Sunday, October 30, 2011

Diamonds are made from days like............

I have always heard Wednesday called Hump day, but never knew why exactly until last week. Were Monday and Tuesday a piece of cake....why no but I did good holding my peace and not letting it get to me. Wednesday started off around 7:30ish with a snowball effect. It was one thing after another all day until by the end of the day I felt about two inches tall and felt like I was carrying more than I could. (Key word in that was felt....) Some days are just like that, some days the enemy will throw everything at you at once, and will use other well meaning people to make you question yourself.(because if he can get you to doubt yourself...he's accomplished a lot). Confidence in yourself(not the self righteous confidence), but the confidence that knows Who is inside of you, what He has promised you, and Who is in charge is a powerful tool.

Stay with me on this one......Your Hump day may not be on Wednesday necessarily, but look back over the last couple of weeks. Do you have a day that stands out as one where you had a decision to make? One where you were standing on top of the hill and you could either start over(and fall backward) or keep moving forward and come down? If I had not crawled up into His lap last Wednesday, recognized that I was feeling way too much, put on some praise music, and listened to Him, the rest of the week would have been different. Some days do not always go that way, some days I let feelings get the best of me and continue on in my pity party for a few more days frustrated and stressed. What I did Wednesday determined how I handled Thursday and Friday. (By the way last week was Truth 4 and Feelings 1 ;-))). Diamonds are made from those pressure days, those days when it all comes at you at once. Imagine you are practicing your tennis swing and the machine goes crazy. The balls start flying at you faster than you can hit them. What do you do? You hit the ones you can, pick the others up when it's empty, load them back and start again. That's how some days go...BUT as Christians we have help picking up the balls(the mess of the day) if we'll let Him ;-)

Looking back over last week, Wednesday was priceless. Feeling wise it was HORRIBLE, but God used it to teach me more than one lasting lesson. Trust Him with your heart, He made it........and He knows when you need a pick me up and He's always on time(and may even surprise you with what He uses!).

Diamonds are made through pressure. That day that you feel has done you in, the one that has left you in tears, may be what He needs to finish the diamond making process. After all, what Princess doesn't need a few diamonds ;-) (not sounding prideful...but God is my Heavenly Daddy and He's a King, so that makes me a Princess!!).

The stickers only stick if you let them

Here's a short summary of You are Special by Max Lucado..(Hopefully that will help this make sense).

You are Special is about a little wooden puppet named Punchinello who is a Wemmick. The other wemmicks give him dots because Punchinello doesn't do anything "special". He doesn't have any of the talents that the other Wemmicks have, or at least not that he can see. If he did have a special talent, he'd be given a star. Then he meets a Wemmick who doesn't have any stars or dots. She tells him about going to see the Woodcarver named Eli. So Punchinello heads up that way and meets Eli. Eli reminds Punchinello that He made him and He thinks He is special. As Punchinello listens, a sticker fell off. Eli reminds Punchinello(who is sitting in His lap at this point), that the stickers only stick if you let them. The more you trust His love, the less the stickers stick. He told Eli to come see Him everyday and to let Eli remind Punchinello just how special he was(Eli knew after all because He made him).

I used this story for years with teaching teenagers and doing various camps etc. Why am I bringing this up now? Because God whispered this week....The stickers only stick if you let them.   So many times we let what others say to us or about us stick and we shouldn't(I know it's hard........). He is the only one whose opinion matters. So many times though we get busy and the dots start to stick. Then when we slow down we crawl up in His lap and start listening to what He has to tell us. Just like taking off a band-aid that has been on for awhile, the stickers coming off may sting at first, but over time His grace will be all that you feel. So if you have had a day when the world has just beat you up, when you feel like you going in one direction and everyone else is pulling you in another, crawl up in His lap and let Him remind you just how special you are. The stickers will start to fall off and over time, His words will be all that you remember.

