Saturday, April 28, 2012

Weekend Words

Okay it's been a LONG time since my last post, but I've been writing things of another nature. My life has been consumed with IEP's for the last couple of months and I am happy to report I have 3 more before the traditional season is over. Then only new ones to write from here( those really aren't too bad). Needless to say God's been writing some things all the while I've been busy with that, but today is not the day to type everything out. So here's a little Weekend words to carry through until I have time for a new blog ;-). I will say this, as crazy and as stressful as this year has been, I have learned so much about myself, things I need to change, things that I need to fix. For that I count the stress worth it;-)

  • God didn't make you to have Welcome written on your forehead or to feel like you are a big green metal box(dumpster). Sometimes it gets to a point where Christians have to take a stand in love and not continue to be "walked" all over. I've learned take the stand and then move on. Don't hold a grudge, still show love, and leave it for God to take care of/fix.
  • God gives you a dream, but it doesn't always look exactly like you dreamed it would be. So many times we pray for God to give us a mission field or a calling, when He already has. Not everyone is called to do great and mighty things in far off lands or in front of others. Some are called to just love and serve where they are at. That takes time and can be a deep pill to swallow.
  • Everyone wants to know that someone else cares what they do and it matters to them. First things first, you have to care about what you are doing and it needs to matter to you. That matters more than what other people think, because God's looking at the heart. He's not looking for a show, He's looking for a solo just for His audience of One.
  • Sometimes the mountain is in front of you, not to see if you have the strength to climb, but to see if you have the faith to move it. #gottalistentoHim
  • What you sow today, may be what you eat tomorrow. Be careful. The law of sowing/reaping is a Biblical truth. You will reap what you sow, so sow wisely and lovingly. You can't sow manure and expect to grow roses. 
  • The greatest critic you face is looking at you in the mirror every day. Know who He says that you are and what He thinks about you, it makes ignoring what the world says so much easier.
  • You are responsible for you. As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can dunk his head in the water trough even, but it's still his choice whether or not he drinks.
  • Life is meant to be enjoyed and to be balanced. Frustration comes when you get out of balance, recognize it early enough and save yourself some trouble. Some days you just need to buy a new pair of shoes ;-)
There is more still to be written, and it will come soon. If you are local, there is a women's conference at Bethlehem Baptist Church next Saturday. Message me if you want more details. I'm leading two sessions, one for special needs mom's and the other for just parents looking for help for their children with school work etc. Enjoy this day, believe in yourself as much as He does, and let go of what others think. Trust God to give you favor with those you need it and for Him to work it all out. Do your part, and leave the rest to Him. You can change you and you are in charge of you. Other people will have to answer one day for what they did, so don't worry about what you can't change. Just be the best YOU you can be.

Until next time,

Saturday, April 14, 2012


God threw away the mold when He made you. He didn't make two molds and He didn't give that mold to anyone else. Stop trying to be the You others expect and just be yourself. Eventually everyone will come around to love you for you and those that don't well, it's okay. Not everyone who is in your life is meant to speak into your life. Be careful who's words you take to heart. Some in your life you are meant to effect, but not vice versa. Affect the world, don't let the world infect and effect you. Be happy with you, I finally am. It only took 29 years and 11 months ;-) I'm happy just taking it one day at a time. If I fall down, I dust myself off and get back up. I'm not perfect, but I'm still moving forward. Those that know me, know my heart. It's not about me, it's about Him. Listen and then DO IT! That's been the key lately. He's got enough just hearing the word, it's time to walk out what we hear and be a doer. I'm on a soapbox I guess tonight. Just tired of some drama that I've let bother me for too long. I'm thankful for those that take the time to know my heart and can see past the times I fall. I love helping others and will continue to do so. Not because of what they can do in return, but because that's what He said too ;-) (It's all about perspective). Do it sweet reader, keep running the race, and when you fall down(and you will), get back up and keep moving forward. It may take you a few minutes before you are strong enough to run again, but you will run again. Keep listening, do what He says and the doors will open. Some days the doors may fly open, some days they may open gradually. Be watching and know when it's God opening the door and when it's you. When God opens the doors, NO ONE can shut them. Those doors match your heart and leave you just in awe of how good He is. Okay I'm done for the night. Just be yourself and love you for you! God didn't make you to fit someone else's mold, He made you to fit YOUR mold. Let's run this race and finish strong!
These two songs have been in my head this week. (Very random too....haven't listened to either in quite some time, but music has a way of getting down deep and being there just when you need it).
Until next time

