focus on what He did. It takes time to develop that mindset because its not the easy road. Life is mean and this world is cruel, it takes God's strength and His alone to stand when others push you down. I'm on my way along this journey and as He so sweetly told me last night, it's just another piece of me. (That is a blog later). I'm not perfect and I do not claim to be. I've gotten to know grace on a new level, but above all God knows my heart. He knows why I do what I do and in the end when I lay my head on my pillow, He is the only one that matters.

Until next time,

Saturday, September 29, 2012


I could title this blog so many things, so let's just some it up with thoughts. Over the course of these first six weeks, it's become evident that some students forgot things over the summer, some students just  need a little reminder and suddenly they remember the the lesson from before, and some students the lesson sticks and they are able to carry it year after year.

This was the picture for my discussion/listening session for last night. Some lessons I've learned and they have stuck, some lessons I've needed a reminder on, and some lessons(unfortunately) I keep have to relearn because apparently I didn't pass the first time. (God's version of passing and my version of getting it don't always line up). That could pretty much sum up the last couple weeks for me. God told me how to operate this year, did I listen? Not all the way. Is He going to give me a second/third/fourth etc. chances, always, He's that patient. He wants us to get it and for it to really sink in, not just get it and move on.

God has a greater and bigger plan for me than I could ever imagine. When I take my eyes off the path in front, that's when I seem to fall down. God is not the voice that compares you to other people, He made you to be unique and just the way you are. He would rather you not fit in a box that someone else built, He's got one just your size. So who's voice are you going to listen to? The one that says do it this way because that's what so and so is doing, why can't you be more like so and so, just do it this way etc. or the voice that says, I knew you before I met you, You are talented, gifted, and with me you can do all things. Hmm....

Are you hiding your talents because you are afraid of what others think? Are you listening to what they tell you to think about yourself and therefore putting a lid on something God never intended to be boxed up? Realize who He made you to be and trust Him for opportunities to share it. People may not always understand, actually I've found out the ones who truly love you for the you God made you to be are few and far between. Most like you for what you can do for them, treasure the God friends in your life who truly let you be yourself and develop your talents. It's not the falling down that keeps you down, it's the refusing to get back up just because you may be hurt or embarrassed. God didn't call you to be perfect(He's the only one that is), but He did promise to walk each step of the way. He can use the falls in life to make you more like Him, if you let Him. It's up to you if you are going to stay bitter and with a chip on your shoulder or if you are going to do it His way. On that note, do it His way first, it will save you time and strength.

Until next time,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tears, Truth, and Tuesday.....

Typically the year first few weeks of school are calm and start off rather easy. Notice I said typically....that has not been the case this year. I don't know, but I feel like I've been running non stop since we started with work days back in mid-August. I've decided(and realized), that organization as far as I consider organization is probably not going to happen this year, but balance must. There has to be something in between being lazy and being a doormat. I love serving and I love helping other people out, but after awhile you can feel used and rung out. If I had my way I'd wear my heart where others could see it. Then maybe when my flesh gets in the way, they would realize I still meant well. If I had my way, I'd also find the balance between standing up for myself and being a doormat. (Do you see a constant theme/phrase?? Yes there has to be more than being a doormat). God knows I'm trying, trust me if you could listen in on some of the conversations we have, you would be amused. This same mountain keeps popping up every couple of days though. I've climbed it, slid back down it, and tried to climb it again...only to stand there looking at it now and wanting to tell it where to go. Now for the truth revelation on the way home tonight(yes amidst the tears....there is always truth). That mountain is there because I am trying to move it. Guess what it's not a mountain I can move on my own....and yes I've given Him that mountain, but then I let flesh get in the way. I'll admit this dying to flesh lesson that God seems insistent I get is NOT EASY. The mountain may change faces, but the fact is still the same. Flesh wants revenge. Flesh doesn't like the knife stuck in your back that someone turned and you had to keep smiling through it. Flesh wants to be noticed, flesh wants praise. Flesh has a hard time being the bigger person and flesh also makes you think you are living in a doormat world. Not a fan of flesh these days as you can see. Flesh says I'm tired of putting up with this mess and flesh wants to tell that other person just how they made you feel. Flesh if not told to be quiet when in the mind, comes out of the mouth and there in lies my mountain. My mouth has gotten me in trouble my whole life(don't believe me, I have a few elementary teachers that could tell you some stories). As I've gotten older, the hardest lesson I've had to learn(and am still learning) is that you don't have to speak everything you think. If you are following your heart and are walking closely with Him, there are ALWAYS going to be people that seek to trip you up. He never said it would be easy and you know what it's not. It's not easy to watch people taking the easy road, not giving it their best, and yet getting the praise, the acknowledgements, the recognition, the easy way out. The truth He keeps reminding me of over and over and over and over.....I'm in charge of me and in charge of what I do with my time. When I lay my head on my pillow at night, I am accountable for what I did that day. Did I give it my best? Did I do what I could? Did I make a difference in some way? The enemy loves nothing more than to bring other people into that conversation...(he's a liar by the way) so don't listen to those thoughts.

God places calls/gifts in your heart and while other people may not can see it, you know it's there because when you are operating in it there is peace and there is fruit. I'll be honest with you sweet readers, God and I are having some SERIOUS conversations already this year about those God dreams. Only He can put this puzzle together. (He knows I've tried to guess and reason how it will all come together...gave that up a long time ago). He knows my heart and when I say that, He knows those dreams, those gifts, those talents. I'm ready for my season to bloom(yep I think that may be my next blog). I'm ready to see those seeds that have been sown grow and have a chance to see the fruit. I have seen glimpses through different things of what it looks like when I'm operating in that gift/talent/ He knows patience is not my strong point, but that fruit seed has been planted and whether I want to or not ;-) I may as well water it and help it grow this year. I have dreams that I'm not able to share, talents that I can't always use, and a heart that some won't take the time to see. I have so much more to offer than paperwork, but titles keep others from seeing the real me. The hardest thing is to keep walking this journey and to water the seeds God has planted inside of you to allow that fruit of the Spirit to grow. The more those grow...the more I can say less of me and more of Him. Oh there are more blogs to come, I can tell this phase of the journey is only beginning. I am thankful to be His princess, thankful that I've finally learned to look in the mirror and see what He sees even on days when I don't feel like, and blessed to know that He is the God of do-overs. His mercies are new every morning.

