Saturday, April 27, 2013

You are an orginal!!

Taking a break for paperwork...He started writing and it is so real...well someone else may need to hear it too.

This is another reality check so to speak ;-) Be who He made you to be regardless of what people say!! I'm tired of what other people say and the box other people try to put me in affecting what I think of me. Know this....once you find out who you are in Him, once you get that footing and start standing in the confidence of the call He gave you and what He can do through you...LOOK OUT! The enemy will use everyone and everything he can in order to knock you down. The enemy wants nothing more than for you to go back to doubting yourself and what you can do. So what does he do to try and knock you down? Well.... he may send people in your path who do nothing but compare you to other people, make sure your schedule is so busy that you feel nothing but overwhelmed, stressed, and have no time left to take care of yourself or spend time with God, or he could just try to make sure you hear nothing but negative all day.

Be who you are!! Be who He made you to be and know that regardless of what others say or who they compare you to...God has a unique plan just for you and He is going to use you!!

This is has been a stronghold all year for me, but I feel like this week I have slowly begun to break free from it. Let's be honest, eventually you get to a point where you just tell God break it off...whatever is keeping me from running this race right now...break it off. This is what it happened to be. I've been compared to others so much this year in an area of my life that it is just sad. Sad for me because I let it get to me and sad for them because they have missed out on seeing who I really am just because I'm not the one they wanted. Others, as well meaning as they may be, will put you in a box if you let them. (TRUST ME ON THIS ONE)....I finally got the lid off of it this week. The only box you should stay in is the one God has planned, but guess what sweet reader...God will not put you in a box. He made this journey for you to enjoy, for you to run the race with courage. You can't run if you are in a box.

Forgetting what is behind, I press on to the high calling! Be careful who you listen to and who you let speak into your life. The word says to test every Spirit...not everyone in your daily life will support the you God has called you to be. Bloom where you are planted while you are there and trust that He will move you on. Sometimes we are in places in order to break some things off so we can continue running the race. How long we stay put determines how long it takes for us to break it off.....Break it off and run sweet reader!!! I'm ready are you?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reality check moment......

I had no intentions of posting another blog until May, but it is a blog or bust kind of night. Let me say first off, this is a true honesty check/being real blog.

I am tired, more than that I'm exhausted and worn to the bone. I'm also smart enough to know this is the time when the enemy works his best schemes. If he can keep you busy, tired, and stressed...he has won. Apparently I'm making the devil MAD....because he keeps trying to throw it on me. To quote our youth pastor...what a blessing... Little does the devil realize, I've come too far to let the stress win. It may get down, but I won't stay there. It may wear me out physically and mentally, but Spiritually in my heart...I know God's about to show out.

Joyce Meyer said something this week about how God doesn't like it when His children are mistreated. Our attitude in response to that determines what He does next. Got me to hard it is to pray for those that are mean to us. It's hard to ask God to bless those that have stabbed us in the back, those that have walked all over us, those that have thrown us under the bus and then drove over us with it. But isn't that what God calls us to do? If we are praying for them, they can't hurt us. If we can get to the place where we see them through God's eyes, we can take a step back and stop. God's got our back. Every knife will be worth it, every tire mark, every footprint...but we determine how quickly He can get to work. OUCH!!

This revelation hit me like a ton of bricks. She just started it yesterday....God finished it a minute go typing it out. See for the last couple of weeks at work, I've felt useless, like I can't do anything right, and like I'm barely keeping my head above water. Satan knows my weak spot, the weak part of my day...and it's there. I've been so out of balance in that aspect that it has affected the other areas of my life.

Respect yourself, believe in yourself, have confidence in what God has called you to do and what He has placed inside of you, and walk forward. Don't let the way people treat you determine who you are and how you act. Hard lesson especially after repeated "abuse" and mistreatment, but trust me He has got this.

Just being real.......

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The God sized list

Well I did it....I looked at the calendar, the to-do list, and what was due between now and summer break. Ouch is all I can say.....What is due in the next 15 days is insane.....

Overwhelmed feelings lead to stress and that can lead to panic.....but I told my flesh to calm down. Actually God did ;-) He reminded me of some amazing verses in 2 Corinthians. This power is not mine, it's from Him. I have NO idea how everything will get finished, but I know what He promised me. I am doing my part and trusting Him to do His. He hasn't failed me yet, so I know He won't start now.

Honesty check: This isn't going to be easy. My stress level is out the roof, just ask my massage therapist. The lesson to learn in all of this is despite the stress(aka storm), if God said you are going to the other side, then follow His lead.....take a breath, relax, and rest. (Resting doesn't always mean sleep....but that's a blog for another day). I'm not getting into the details of my to-do list, but know it's God sized. I have my scriptures to claim in my mind and the devil(who is a liar by the way) isn't going to get the best of me.

Believe me when I say....the blogs that will come when the next 15 days are over are going to be awesome! He's about to show out even more than He already has.

If you are in my every day world, patience is appreciated. I'm carrying a lot, giving it my all, and doing the best I can.

Until May

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Who rocked the boat?