The stickers only stick if you let them. Some days keeping the stickers from sticking is not going to be easy. Those are the days that as soon as you get a chance run to His lap and let Him remind you of how special you are and how much He loves you. After all He made you and He knows you the best and loves you the most!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Free to be Me

There is only one You and only one person who can do what you do. God threw away the mold when He created you and He doesn't make mistakes. There is a reason why you feel the way you do, think the way you think, and act the way you do. God took time putting all of those details into place to make an incredible YOU. That being said, the world today is instant...not only do we have drive thru's and microwaves, but now we do not have to even go to the store to read the newest book or buy the latest CD. It's all a touch a way, an instant download. We are so used to everything coming so quickly that when it's slower, we get frustrated and that often times leads to stress. God doesn't operate on the time table of man, because He can accomplish more in a minute than we can in a day.  We pour more into our day than He ever planned for us to. We let other people set the expectations we should have for ourselves. We've turned into people pleasers instead of God pleasers and we wonder why we are stressed and frustrated. Let me let you in on a little secret, God simply asked you to do the best you could do. Only you and He know what that is, so don't let what other expect from you cause you to doubt yourself or feel discouraged.(Remember there is now therefore no condemnation........) God's not one to lay guilt and condemn you, if He wants to get your attention He will. When He wants you to change, He has a way of showing you how to fix it. Let yourself off the hook of feeling you have to be perfect at everything(He's the only one that has that down), put yourself on your to do list(after all you are on His), do what you can, and trust Him for favor for the rest.

So you may be reading the title going okay where does that come in?? So many times we let other people's expectations(said or unsaid) dictate what we do, how we feel about ourselves etc. God called us to be ourselves. You may be in a situation where you can't be yourself for whatever reason. Sweet friend, He knows your heart!! He will give you time to let the turtle out of the shell and to be yourself around people who love you for you!! I've just came off of Fall  Break which I spent with my second family. These people love me for me and regardless of how long since I see them, it's like it was yesterday. Everyone needs a safe place. A place where you know you are loved, where you can be yourself, and where you can just have fun. Life is too short to not have fun every now and then. (It's all about balance(worship, work, play etc.)). The turtle came out for a week and it was just what I needed!! Who knows maybe the turtle will stay out for a while?

I don't know what you are dealing with/going through, but I know this....God didn't bring you to where you are to leave you. Things may not always be easy, but God has a plan in the end. What the devil meant for evil, God will bring about good. Fear is not of God and if you'll let Him, He'll give you above what you could ever ask or imagine. He didn't promise every day would be easy, but He said He knew how to handle the stress. He didn't say He'd always move right away, but He can do more in a minute than we can in a day. He didn't say you'd have to carry what the world throws at you by yourself, He promised to walk with you and carry it...if you'll let Him. So many times we seek His hand instead of seeking His heart. God's not trying to keep His plan a secret, but sometimes we stay too busy to listen.

I'll leave with a song......Be yourself, not the you others expect you to be, but the You He created you to be! God has things that only YOU can do and He's waiting to show them to you!
In His lap until next time......

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A stop along the journey

This would have been a facebook status today, but sometimes they limit words(just depends on what mood facebook is in). It sums up my heart well as I keep walking forward, knowing what is behind me but not looking back at it. Walk forward into tomorrow knowing what you've learned from the past, but not letting it be your focus.

"God I trust you. You know my heart and you know how strong I really am. Thank you for trusting me. Now help me to walk out this trust before others. When everything comes at me at once, God I pray for peach and YOUR favor. For with your favor, will come grace and mercy from others. God it's not about me, but help me to remember to take care of me. For if I do not take the time to pour into me, I will not have anything to pour out to others. This is our journey ...Thanks for walking beside me always"

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Passing the Test

In school there were a lot of tests that I studied for and learned what I needed to just to pass the test. After that some of the information I forgot unless it was something I kept using(i.e. Math etc.).  So many times we are like that in life. We keep talking about if I can just pass this test I'll be able to move on, if I can just pass this test and get over this mountain things will get easier....... God is not as concerned about us passing the test as He is about us applying what we have learned(walking it out) in this journey.

Once you pass the test, remember what you have learned and use it. Chances are you may have scars from the test or some markings from along the way, don't stay focused on those, but let them serve as reminders of what you have walked through. Let them serve as motivation and inspiration for what lies ahead. Take those lessons, that strength and use it as you walk out the journey. You are still His child and nothing happens to you that doesn't come through His hand.

How many times do we think we have passed the test only to find ourselves looking at the same information again later on? Maybe its not the test we see this time, but God wanting us to show others how to walk through it. As a teacher, it is difficult when along the way the students seem like they are getting it, passing their tests so to speak, but then if the information is presented in a different format on a end of the quarter test, they don't do so well. They passed the tests along the way, but when it came time to apply what they had learned, they were unable to for whatever reason.