Everyone is not going to understand you, not everyone is going to be able to see your heart, and there will be times(seasons) in life when you will go, but God when.....(fill in the blank you know what you are asking). Those are the times when focus is key. You have to keep your eyes on Him and not looking to the left or the right wandering what everyone else is doing. You have to keep your eyes ahead and know that when they start throwing rocks(and they will), that He's got your back.

Some days the greatest truth can be heard through the tears, even when Tuesday feels like Monday.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

But God.....

Just a glimpse into my conversation with God sometime late last night/early this morning.

But God I just want to be pretty......Sweet child, true beauty comes from within.

But God I just want to make a difference....Daughter, be faithful where you are and let me do the rest.

But God this isn't exactly how I thought things would go...Rest, my plans are better than you can imagine.

But God I.....Yes princess ;-) I know your heart.

I love that even when we come to Him in one of those whiny moments(which I'm sure that sounded like at one point last night), He loves us just the same. He lets us climb up in His lap and reminds us that He's got the flashlight. Trust is not about knowing what comes next, but in about knowing who's lighting the way. Stay focused on His light, it's not always easy at times, but if you look His is the brightest and clearest.

One last thing: Believe in yourself, He always has! Sometimes the only thing God is waiting on is for us to go okay God, I get it. That's when  you start walking in the shadow of His light, taking the steps He tells you to, and not worrying about what is going on to the left or the right. He made you to be YOU and no one else. Quit thinking you don't measure up or you aren't good enough, look at whose standards you are using. God has the only measuring tape that is meant for you ;-)

Until next time

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oh me.....

I think I've said that more than I care to admit over the last two and half weeks. I'm harder on myself than most and to be honest I can be my own worst enemy. I've spent a lot of time thinking(probably too much) and not near enough time thinking. You know there comes a time when your thoughts will only stress you out, mess you up, and take you to levels(stress etc.) that you really don't want to go to. I'm also learning that stress in the head can only lead to stress in other places. Some days you run circles around your day, other days your day runs circle around you. I'm at the point where I have to stop and play catch up before I can run again. I've hit the ground running and I'm trying to keep up. Which has lead to this lovely blog...........(so I guess it wasn't a wasted moment). Some races are short distance, some are longer sprints, and some have a hurdle every few steps, and yet even some are ran with the help of friends. We all have races in our journey that resemble one of the races I just mentioned. If you watch a trained runner though when they run, they always keep their eyes ahead, they have one goal in mind and that's finishing well. That's how we should run our race....regardless of whether it is a short sprint or a leg of our journey jumping over hurdles. As long as we keep our eyes focused ahead and on the goal, we are going to run well. It's when we look down or around at what others are doing that we mess up and end up falling, or not finishing as well as we could. I just want to finish the race doing my best without getting run over by the other runners. (I know some of you can relate to that).

As hard as it is, it's not about what others do or don't do. God didn't call us to worry about them or compare ourselves to them(that truth is slowly taking root). You are responsible for the job you do. When you lay your head on your pillow at night, you are the only one God wants to ask about your day. He's not interested in what others did when He's talking to you about what you did. Be content at where He's called you to right now, He has a reason. This school year promises to bring more blogs, but in a different way than last year. Last year I was stressed to the max and usually when I reached the bottom or the breaking point, a blog would emerge when He would put me back together. This year it's about growing fruit. It's about keeping your mouth shut when all else fails and standing when you want to run. It's about staying the course and trusting in the one who holds the GPS. It's about knowing your heart and knowing the call He has placed on your life. Be patient sweet child, you will bloom when I'm ready(I've heard Him say this MORE than once). Trust Him, He knows you want to make a difference.

Until next time

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ah Ha moments....

I fall down, I get up...I fall down, I get up....I fall down, I get up....I fall down, He gets me up
Anyone else have this pattern before? The hard lessons seem to come when He has to help me get up. Those are usually the moments when I would sit and stay down if I could. The moments when you feel broken for whatever reason and only He can rebuild and put the pieces back together. The moment you realize that little whisper you didn't listen to which could have lead to this broken part on your side. I digress.

When God says to do something, take time for something, you have two choices. Do it His way or Do it His way after you try it your way. I missed one whisper(well let me preface saying, I didn't MISS it...but I didn't fight to stay with it(self-control and I not friends at times), and only after falling down hard this past week, did I find that whisper I tried to do my way. So after some serious seeking time, some seeking forgiveness time, and letting Him pick me back up am I ready to move forward.

So lessons learned from this falling down time:
  • Words hurt period. Regardless of how they are meant to come across, sometimes words are painful. Be careful what you say and always be willing to ask for forgiveness later.
  • Someone may need you to listen, not to try and do. Just listen. They will let you know when they need more than that.
  • Treat everyone with respect the way you want to be treated. The hardest thin to do sometimes is to smile, say yes mam, and walk away. Then you go to your room and have a good cry. Everyone has an opinion and everyone has a voice. Don't let titles keep you from missing out on the talent right under your nose.
  • You are responsible for you. Do what you can while you can, and trust that for the others taking the "easy" road, there is a harvest time for them as well.
  • Believe in yourself even if others don't. You know what God has placed inside of you. Do what you can to grow it, cultivate it, and let Him water it in His time.
  • Don't get back in the box God is done with and don't let others put you back in that box. Put the lid on it and move on. Don't let others put you back in it either.
  • Let God's word be the positive that helps you forget that negative someone else says.
  • Never forget to love on  yourself, otherwise you won't be able to love on others.