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday's Truths

Aww.... Tuesday I really didn't expect to write another blog so soon. So much truth nuggets today though that it's too much for a facebook status, so here goes:

  • The stronger person is not always the loudest. It takes more strength(not yours by the way) to keep your mouth shut when you really want to speak your mind. It also takes more strength(His not yours) to keep food out of your mouth instead of speaking your mind. Gotta love self control...I'm getting there.
  • Do your thing and do it with all of your might because it's not what they think, it matters what He thinks.
  • Strength on the inside eventually comes out on the outside and vice versa. You can't lose strength on the outside and not feel the effects on the inside.
  • Your mission field may not be Africa. I remember praying all of those years in GA's and Acteens and I wanted to be one of those missionaries. You are a missionary every day. Love each day, you may be the only Jesus some see. Sometimes your mission field is right where He's called you. Realize it and quit fighting. So many times we want God to call us to the mission field, when He wants us to see where He has called us as a mission field.
  • Just my two cents: Contrary to what some believe, think, feel...I know more than one may think and I can do more than most realize. Off soapbox.
  • God never said the day would be easy, He never said your heart wouldn't feel torn in two. He didn't make us to view injustice, mistreatment and to just turn our heads. It should break our heart when we see those that He loves and cares about not being loved and treated right.  Those things that break His heart should break ours.........Don't apologize for some things bothering you. If you have prayed about it, turned it over to Him, and it still pricks your what you can to take a stand.  (OUCH that one hit home about something.......oh I can tell He and I will be talking about it later). So many times we brush off things because it's always been that way, because we have tried to do something and we got shot down.....Take a stand for what His heart tells you to.
  • Don't miss out on a God time just because it's not a "good time". God moments may not always fit in your schedule, listen and do what HE says regardless of what the calendar says. You'll miss out on a blessing otherwise.
  • Get some balance(and some perspective)! It's the only way to keep running the race in this crazy world we live in.
  • Revelation of truth doesn't always mean you get to take a break...sometimes it means deep breathe and another round starts.
  • Taking one step in front of the other, does not mean you have lost sight of who is holding the flashlight.
  • Ever asked Him for something and when He answers, it leaves you speechless! It's humbling to say the least....
God has a plan for your life. If He didn't things would be differently right now. So many times we fight to make our own choices, but God's ways are so much higher. We can't begin to see all the pieces of the puzzle and He's got the box lid. He's not surprised by ANYTHING especially not us. I love this sweet time with Him.........ask Him for what your heart is longing to know, but do me a favor. When He answers, don't be surprised or shocked, after all you asked ;-)

A little different blog, but it's been one of those days. The older I get the more I realize the difference in friend and acquaintance. One last reminder thought..regardless of how loud the world gets(and TRUST me, they can get loud)....You are God's princess. He loves to see you smile, He loves to see you laugh(and some days I think we make Him laugh), and He loves to see you love.