Life is going to throw tests at your way, that's just how things go in this world. God knows what is on them and He's prepared us along the way for when the testing time comes(as long as we listen!). Take the test with pride, answer what you can, and pass the test. Then take what you learn from the test and use it as you walk out the next part of your journey. Don't have test anxiety(how many remember that from school?) about the tests that are to come, take what you have learned, and you'll soar through the journey and the tests that are still to come. In Math things build on each other, and in life they do as well. There are some tests we have to go through as baby Christians, and there are some that God knows we can't handle until we are eating meat. Learn what you can, and then focus on applying that in your journey and not on what test is coming next.

Until next time..
Safely in His lap

Thoughts from the week.....

It's been a week....It's been 9 weeks to be honest. I feel like I'm in God's boot camp and honestly that's okay with me. There are some things still to learn, some places He wants me to get to and some things He wants me to realize(and finally take to heart). I wouldn't trade this year for anything, because it has/is helping make me a better person. I ended this week exhausted but smiling(Friday will do that to you). I learned something this week though....even when everything is coming at you at once, cut yourself some slack. I am too hard on myself(shock I know). In fact, I'm harder on myself than God is, which leads to the stress, frustrations, and the overwhelmed feeling. I've been looking at things the wrong way. He started the week off talking to me about sowing and reaping, what you make happen for someone else, God will make happen for you etc. Friday came and the morning Joyce Meyer was on sowing and reaping...(yeah I know there is my neon sign)...So I started listening..So many times we look at something and think I really wish someone would.......but what are we doing to help toward that? In other words, if you want someone to listen to you, have you slowed down long enough to listen to yourself or to Him? If you want someone to pay attention to you, have you slowed down long enough to pay attention to yourself? You are on God's to-do list, are you on your own? So many times we run through the day going I wish someone would just cut me a break, show me a little grace......but we haven't showed ourselves any...

The sowing and reaping principle works both ways. Sometimes we need to sow into our own lives what we hope to reap later. I'm not saying we need to be selfish and have what about me moments all the time, but I have learned(the HARD way) that if you don't take care of you and pour into yourself no one else will. If you don't make some me time on your to do list for you, what you reap will not be pretty(i.e. frustration, stress, feeling like a failure and you can't do it). You can't do it all, the to do list will always be there, and there will always be something for you to do. The list will always get longer, that's life. Do what you can and let yourself off the hook, realizing that tomorrow is another day. God doesn't ask us for perfection, but for a heart giving it all we have. (In giving it all though, give yourself some too...)

God's mercies are new every morning, not just for everyone else, but for you as well! Forgive yourself and realize that others see your heart more than you think, because you see you are His precious child! When you are walking in His steps, it will show through(believe it and trust Him!!). I've failed at this more than I care to admit, but I don't see it as failing as  long as once you fall, you get back up. Failing isn't failure if you learn from those scars. We all want to make a difference and know that we do matters, but sometimes we have to wait on Him to show that. Take those moments when you can see it and remember them on days when it's hard to see. We all need to be needed, God knows that. When you take things into your hands that are meant for His, it can only lead to hurt and frustration. Some things are meant only for Him to handle, and we have to trust Him to do that in His time. There are some things only He can take care of, and your feelings are one.

Until next time......
(which should be soon because there is a new blog coming...called Passing the Test).

Saturday, October 8, 2011

This is the stuff He uses!

A friend reminded me of this song this week and it has rocked my world this week!!
It says what my heart has been saying all year!