It's a new week and I am ready to move forward. You can't always forget, but you can forgive and move on. Don't let what others say about you be the words you remember, let them be what HE says about you. God called us to love others, He didn't call us to be a doormat. Sometimes standing up for yourself means staying quiet and moving on, trusting that when the opportunity arises to speak, He will give you the words to say.

Have a great week!
Until next time

Friday, August 10, 2012

She loved........

I have done WAY too much thinking over the last couple of days. My brain is full, and I am so ready to write. I'll do my best to stay focused. The question was posed in a training session this week about what would we want our legacy to be after we are no longer here. Well I got two words out and then I just couldn't go there any more. Why couldn't I go there? because that's me. I knew in my head what I wanted to say, but there was a block that couldn't write any further. I also knew if I went there there was no amount of chocolate that could get me back to a happy place that day. It was just one of those days. The verse and song at the bottom of the blog were the inspiration of what started the writing. The two words I got out were She loved. In essence that encompasses so much. Too many times we live our lives for other people. Understand, that's different than serving. Living your life for other people the way I'm talking about means living to meet others expectations. Living a life of service means doing what you can to meet the needs of others. You are responsible for you. That means, how you react(regardless of what others do or say), what you do with the time you have, and the mark you leave on this earth. Living in your gift means doing what you love(and are good at!), regardless of what anyone thinks, what you feel, or what others do. God didn't call you to make a difference at the expense of losing yourself. I've been in the woodshed so to speak over the last couple of weeks on beating myself up. (Some of you are reading this going, she would never beat herself up, and others are just smiling). Yes I am harder on myself than ANYONE else, and I know it doesn't make Him happy. He made me the way I am and He is so tired of my apologizing for things that He considers gifts. Here's the visual I was given: Imagine you give someone a gift, one you find pretty special. You are over at their house one day, and you hear them complaining about that gift. Oh they like it, but they get frustrated using for one reason or another and apologize because it doesn't work like it should(in their eyes, because in reality it does). Follow me? How would you feel? God gave us gifts, He wired us a certain way, and has plans for us that only we can do. There are doors He wants to open for just YOU, but you have to start walking first. Quit apologizing for the gifts He gave you, open them up, and use them. NO they may not always work like you think they should, but ALL things work according to His plan. You are a piece to this puzzle called life and the puzzle is not complete with your piece. Live your life that way. Live Him each and every day, and He will take care of the rest. 1 Timothy 4:12, is a verse I have loved for years. Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young(that means YOU). You have ideas and gifts to offer at any age. God will take care of the words, but first you have to be willing to open your mouth.
Live it for Him,
Until next time,


1 Timothy 4:12

New International Version (NIV)
12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


It has been an amazing summer(a crazy busy one and down right chaotic at times), but an amazing summer nonetheless. I haven't accomplished everything I had on my summer to-do list, but I don't think any teacher reaches the end of summer and says, yep I finished everything I had planned to do. I've done some things that were not on the list, and others will get finished as I walk into this new school year. I was reminded yet again this morning, that if we will listen, He will show us things about ourselves that we didn't know were there. He whispered something, that just made me smile. I didn't set out to accomplish it this summer, but through the course of the events He worked it out through me. I know some of you are sitting there wondering okay what's she talking about and why is the title labeled shadows. See I am a firm believer that God knows my heart better than anyone else. He knows my innate desires, those things that I'm too scared to tell anyone else, and He knows those weaknesses that I refuse to let show to others. (Yes you can hide your weaknesses with fake, but you can never hide them from Him.) He knows how He wired you and He knows what He has made you to be. He knew I needed to believe in myself like He believes in me. It's not about what others think, its about what I think and do. My actions speak louder than my words is such a powerful quote, but it applies to yourself as well. If you believe in yourself, it's not a pride thing, its a knowing who you are in Him and knowing that regardless of public opinion, you are called to live Him. Believing in yourself like He does, releases you from looking to others for approval and knowing that He will take care of that part as well. Through the course of events this summer and something a friend told me, I've realized some things about myself that I had hid for too long. I've played the part and stayed in the shadows, but there is more to me than that. There comes a time when you truly grasp what He says about you and realize that what others think does not make a difference. You are accountable for what you do, how you act, and what you say. You are responsible for how you react to what comes at you, regardless of how you feel. Life is not always going to feel good on the outside, you are going to get hurt and people are going to play mean, BUT that doesn't need to/have to affect how you see yourself. It is God's job to understand and figure out why others think the way they do and act that way, not yours. You may not understand why someone did something, that's okay. Confess it/Speak it and move on....knowing that you will never truly understand so why let it continue to eat away at you. Don't put God in a box and don't put yourself in one either. Too many times we have in our minds what we want to have happen, where we want to go and God has so much bigger in store. The thing you may be seeking, may in God's plan just be a stepping stone. Don't set your eyes on the here and now. Okay this blog is getting long enough...It's really my heart on paper without getting specific. Last thing on the title, the only shadow you should be seeking to follow is God's. When you step where He steps and go where He goes life will be good. Don't follow(or let someone else direct you to follow), another person's shadows. You are YOU and God made YOU to do things that only you can.
Until next time,

Blog to come:
Live your heart, make your time count, and take the time  you need to invest in those who need you. There is a difference in need and use. Spend time with God and He'll show you the difference between the two.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

You see......God sees

You see today, God sees your tomorrow.
You see the mountain, God sees your moment.
You see the problem, God sees your potential.
You see the struggle, God sees your strength.
You see your feelings, God sees your thoughts.
You see your actions, God sees your heart.