The enemy loves nothing more than to find you at times when you at your weakest. Those times when you are worn to the bone, stressed to the max, and mentally exhausted. Those times when you know in your heart you are doing the best you can at the massive to-do list but the list just keeps growing. Those times when the world wants to see how much they can throw at you before you break. Those are the times when we absolutely, positively have to crawl in order to keep walking forward. The enemy knows when you "feel" weak. Note I said, I feel weak. I have learned this week, I can be drained, mentally exhausted, stressed to the max, and still find a place of peace. Please hear me is not easy. The hardest part is recognizing when you get to that point and taking some time(regardless of your schedule) to let Him calm you down. When you know you are at that point, stop and take that time. Physically your body may be tensed up(just ask my massage therapist...I'm so knotted up and tensed up it isn't funny), but if you can spiritually stay unwound you can keep pressing on to the other side of this journey. 

 Obedience regardless of how small it may seem is important. If you start to feel the boat rocking, see if you may have missed something. Trust got to get quiet first though and He'll tell you. Just remember His mercies are new every morning, just get back up, dust yourself off, and keep walking forward.

The blogs that will come when this boat gets to the other side are going to be amazing. I don't want to start on any yet, because He is so not finished. Thankfully I will have this summer to type them out. God has in mind what I'm supposed to learn/develop over this journey and apparently I'm on the fast track.. Discipline is the key of that I'm sure. 

Stay tuned

Monday, April 8, 2013

Shine because He said to!

A day is never wasted when God is orchestrating it, so I would be remiss if I didn't type a blog that He apparently has been writing all day. In this day we live in and with the lives we all lead, I would bet I'm not the only one who needs to hear this every now and then.

Colossians 3:23 was spoke to my Spirit yesterday, and I had an idea then where He was headed with it. It's still a lesson I have yet to fully grasp, but oh He is so patient. Today was another day of learning in preparation for the test. The verse says Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Anyone else thinking ouch? If not, read it again ;-)

Honesty check, the time from Spring Break to summer break is the most stressful, craziest time for me at work. This year the stress has been multiplied and just being real for a I could see the storm brewing inside of me. I was ready for Jesus to wake up, calm the storm, and let me go to sleep on the inside with Him. Sometimes though, He needs to calm us to show us we will make it to the other side, storm and all. He knows me, He knows what I can handle, but some days He believes in me a lot more than I believe in myself. Some days flesh speaks the loudest, but if we will get still that still small whisper can be the most calming thing ever. The tears came and I just had to smile. Sometimes I think we have to go through certain storms just for God to remind us what He can do through us because the enemy would love for us to think otherwise. I thought to myself more than once today why can't I just half way do things, why do I care so much(usually those questions come when we compare ourselves to others)....that's when He reminded me of that verse again. It's about what He says, not anyone else. He is the One we need to seek to please with our schedules, our time, our words, our deeds, our lives, our all. When we lay our head on our pillows at night, regardless of what a mess the day may look like, we can rest when we know we gave it our all and did what He asked.

God is looking for us to shine not because anyone asked us to, but because it is the right thing to do. Too often society(including Christians) have sought to do what is "right" simply because someone else was looking or for the applause/pat on the back. It's time we do what we should simple because He said to. This is a HARD lesson and I am not there yet, but I am not where I used to be ;-). This is one of those journeys that take time and patience. God knows we will not always be able to run it. Some days we will have to walk, some days crawl, and others He may need to pick us up and carry us. He knows the world is mean and self-seeking. This is a journey that takes time, dying to flesh is never easy.

So whether your Monday was a calm one or your Monday was stormy, God is in charge of the week ahead of you. He knows what each day holds, trust Him. Some days He'll calm the storm, but if chooses to calm you instead know that you are going across to the other side with Him. It may feel rough at times, but He can see the other side, He just needs us to trust Him.

Shine because He said to! Not because the world is looking to polish  your star, but because you are plugged into the One who never has a power outage. Don't let anyone dull your star or pull the plug on what God called you to and made you to do. Not sure who this part is for, but You do make a difference! No one can do what you do and play the part that you play. He sees each thing you do, and He is giving you a standing ovation. You can't always hear the applause, but if you listen really close, you can feel it when He says I love you.

Until next time,

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday Musings...

Just a quick blog before I start the paperwork for tomorrow night. I'm over trying to do statuses on Facebook. People read too much in them and try to figure out what you mean. A blog is a place where you can explain more ;-)

So yesterday was Resurrection Sunday and God kept live like it. So many times we celebrate and get excited that He is alive, but how many times do we forget that power on Monday? Stress is stress and people that know the real you, I'm talking the you deep down, the you He sees....the real YOU...will love you regardless.  They will not see Welcome written across you and will see your true potential. They will respect you and value your opinion. When you find those precious few, pour into them and treasure your time with them. The ones who just take, be know who they are. Remember God is the only One who pleasing matters ;-)

Off the soapbox for the night, tomorrow is another day. I'm happy. I'm content being me and love the fact that I have people who love me for me.  Moving past the others, God's got a plan!!

Just being real ;-) Will be back to more devotional type I promise.
Until next time,