Monday, February 27, 2017


I ended January on a mountain....I had a joy and a peace that I couldn't put into words. I had a fire that was blazing (or at least I felt like it was) and I was pushing through no matter the punches or the hits. Then February came...and what started out as a month knowing God was taking this to a new level and moving things forward with Him through obedience quickly took a turn.  I slid down that mountain and found myself in a valley. Sometimes we can end up in a valley faster than we realize if we aren't paying attention. Hear my heart for a minute...valleys have a purpose, God can use that time to refocus and prepare you for the next mountain that is headed your way.....if you let Him. For me, I slid down in that valley and it took a couple of weeks before I exactly knew what was going on. I knew that I could feel some of the old feelings hanging around and the wall was oh so close to going back up, but I honestly didn't feel like fighting it either. Fighting the physical "crud" wore me down and the blahs set in quickly. Until one sweet night in my prayer closet where I was determined I wasn't leaving until I heard from God......(This was the first night in over a week that I had spent some quality time in there and not just because I had to). It was in the asking ...that I heard the whisper "Get up". Get up and start moving ....start doing what you know you should be doing regardless of how you feel. The hardest thing to do when you are fighting the blahs (and your flesh wants to do nothing more than binge watch to get up and clean something). It's in the getting up....that we unlock something greater than what we can see. It's in the getting up...that we say okay God "Your turn". It's in the getting up that God breathes a fight back in us that we thought was gone. Getting up doesn't mean the circumstances or the situation means you decide that His truth is greater than your feelings/emotions.

It's also in the getting up and moving forward that the enemy takes notice. You see when you are in the blahs, he isn't too worried. The enemy knows if you can stay in the blahs long enough you will start going through the motions and fruit is not grown going through the motions. The enemy doesn't see you as a threat when you are autopilot ....because you see it's when you start to feel what God feels for you and remember to believe what He believes about you (and not what you think)....autopilot shuts off and Jesus takes the wheel again. It's in the getting up that you pick up your fight and start marching forward. That's when the enemy starts to take notice again....and comes out punching. Child of God, hold on when the punching starts...because there is a fight greater than what you can see. There is a purpose and a destiny on the inside of you that God is about to bring to focus in your life and it scares the enemy to his core. The enemy is scared that distractions aside you will one day discover the true reason God has you on this Earth. The enemy is terrified, Child of God, that you will focus in on that calling that you keep letting others distract you from while you stay busy doing. The enemy knows that when you get up....the next thing coming is you are moving up....up the next mountain and strength is yours for the climb. God hasn't given you a spirit of let him be scared.

God's timetable and mine are so not the same ...(If they were I would not be single at 34...but I digress). He knows He has my focus in this midnight hour and last night ...He wanted it again. I had dealt with some emotions earlier on in the day that were leaving me feeling defeated and not enough. The struggle to let go was difficult because the hurt was deep...and I needed some revelation on what the next steps needed to be. I needed God to peel back His view for a minute and let me have a glimpse or this girl was getting her running shoes on again. He is faithful with what we need as His children....just know it may come at almost two o clock in the morning. When God puts a lyric in your Spirit that moves you to roll over and Google the lyrics so you know what song to look up on YouTube. That's God.....and when He drops a picture in your soul....You pay attention and know He's moving. The song below is the one He started singing around this time last night. This isn't a very transparent blog, but those are coming from this month. God's shown me the mountain that needs I can leave this valley behind. I'll share more soon....because I've learned over the years God doesn't waste a moment if we are willing to share what He's doing. This blog has been my way of sharing what He's done and what He is doing. He's faithful to provide that word you faithful to listen and act on it when He speaks. God is shifting things into place and the enemy may have come out punching...but Child of God you can come out praising.