Monday, July 23, 2012

10 nuggets for the day....

I may elaborate on these later, but for now....they speak for themselves.

  1. Sometimes the best players are the ones sitting on the bench. Until you give someone a chance, you may never know who can score the winning point or make the pass that wins it all.
  2. Put "it" in His hands and then walk away. Be careful which way you are walking ;-) so many times we put it in His hands and then run back to where we just came from, when we need to keep moving forward trusting that He's got it.
  3. The best thing to do sometimes is to just to stay quiet(but it is also the hardest).
  4. Actions last longer than words. Let them speak for who you really are.
  5. Do what you know is right REGARDLESS of what anyone else does. So many times we worry about what others are doing that we forget to stay focused on what we are called to do. We are only responsible for ourselves and what we do represents our integrity.
  6. Are you frustrated, stressed, overwhelmed? Take an inside and look and find out where you are out of balance. Could it be that you have lost your focus? (Note: We lose our focus when we take our eyes off of God and what He's called us to do and place it on what others are doing).
  7. Let God lead your investments. Time is one of the most precious things we have. Spend it wisely. Be leery of people who only want you to invest in them, but have no desire to invest in you at any point in your relationship. These investments have their place, but good things are not always God things. Let God lead you to those investments and He will be the one who invests back in you.
  8. So you have a mountain in front of you, good ;-) God has one of two things in mind, both require Him all the way. It may be a mountain for you to climb or a mountain for you to move. Each one requires a different type of strength and power that is already inside of you.
  9. Get victory over the little things and watch the bigger things fall into place. If a cookie has power over you, what does that say? (In other words you can put it down and walk away). Have a little faith and trust.....God loves to work when you have no idea how it's all going to come together.
  10. Believe in yourself and remember who you are in Him. God has special talents and abilities inside of you. He has called you to do things only you can. Listen to Him and walk where He says to walk, otherwise that 11 day journey may take 40 years. Be who He has called you to be and not what others may want you to be. Trust what His word says, that He will give you the words to say when it is time. Don't speak out of pride or spite, but when your voice needs to be heard(those moments in your gut when you know you should speak, but fear says what will others think), is the time to let Him speak through you. Trust me, looking back now I've missed several opportunities to let my voice be heard all because fear told me I had nothing worthy to say.
Personally I think all 10 of these are a nugget in themselves(at least they have been for me the last couple of days). Take Him at His word, speak the word when you don't know what else to say, and trust Him! He didn't bring you this far, to let you run backwards. He has a plan in the work and doors that only He can open for you to walk through. All He is waiting on you to do is to place it ALL in His hands and keep walking forward.

Until next time,

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just a blogging moment.....

Okay I know long time without any writing, but I can promise He's been writing so much. I'm walking out a journey finding who I am and learning to be okay with that. This is not a traditional blog post as far as devotional format, but it's just me writing for a little while and letting some things out. I keep a lot to myself. I've been burned one too many times when I opened up to other people, so I'm finally learning who I can trust and who I can't. I've learned who loves me for me and who loves me for what I can do for them/give them/or who they want me to be. A rare find is to find someone who loves you for you and doesn't want to change you in anyway shape or form.(Please note: someone with skin on is what I mean in this situation). I know that my Heavenly Father loves me for me no matter what. I promise you that reality is so, life-sustaining. I've finally got to the point in my journey when I know beyond a shadow of doubt where I stand in my relationship with Him. I'm harder on myself then He is, but I'm moving forward in the journey. Life is a journey and the more you get back up, the further you will walk on that journey. I think He smiles when regardless of our weaknesses(notice I didn't say flaws), we can look in the mirror(outside or inside) and see ourselves as He sees us. Trust yourself to listen when He says to walk this way, and listen when He says stop, and listen when He says I love you. Sometimes we keep going when God says rest. We stop when He says walk this way, and when He says I love you we go, but I've fallen down. No one is perfect, but when you can learn to walk in those strengths and gifts that you do have, while strengthening your weak areas(I refuse to call them flaws anymore.) you find that you smile through the day regardless of what is going on. Love God first and foremost, love yourself(not in a prideful sense, but like He loves you) and when those too are in place you will love others the way He loves them. I know some say JOY is Jesus first, others second, yourself last. I took that literal for too long and beat myself down when I didn't have to. There is more to me than some can see, more than some will ever see, and more than I could see at first. I'm so thankful for open eyes and being able to see through His for this season. There is a peace when you know He's got your back, and you grasp on to that truth and walk in it. It takes time, please understand it takes time. Most people will not understand when you start walking in this new freedom. Some will want that door mat back, that gossip ear, that "friend" who always took care of it when you forgot or were too lazy to do so. The only box, cookie cutter, that you were made to fit inside of is the one God made for you. When you try to fit into the box(or let someone else stuff you inside of it), frustration, discouragement, etc. tend to happen. As a Christian, we all have the seeds of the fruits of the Spirit inside of us. It takes time and a little water to help those seeds grow, but they will with time and attention. I've decided(well God told me) which fruit to focus on now. It's one of those it's time and I might as well quit ignoring the self control/discipline excuse monster that I have feed for the last two years. Okay I feel like I've rambled on this blog some, but I hope it made sense. Love yourself as He loves you, listen for His whispers on what to do, He'll tell you who to help and what to get involved in. When something happens, seek forgiveness and then FORGIVE YOURSELF. Often times we are harder on ourselves than anyone else is. Don't beat yourself up when you fall down, but get back up and keep walking forward. When you mess up, fess up, and then move on from it. Being a Christian doesn't mean you will never make mistakes, but it means you have someone to help you learn from them. You know better than anyone else what God has called you to do. Trust Him to show you which way to walk, and let Him take care of the explaining.

