Friday, May 27, 2016

With the sheep....

It's summer time officially which means my brain is slowly returning back to a normal speed. I'm sleeping more and enjoying the pace of what summer means. Last summer was truly life changing for me, and I have great anticipation for what this summer holds as well. (Side note...what do you want back? What have you let the enemy get a hold of and you need God to restore and reclaim it? Your joy, your happiness, your peace, your dreams, your "you" for another day but something to think about) So that being said...God's been writing the last couple of days. He started it with pouring in yesterday and hasn't stopped today. Thankful He is always on time....and knows what I need (not just what I want)....

I'm in 1 Samuel for my God time reading and last night I got stuck on the verse where Samuel was looking to anoint the next king. I got stuck on verse 11. If you are familiar with the chapter you know the verses that precede that verse are the ones about man looks at the outer appearance but God looks at the heart. Verse 11 is where Samuel asked Jesse if he had any more sons, and he replied with the youngest is tending the sheep. (remember shepherds were not of high social status in Biblical times)

Jesse had no idea who Samuel was looking for, but God did. God knew it was David long before he sent Samuel out to find him. God knew David wouldn't be in the original line up, but that he would be tending the sheep. His brothers may have seen what David was doing as not important, but David knew it was needed. David was being faithful with what he was positioned to to do for the season he was in while he waited on God for the next season. The season of tending sheep was preparing God for more than even David knew at that time.

God doesn't look at the outside for who He calls, He knows what the inside holds for each person. God's looking for a vessel He can flow through not just to.God doesn't pour in so we can bottle it up. He pours in so we can pour out, because He poured out. We don't give so we can get, we give because He gave. If we could let that take will change how we view our daily routine, our time, and our lives. God's not looking to pour out to those who will keep it to themselves...but to those that are willing to pour out His love, grace, and mercy to others.

God knew David's heart in the middle of those sheep.  Other people may see what is on the outside, but remember God sees the heart...and He sees you right where you are even with the sheep.

Trust His timing is perfect..

Thursday, May 19, 2016

I called you...

When we are persistent enough to press through to Him...when we are bold enough to say God I'm not moving until you bless me......when get to those point a shift happens.  A shift from what we can see to what we can't see, a shift from how we see to how He sees, a shift from what we call ourselves to what He calls us.

When Jacob wrestled with God, he was bold enough to a point that he told God I'm not moving until you bless me. The woman with the issue of blood, pressed through the crowd ...because she knew she needed a touch...and she persisted until she got it. In Jacob's story, God changed his name....He said you will be called Israel now. God saw what man could not see...and called him by that name. The woman with the issue of blood was called Daughter when she pushed through to the One whom she knew she needed. God called her how He saw her...not as unclean, but as One of His.

Insecurity is a thorn from the enemy that wants to choke out the seed God has sown in you. It can make you doubt your abilities,  your talents, your worth, and even your calling/anointing.  It leads to comparison and competition...instead of celebrating who God created you to be.

The world calls you by your do, but God calls you by your who. If you haven't experienced that moment with Him...where He says...let me show you who you are to me..keep pushing through the mess..He's waiting. Maybe you need Him to remind you of how He sees you again because the world has been screaming at you how it sees you...come boldly before the throne and ask Him.  Are you bold enough like Jacob to get still and stationary until you get from Him what you need? It's yours for the grabbing....

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Praise for what you can't see

It's easy to praise God for what we can see Him doing, but what about for those promises He has given us that we can't "see" happening yet? What about those requests that your heart hasn't even begun to put into words, but your Spirit has been talking to Him about

Praise Him for what He is doing and going to do even if you can't see it or feel it. His promises are true and for you. He is a God of healing, restoration,  and power...His word says you have not because you ask not, but when you ask ...ask with boldness and confidence.

I don't know what you are going through right now  (what you are feeling, thinking...), but God does. Child of God...if He has said you could have it...then He means it (in His timing). You may not can see it right now or even feel it...but praise Him knowing that He loves you and is working . Grab a hold of what He said was yours, the power, the provision, the healing ...and praise Him...the devil is defeated and hushed by your praise.

Monday, May 16, 2016

His thoughts over your thoughts

So in the middle of one of my many prayer moments tonight, God brought this verse to mind. He has a way of doing that lately (even when it's not what my natural wants to hear). I was talking to God about a couple of long standing requests (being real...I may have even used the whiny voice as I asked Him how much longer on a couple of these requests). God answered back with that gentle patient voice that He does with this verse...and then proceeded to preach me a mini sermon.

How many times do we get impatient waiting on God to answer that list of requests? I know I have that list that it honestly seems like He and I discuss every couple of days. It's not that I need an answer on some of them, but I need Him to remind me He's working on it. How quickly we lose sight of all that God has answered for us when we let our focus drift to all that is still left unanswered for the moment. The same God that answered the prayer you prayed yesterday or even last hour is the same One working on the request that you haven't seen answered yet. He's never late even though His clock doesn't seem to match ours. Visual moment...when a child is learning to write, some letters take longer to form and more strokes than others. The letter O is a easy for them to form, while the letter M takes a little more time. Think about that for a minute...God is working out His perfect plan for's not going to look the same as anyone else's because He made you and called you.

God's thoughts towards your are much higher than yours. His ways are more than you could imagine, and His prayers....are for what you need to be whole, complete, lacking in nothing.

Oh Father...forgive us for when we lose sight of all that you have done while asking for you to do more. Thank you for the ways you continue to amaze us with Your Presence and as we move forward on the journey may we seek to think Your thoughts about us and to trust you each step of the way...

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Are the rocks warming up?

If you haven't turned on the news lately, probably should. We are living in the last days. If you didn't realize that before the latest out of Washington, well you should at this point. We are watching scripture play out before our eyes, things that God said would happen in the "last days" are occurring. The fence most found comfortable is becoming uncomfortable. It's time to choose this day who will be the One you serve. Not sure what you are serving? Look at where you are pouring your time and heart into? Are you after the things of this world or to make a difference that will last longer than you will?

This verse came up in my Spirit Friday as I just took a minute to let Him pour into my weary soul( A few minutes in His presence truly is better than a thousand days elsewhere). I don't want the rocks warming up...the enemy is after the praise of the sold out, surrendered Child of the Most High because the praise of a surrendered heart..unleashes and unlocks a power that is freedom! Now is not the time for Children of God to run back to comfortable or to hide from what's going on in the world...It's time for us to be the church outside of the four walls and to show this world the difference His love makes. We have been silent too long...We have kept the truth inside the four walls we call church, when it's living on the inside of us. There are hungry people on your path every day.....what are you feeding them? You can only pour into someone else when you have allowed God to pour into can't give from an empty depleted cup. (You may be praying for a ministry opportunity and God is drawing you to spend more time with Him...time spent with Him first allows you to minister from the overflow to others)

God fan the flame that you have lit and may Your praise ever be on our lips....Forgive us for being silent for way too long. May we always speak your truths and may the rocks never need to warm up because You are rising up an army of Your children to march forward in battle and to speak life to this generation.