Then this comes through on twitter last night from Joyce Meyer:
You cannot fulfill all the expectations of everyone you know, so you might as well go ahead and disappoint them and get it over with. -Joyce
Then this came through today from Joyce's twitter:
If you are not doing what you are gifted and talented to do, then you are probably very frustrated. -Joyce
Confirmations this week, why yes I do believe so(on more than one thing). So many times we are frustrated, but if we really examine our schedules, how many of us are doing what we are called to do? God gave us gifts not just to sit them on a shelf. Sometimes we are met with opposition when we are trying to use our gifts, but we have to keep doing what we know we should do.  That opposition is not from Him, it is the enemy trying to get us to doubt ourselves. You know in your heart why you are doing what you are doing. Others may not understand your gift or may not want you to share it, be patient. Sometimes they just need to see it in action first. Sometimes they still may not understand, but at least you know you have done what you can. Treasure those moments when God gives you a moment in the middle of stress and chaos to do what you love to do. Those are moments you can live off for weeks!
I am not going to try and understand why this year is going like it is, but this is the stuff He uses. Some days I wish someone would run along side me and see what the list and schedule look like, but anyway. This is the stuff He uses, and it's not about knowing why He does, but trusting that He does! We are never going to please everyone in our lives. The sooner we realize that, become okay that we can't make/keep everyone happy, the better off we are going to be(some days I get this, other days I'm still getting there ;-)). It's okay. God knows your heart period.
That last tweet hit me square between the eyes this week. This year has been frustrating, and part of that is I'm not doing what I'm gifted/talented to do. Is that because of what I'm doing? No, but the time constraints and schedule nightmares that have crept into this year have caused that gift and talent to take a back seat for now and been replaced with doing what I can do. I've learned to take those moments when I can be me and treasure them. They are few this year, but God lets me have a few each week. I don't take them for granted that's for sure. You should never have to explain your gift to someone. They should be able to see it and you should be able to trust God to do His part and let it shine through. If you are working hard at making sure others see that gift, maybe it's not time to open it just yet. 
You are going to have times when others question you. Don't let their questions cause you to doubt who you are and what He's called you to do. Take that as an opportunity to confidently show what He's given you. The understanding will come for them when He's ready. Sometimes others want to see the gift in action, before they will put their "stamp" of approval on it. God's stamp is the only one you need!!
Have an amazing week sweet readers! Each day is a gift, for the next one is not quite like the one at hand. Enjoy them through the frustrations and realize this is the stuff He uses to shape and mold us more like Him! Patience must be in practice for us to learn how to use it! He's got a plan through it all and as long as you believe in yourself and know you are making Him happy the rest will fall into place! Don't let what others say or not say cause you to doubt yourself. Know who you are in Him and smile!
(Caution note: We are all still human and flesh, so there will be days when we let this stuff get to us and cause us to be down on ourselves, when that happens, climb up in His lap and let Him remind you how beautiful and amazing you are! Then climb back down and keep moving on this journey. )  
Safe in His lap until next time..................

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's going to take more than that.......

I'm not exactly sure what to call this blog(I'm actually typing it without one at the moment). There has been a lot going on in the last week or so, from God showing me where I was on His to do list and where I needed to be on mine, to realizing that I'm a lot stronger than I think. God was pretty blunt to me last night and I am going to take those words and put them where I can read them everyday. The last little bit the theme has been about perspective it's all about how you look at things. Do you see your struggles as problems or possibilities? Is it a mountain or a hill? Is it a victory or a journey? So many times we look at things through our eyes and focus on how we see them instead of looking at them as how God sees them. So back to His words of wisdom last night, He plainly said "You didn't walk off a bus 13 months ago to let this defeat you now".  **Side note: Read my entries on June 30 and July 1st if you are confused by what I mean.

To say I'm struggling this year would be an understand statement, but with struggles come strength that only He can give. He's the only one who can keep you walking toward the goal knowing that it's not about what the others may say, but about what He knows about you. Some journeys are just for you two, even though we try to involve others ;-). I don't like change, never had, but this year my work life has been changed upside down. Yes I'm a perfectionist and yes' I'm a people pleaser(both things God is dealing with), but my new schedule may just burn that out of me. You do what you can precious reader, but there comes a time when you have to let Him do the rest. There has to be a time when the control is no longer yours, when He takes the wheel with it all, and when you realize that's okay. He promised to walk through it with you and to keep you safe. There is a time when you realize that maybe it's not time for you to use those gifts just yet. Sometimes we know we have an ability, gift, talent etc., but when we finally start to walk into it, we may be met with resistance. It takes God to not open doors on your own. It takes God to let doors close and know that it's okay. It takes God to keep going when you are starring at the door waiting for it to one day swing open. Do what you can while you wait, and one day it will burst open and you'll be able to run through it! I saw the movie Courageous this! Even though it may have been directed to parents, it hit home for me. It was a challenge, despite what the day throws at you, live it for Him and live it courageously.

Please don't ever think from this blog that I've arrived anywhere. I still have days when feelings get the best of me, when I cry during my commute, when I just don't feel like doing anything, when I want to scream, when I am confused because I know I'm doing the best I can, but it still doesn't seem to be good enough for some. That's life sweet reader, He never said our feelings would be easy, but He said if we'd trust Him He'd always be there. He didn't promise us the days would always go our way, but in time He will show us how the pieces fit into the puzzle. So if you are in my everyday world, I apologize now. I'm human, but I hope that regardless of the stress I am feeling, you can see Him. My new prayer is Lord regardless of how I feel about the day whether it was a mess or a success, Shine through. I pray you see more of Him and less of Me. Give all that you are to those you come in contact with and trust God to give it back to you.
Until next time..........

Was just reminded of this video....we all have days like this!! Praise God He's always there period!