It's a new turn in the journey and I'm sure more blogs are on the way. He's just good like that ;-)
~Until next time,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

His hands or Yours?

Where are your weaknesses? Where are your fears? I was reminded of this visual God gave me last week again tonight. Think of your weaknesses as those things that trip you up, those things that the enemy knows about it(those buttons so to speak). Where are they at? Are they still in your hands, where you are trying to do the best you can to fix them or overcome them? OR Are they in His hands, where He alone can take care of things?

Take that weakness or that fear, that you spend a lot of time thinking about (whether you mean to or not)(that if only.....). Now place it in His hands and as you walk away He takes it and wraps His hands around it like a fist. Now keep walking, but wait there comes a thought (Be it, if only I looked a certain way, if only I could do this, if only this person would, if only this would happen, (Get the picture?).....are you going to entertain the thought or keep reminding yourself, It's in His hands, it's in His hands?

There are some things that only God can fix. Some things that we can only overcome with His strength and His power, basically things we can only overcome with Him. So continuing to think about it is like prying open His hand and exposing that weakness to the enemy. Remember God said in His word, I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. If it's something that is a part of His plan(and you'll know it when it is), trust Him and leave it in His hands. Keep walking forward knowing that He's got it.

Now I would love to tell you that once He showed this picture, I was able to take it and make progress. Not always.....there have been some days with a couple of those weak areas that I've had to apologize when I've let flesh have its way and played on that weakness. So I have envisioned myself going back and wrapping His arm back around that "thing" ;-)

God knew our weaknesses when He made us. He didn't make a mistake. The weaknesses make  you a part of you(just like your strengths do). Those weak spots are not to make you feel bad about yourself (or for you to let other people make you feel bad about yourself). You are a precious creation in God's sight. He loves you just the way you are and thinks you are BEAUTIFUL!!! (Side note: If God has told you to exercise more, eat better etc. then do it(yes I'm speaking to myself here, but do it not because you want to weigh a certain amount, but because you want to be healthy to do what God has planned for you(guess what pounds will come off when you get healthy). As the childhood song says, we are weak, but He is strong. Turn those weak spots over to God and keep walking forward.  God's got it and can do more with them than you ever dreamed possible. When the thoughts come(and they will), just keep saying It's in His hands. After all, you really can't do anything about it anyway ;-)

Until next time
More to come soon ;-)

Friday, June 8, 2012

I'm a part.....

I am a part of all I have met ~Alfred Lord Tennyson

I first heard this quote when I was in my 11th grade English class. I didn't know then that it would still be something that would resonate within me today. This time of the year is always a time for looking back, but with turning 30 I guess I've been doing memory lane more than usual. If you are on my FB, you may have picked up on that. I guess I've also realized that sometimes even the smallest things may make the biggest difference. What we see as a small gesture, a word in passing, or just being there may not be small to the other person. When you are doing what you are supposed to do, it's not small. It may seem small, it may feel small, but God can multiply what you do just like He did the loaves and fish. We all have pieces in our lives that make us who we are. Sometimes you may need to show the pieces that helped get you to where you are(especially for people you meet later on in life). People that have known you for awhile have seen the pieces come together.

You are a part of all you have meet, whether you realize it or not. As a teacher, I've realized that more each year. I was blessed to grow up with some amazing teachers. They demonstrated to me what it was like to not only teach, but to care. Their example is what I try to emulate each day. Some days you get bogged down with paperwork and what's expected, that I'll admit it's hard to see if all the time is worth it. It is, may not seem like it at the moment, but it is. Some God calls to run the race where they can hear the cheers along the road, some of us have a race where we not see/hear the cheers until we get closer to the finish line(Those are the moments when I hold fast to the verse about our rewards being in heaven). Watching some amazing young people graduate this year reminded me, the little things do make the difference. The teachers I had in school were in it to make a difference(I went to a private school so they had to be, because it wasn't for the money), they wanted to be there. They had learned it was about creating those ripples though. They knew that they were there to teach and impact our lives for the time that we were at Madison Academy and today they are reaping some of that harvest. They may not see it, but every student has grown up to do something and is reaching others. 

I can look back and see some amazing doors God has already opened. Some friendships that are God sent, some paths that crossed that only God could have crossed, and some moments that have shaped who I am. I saw this year that when you(your personality, who you are) is split in half, it's hard to stay focused. Last school year was a struggle for me in so many ways, but it taught me SO many lessons. Some of which you have read on the blog. I often felt like I was doggy paddling, struggling to get to shore, and wanting someone just to throw me a life raft so I could float to shore. The bumps in the road, the scrapes from the fall, and the exhaustion from running are all things that help shape us to be that person God made us to be...IF and only IF we will let them. We can be like a stubborn child intent to do it our way and follow our feelings, but it will only keep us frustrated. We can choose to do things  His way, follow the rules, and trust Him to lay it all out. Sometimes His way may be the road less traveled, but it will make all of the difference. I've learned(more on another blog to come later), that God will take care of the reward, God is a God of order and not chaos, and God has a set of rules(game plan) for a reason. Sometimes our lovely flesh does not understand when others get away with things that are 1.) are either breaking the rules 2.) not following the rules 3.) not doing anything but getting all of the credit/accolades. God will help you understand when it's time and He will take care of the reward, all He asked you to do was to follow the rules, do what you know its right, and stay the course. The right road is never the wrong road even if it doesn't feel like it's the right road. Trust doesn't always mean you can see the next step, but you know who has the flashlight ;-)

I'm not perfect. I have several scrapes and bruises from along the journey. Some have left scars, but I've learned a lot in a short amount of time. Things that I thought mattered, don't really matter any more. The true test is not who wins the race, but who keeps getting back up when they miss the hurdle. God's not looking for someone to finish first, He's just calling us all to finish. God made you special. He didn't use a cookie cutter to make you. He made you one of a kind. Those pieces that have come together to take you to the point you are now, have helped make you who you are. Don't apologize for things that are a part of you, forgive yourself when you do fall down, and remember there are things that only you can do. Run your race smiling and knowing that you are making a difference doing what you do!