Until next time,

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday Moments

Ahh Monday.....some days you play nice and well some days, you play like Monday. So I have decided to challenge myself for the next 30 days. Yep ending an era so to speak and starting a new one.. and its time to stop making excuses about some things and just do it. It's time to do my part(especially when I keep asking God to do His).  Okay confession time for a few along with some revelation of some good stuff ;-) I've put myself at the bottom of my list this school year. It's been a rough year, a fast year, but one that has caused me to learn SO much. (I mean look at the number of blogs). I've been uncomfortable at times, but that's not a bad thing. We grow more in those "uncomfortable" times. (Think about it....).  Have I said lately that I am so glad God is patient? Because some days it takes me multiple tries to get it right(or to just do it). I don't know how, but I'm just glad He is. I'm excited about some things to come, some things I still wish would go a different way, and some things I just can't change(or fix). So I finally realized/determined....I can only change me. I'm responsible for what I do, not anyone else. I have a lane and a race to run all my own. Now will there be people along the way(day) that need help, why yes...but if we will quit trying to help those God doesn't have in our path(those that really don't want our help), then maybe we can concentrate on those God moments. Not everyone you meet(or who is a part of your day) is meant to effect/affect you, so don't let them infect you. Follow your heart and the God moments will outshine the good moments(yes there is a difference). You can't do it all and you can't do any of it if you don't take care of you. I have had my priorities mixed up a lot this year as I've been walking some stuff out.  Love yourself, not because of pride, but because you are His princess(or prince). He's got so much planned for you to do and He needs you on your A game. Know the difference between those that get in your lane that are there to distract your focus and those that you are meant to help. Only way to know the difference is to get so close that you hear when He whispers...follow your heart. There is a power inside of you as a Christian that few can even comprehend, use it! No more excuses ;-)

Okay different blog I know, and I may elaborate more later. Just having some thinking moments :-)
Blog to come soon on this passage: It's rocking my WORLD!!  John 20:19-John 21-Good stuff!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance/endurance the race marked out for us-Hebrews 12:1

We are all in a race. Sometimes it may feel like we are running the hurdle portion of the race, but we are all heading toward the finish line. Sometimes you leap over the hurdles, sometimes you fall flat on your face, but you have to get back up. Sometimes(and this is the one I've learned lately), you may feel like you have fallen, but you really you just may have hit the hurdle as you leaped over. Feelings will keep you down, but faith keeps you running forward. Don't look at the hurdles, keep your eyes ahead. We mess up when we start looking at what we have to leap over and what everyone else is doing. How much frustration and stress could we cut out of our lives, if we would quit paying attention to what others are doing(or not doing) and just focus on what He has called us to do? Hmm...yep that stepped all over me yesterday.

When we take our eyes off of our focus and start looking around, it's just like Peter did when He took His eyes off of Jesus. We start to fall. We can't run this race if we are paying attention to everyone else. Focus on what He's called you to do, He'll bring along those He has planned in your path.

Running with endurance means not giving up even when you feel like it, even when the hurdles are one right after another, even when the finish line looks to be far off in the distance. Run it for One and watch what He does.

When you fall(and you will), get back up and keep going. You will feel sore and remember those "moments", but you will also remember that you got back up and that my dear reader is a sign of strength that only comes from the One.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Before Monday......

Not sure if this blog is just for me to read tomorrow, but in the case some one else needs it to, well here it is ;-)

Don't let the confidence of Sunday become a wash on Monday. The same "you" who walked through Sunday(and Spring Break) is the same One walking into Monday(aka a new work week). It's not always going to "feel" right to be right. Sometimes that dying to the flesh means you put your list aside(however long it may seem) and cater to someone else. Sometimes it may mean that you put your list first and tell someone else no not right now. Know the difference. Know when God wants you to sow time in others and when He wants you to sow time in yourself. The sound mind He gave you means the ability to think through what comes your way, the power to listen to His whispers, and to tell the other voice to BE QUIET ;-) If it doesn't line up with the word, it doesn't need to be a thought......(hello think about how many times we let worry, fear, anxiety, stress crowd our thoughts. We try to reason out things and plan things out before we even know what to plan.

You are the only one that can change you and if you want to get upset and overwhelmed trust me there will be plenty of opportunity. BUT remember God has a plan and that plan is for PEACE. It may not be a peace that means you know how "that" is going to work out, but you know who is going to work "that" out. 

I guess I'm starting to sense Monday coming and I'm trying to hit it off at the pass ;-) Love people, sow into the lives of those you come into contact with and trust God to pour that back into you. His word never comes back void and He promised we would reap what we sow love! Stay balanced this week and stay focused remembering you are stronger than you realize and God's not only got "that" but He's got YOU!!