~Until next time

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Blog or Bust...

Wowie...apparently when you start this decent down the mountain, look out. The enemy is after you(of course if he wasn't scared of what you could do, he wouldn't care so much about what you do, do). I have learned that today in so many ways. Today has been a day. It's been hard to maintain focus and peace. To make matters worse, physically my head is about to explode, and mentally it has felt that way as well. It's life at times, I know that, but I did have a small meltdown this morning. The balance got messed up and the to-do list started to tip the WRONG way. I wanted to crawl in my turtle shell until I calmed down inside, but that's not how life goes. So life goes on, and for those who may have gotten the wrong end of me today, I apologize. My life is crazy times two right now and I'm doing the best I can. 

Okay so blog to come soon is from a conversation God and I have been having. It was on trust. It went something like: Me: God I trust you, God: I know you do, now trust yourself.

Sometimes I feel like God has the light shinning on the next step, but I don't trust myself to step into it. We doubt ourselves so much, that we hinder some of the good things God has waiting. Trust yourself to do what He's told you to do, and then do it. The first step is the hardest, but it will get easier with time.

We all just want to know that what we spend our lives doing is making a difference some how. We want to know that our day hasn't been wasted. Here's a thought(and one I'm still chewing on for awhile), seeds grow in different seasons and at different rates. You may not be able to see the difference you are making, but if you are doing what God's told you to...then BELIEVE that you are. It's not easy, because we are our own worst critics, but guess what tell yourself you are making a difference and that God appreciates what you are doing and the heart you do it with(because He does). We pray and ask God to send us encouragement some days, but sometimes that is meant to come within.

God knows when your tired is tired, and He promises rest. Remember though, rest may come physically, mentally, or spiritually. That's a blog still to come because it's still being written.
I've seen what peace looks like and I REFUSE to go backwards. It's a fight some days to stay put and keep walking in it.
IEP's are waiting so I'll have to wrap this up....I'm sure there is more to come as they are being written on my heart now. They'll be typed soon. Thanks for reading! Share and follow if you get a chance....
Until next time,

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The "I don't care" syndrome

You know when you get to that point where the revelation starts to really take root? I'm talking about that point when you start to get it and you can see God smiling going, finally? Those moments can exhaust you, but when you wake up and realize the roots are starting to grow...ahh it's a good feeling.

So I've been plagued with the "I don't care" syndrome this year. The sad thing is it's been the wrong I don't care syndrome.  I've gone through some changes at work and then there is that turning 30 thing which caused me to re-evaluate a few things. I cared more about what others thought of me, what others did, and what others said(or didn't say). In doing this, I've lost myself in the process. I quit caring some of what I did(hello I can count on two hands how many times I've been to the gym this school year...that's not me). I can fix me(okay so before anyone goes you can't do anything without God etc., yes I am fully aware its me +God to do anything(really it's just Him). I'm at the point though where He's told me what to do, it's just up to me to do it.) So at that point I can fix me by doing what He's already said to do. I digress....

I've learned what the old saying means about "leading a horse to water but you can't make him drink".You can lead the horse to the water, you can even dunk his head into the trough of water, but only the horse can make the decision to drink.  I am responsible for me period. I am in charge of what I say, what I do, and what I think. That being said, why do we let what others say and do mean so much to us? God knows our heart, He knows why we do what we do....our motivation shouldn't be what others say, but what He will once say. I care(a little too much some days), but it's been on the wrong things. Caring about what others do(when its obvious they will not change and you can't help them) will only lead to frustration and stress. Do your thing, care about what's in your lane, your journey....those things on your God path and He will  bring everything else into place. We can lose ourselves trying to put band-aids on things only God can heal(fix).

So as I said to someone yesterday...I don't care anymore about "it". In the last week and a half, I've turned 30 and had the flashlight yanked back on this journey. I went from seeing how the pieces would fit together on something to taking it one piece at a time. Talk about a stress filled  cloud....(Just because there is a cloud hanging around, doesn't mean it will always rain...(but that's another blog).  So this road on the journey as I look ahead for now, is to just be the best Melissa I can be. To love all I can, to give as much as I can(to myself and others), and to not lose sight of what really matters and what doesn't. To just enjoy the journey called life and to be happy ;-) Being happy is a choice by the way....

Change what you can, pray about the rest, and enjoy the day. God has a plan in all of it and one day He'll show you how the pieces fit together, until that time do what you can and just breathe. Everyone may not understand you(appreciate or like you) and it's okay! Be confident in who He has made you to be, who He has called you to be, and care about what He cares about.

Until next time

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who has your flashlight?

I've repeated this lesson more times than I care to admit. Sadly knowing myself as well as I do, I am probably not finished with it either. So who has your flashlight?

You're on this road that we call life. It's a journey we all have to travel and a road we all have to walk. Some parts are straight and easy(those yellow brick road days), others remind you of the forest where you don't know what's lurking in the trees(think back to Wizard of OZ and you'll get the picture).

So who's holding your flashlight? Are you missing the pot holes or do you keep falling down? Chances are if it's you holding the flashlight, you are not as focused as you need to be. You may be looking at what's all around you instead of focused on what lies ahead. Looking around you see all of those distractions and then oops, you find yourself flat on your face laying in the road. You missed that rock in the road and you tripped because you were looking around instead of looking ahead. Oops....

New scenario....God's got your flashlight walking right next to you. You are focused on what lies ahead, and you see the rocks in the road so you can walk around them. You don't seem so focused on what's around you, but on where you are going. As long as you follow where He shines the light, no scrapes, no bumps, no bruises.

Faith is not knowing what the next step is, but in knowing who is holding the flashlight. It takes faith to not be in control and to trust that He's not going to let you fall. Trust Him, He hasn't let you fall(or fail yet). Now should you take the flashlight back for a little while(and we all do one time or another...we are human and flesh), rest assured He will be there to help you back up after you fall, put a band-aid on your wounds, and gladly take the flashlight back when your ready. He wrote the story you are walking, so He knows how each chapter begins and ends. Just take each word at a time and enjoy the story, it's yours :-)

Until next time

My box vs. God's box

Finally slowing down long enough to listen so three our four blogs are in the work....This one is from this morning.

I don't know if it's just me or not, but I love it when God gets personal with me. Some days He steps all over my toes, some days He just reassures me like a Daddy would, and some days He poses that question that leaves me speechless. This morning was one of those mornings. I was driving to work(remember I have a 45 minute minimum drive) and was getting ready to for some of my typical prayers. (Okay before I go on...think about that for a many times do we keep asking God for the same thing, over and over all because He answered in the way we asked so we don't see that He's answered. Hmm...) So I was asking God again why a certain prayer hadn't been answered, and He lovingly showed me a small box, then a larger box. What He said next left me speechless for awhile(cause I had to think about it ;-))......He asked me why do you keep asking me for your box, when I've given you mine(pointing to the much larger one). I thought about the verse Ephesians 3:20 which says God will do exceedingly above what we could imagine, and then I asked myself why do I?

Why have I  been so set on a certain prayer within my box getting answered, when it was just a small "thing" compared to what God wanted to do? Hmm....sometimes we can't see Him working because we have our eyes focused on what we want. What I was asking God for was on a small level(and yes pride was involved)...what He worked out and the doors He has opened our on a much bigger level. God doesn't do things half way, when He moves, He moves. He opens doors others would think were impossible, and He moves mountains that others could only look at. God's the only one who could take a prayer for doing something small and answer it with some big.

Lesson in this: Don't limit God. When you ask Him for things, ask for His box, not yours. God's plans are so much bigger and so much better. Get your eyes off of what you thought you wanted and realize, His plans are for your good and to help you to move forward.

Until next time,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Some days you just have to take the lid off of it....

So I turned 30 last week...( I know some of you are thinking I wish I could go back to 30 etc.). It wasn't the turning 30 that bothered me, but the fact that I had so many things on "my list" that I wanted to have finished by the time I turned 30. (lose weight, buy a house, get married, a kid or two etc.) Trouble was it was "my list" and not necessarily "His list". Do I think all of those things are a part of His list, yes but it's just not time. I truly believe He'll give you the desires of your heart and He hasn't changed my heart yet. I was reminded several times last week that your who and your do are two separate things. How I wish some days that what is on the inside could shine out, that others could see more of who I am(and not just what I can do/or not do)....sadly that's not how the world works at times. Get comfortable with who you are and not worry about what others do/say, and eventually your feelings(and others) will get in line. That has been the biggest lesson I've learned/am still learning this year. Be happy with who YOU are, who HE made YOU to be, and just live your life period. Not every day is going to go your way, not everything is going go as planned, it's life. Chances are if you look back over the day, there is something you can find that made you smile, something you were proud of, and hopefully something that made Him smile. That's what matters in the others the best you can, but love yourself as well. Don't beat yourself up at someone else's expense. Love for others doesn't mean you lose who you are in the process. God gifts are not forced and will not reap condemnation, but everything falls into place. When it's a God gift, you forget about what you are doing, and you just do.

Speaking of gifts, every Christian has a gift(or gifts) inside of you. You'll never know what the gift is until you take the lid off of it. Then once you take the lid off of it, you have to try it on to see if it fits. When it's Christmas morning, you don't just leave the presents under the tree...when it's time you take the lid off and see what's inside. You don't go shopping and buy new clothes without trying them on at some point(okay yes at some stores I can buy without trying on, know what I mean). Sometimes to find out how your gift fits, you have to the take the lid off and just try it. You'll know when it feels right regardless of how others think it may "look". You may need to work a little before the fit becomes just right and you may need to lose a few things you have become comfortable carrying, but in His time it will fit and the world will see what you saw when you first took the lid off.

When you ask God to give you His eyes to see some things through, be prepared for some tears. Often times when we look at it with His eyes, we get ourselves out of the way and it can break your heart. We all have that innate desire to know that what we do matters, but I've learned this year(well actually had it drilled into my head with repetitive practice), that you have to first know that what you do matters. As long as you believe what you are doing is making a difference, you may hear the splash but you may not always see all of the ripples that come. You may see the seeds being planted, but you may not get to see the bloom. There are no small parts because without the seed you would never have a beautiful rose ;-)

It's Mother's Day all those who have ever loved a child with a Mother's love(be it your own, an angel you have waiting in heaven, or the children God places in your life right now that you help each day)...Happy Mother's Day! If it's not your time yet to be a "mom" in the traditional sense, keep trusting Him, but while you the kids He places in your path. You never know the difference you may make in their lives.

Until next time!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekend wisdom part 2

Sometimes we make things difficult. God called us to simply love. Love ourselves, love others, and love doing what He's called us to do. The enemy is out there and while he can't touch YOU because you are a Christian, he can take your joy, your confidence, your time etc. If you are looking to be happy with anything or anyone other than God, you are sadly going to be let down. Even the best of Christians are still that humans at times. Let them off the hook, like God has let you. I have been reminded lately that those who can truly love YOU for YOU are not always in abudance. Cherish those friendships/relationships, realizing that the most important one is the one with God. I can't explain how He and I have the relationship we do, but it's been a journey that's still in the making. I asked God seven years ago for deeper and He's been faithful to answer that. (Side note: if you ask for a deeper more intimate relationship with Him, be prepared, sometimes to get to that intimate place it has to be just you and Him. That's not always easy). Sometimes that journey gets lonely because you have to get to the point where you realize, He is all you need. On to the gift inside of you, you'll never know what it is if you don't take the lid off and you'll never know if it fits or not until you try it on. (Side note: Just like shopping with a friend, be careful whose opinion you listen to about what looks right and what doesn't). Remember it's your dream and it's your journey. You are accountable for you. Quit caring what others are getting away with(They are sowing thier own "harvest"). Don't intervene until God says too(because then you have His favor and His grace).  Sometimes the encouragmenet you keep asking God for is meant to come from  you(a song you may hear, a verse you read, something God speaks to you), quit looking for it in people. God-encouragement gives you what you need to pick yourself up and keep going. I just want to have Him say one day, well done.  Until then, I'm learning(slowly at times) what this love walk is all about and the ups and downs of this journey. Those "big" moments in life when God shows up and shows out are important reminders and can sometimes be that encouragement we need to pick ourselves up when we are ready to just quit. A new part of our journey now is looking at each day for those moments when He shows up and shows out.   

Until next time

Weekend wisdom

 I'll try to keep this short and sweet ;-) I never know when I start out with one of these if it's just for me, for someone else, or for both. Some days it's a blog or bust (In other words I gotta say it to someone and this is my outlet for now).
  • If God gave you a dream, He gave it to you period. In other words, His dreams can't be taken away. His dreams will come to pass when it's time. Now if only He'd give us a time table, but that's not always how things go ;-)?
  • Don't switch off the gift(s) God has placed inside of you. Some people may not understand and some may not agree with it, but if God gave it to you(good test if it's God given....can you see a time He has used it in the past???), it's not to be hidden. There are so many treasures inside of you, uncover them, unlock them, and there you will find the keys to walk out some of your prayers. Fear will keep your mouth shut when God said to open it. Fear also has another name and it's called people pleasing ;-).  Speak when He says too, if you stay quiet, you may not be the only one missing out on the blessing.
  • God never forgets what you ask for and when it's time He will bring it to pass if it's part of His will. It may just not look like what you specifically asked for ;-) Don't limit God or try to keep Him in a box.
  • The same power that raised Lazarus and told demons where to go is inside of you...use it! Too many times we excuse away the very thing God gave us to use to fight.
  • God's given you so much, He's just waiting on you to realize what makes you special. Don't let others push down what God has tried to push up ;-)
God knows your weaknesses, and God always provides (think about Moses and Aaron). Moses didn't need Aaron to talk, but it made him feel better and it gave him the confidence to go forward with what God told Him to do. Tell God your but statement, and then when He answers, walk forward and quit making excuses. Enough for now......More to come soon, He's writing just know that ;-)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Where are you at???

Call it reflecting, call it getting close to my birthday, call it whatever you want, but I'm in a thinking mood;-)

So where are you at? Are you moving forward or are you stuck in one spot? Are you frozen or are you focused on what's ahead? Where are you going and where are you at? So many times we look at this journey focused on what's happened in the past and what we have coming up in the future, but what are we doing with this thing called today. Are you letting what others think matter more than what God thinks? Do you have His plan in view or are you doing the day your way? Is love your main focus or is pride leading this? Where are you at? There comes a time when  you need to look at where you are at in your journey and take inventory. Sometimes if you are stuck or find yourself not going anywhere, look around. I bet you can figure out why you are where you are. God didn't call you to walk the journey alone, but He didn't call you to walk with an army of people either. I've said this before, but I'm repeating it again here for good measure. Not everyone you were meant to effect, was meant to affect you. Just because God placed someone in your path to see your light, didn't mean that He wanted theirs to burn you. You are accountable for you period. It's hard to walk straight ahead when you keep looking around at what everyone else is doing. You are responsible for you period. So where are you? What's God doing in your life today? That question was part of the sermon Sunday and it stuck with me. I have several "memory stones" that I can look back and see God's hand, I can see where He carried when I couldn't walk, where He used me to do some AMAZING things, but those are all in the past. They help me stay focused and redirect me when I look away, but lately I can't put a finger on anything "big". At least so I thought......How many times do we keep an account of those "big" things and forget about the "little" things? That time we sent that friend a text just right when they needed it, that listening ear we gave when someone needed to talk, that prayer whispered in the middle of the night because God woke us up, that time you took to believe and invest in someone when no one else would, and most of all those doors that keep opening and the favor that keeps coming that only and I mean ONLY God can give. So many times we look at only those "Big" things God does, and we forget those moments throughout our journey that make us who we are. Have those big things impacted my life, why yes they have? BUT those little things have made me who I am. Hence the title of the blog, moments along the journey. It's those moments along the journey that shape us, mold us, and give us a reason to keep walking. It's those moments that make the diamonds that you share with others. You have a journey that only you can walk. There is a part that only you can play. Don't rush His timing, don't run ahead, and don't open the doors on your own. If you open the door, you have to keep answering it. If He opens the door, He takes care of it all.

If God has given you a dream, let it take root. When it's time it will bloom and everyone will get to see on the outside what has been growing on the inside.

Pretty sure this one is not finished yet, but will have to write more later ;-)
Until next time,