Sunday, November 8, 2020

Even when I don't feel it He's working....

I know I've used this song before in a blog, but it bears repeating....cause honestly, I saw Him do it yet again last week. My week last week started off rough. I was so up in my feels I am pretty sure I had a headache from it. I had spent my time with God, hashed the day out with Him, and yet I still went from Jesus take the wheel to Jesus cover my mouth in less than an hour. Ya'll the enemy knows when we are armed and ready for the week ahead because I think he goes, okay you just think you are ready, see if you can handle it when I flood you with me, it wore me out at the start of my week. I watched God flip my week last week through His gentle reminders of grace and "I've got this child". 

There are days when my feelings scream at me and are much louder than they should be, but then there are days when I'm reminded that "even when I don't feel it He's working". So many times I've let what I feel make me forget what He's healed. 

I ended the week feeling the best I've felt in months. If you are new to the blog, go back and read some of the previous posts about this past season. I looked back over my steps in my FitBit app and I made my goal five out of seven days last week. Intentional.....I'm not always going to feel like doing something that I need to do, but I'm learning to do it anyway. Obedience doesn't always feel "good", but in the end, it produces the right fruit when we listen. I don't always get it me there have been days lately where the right hasn't been what's come out, but God has been faithful with the nudges, the prompts, the whispers to say Hey, daughter. 

Even when we don't see it He's working......stop and think for a minute, if we could really see all that God is doing behind the scenes for us and all that He is moving into place....would we still follow through with what He's asking us to do? There is a trusting place that 2020 has brought that lands us in a space of grace....but that may be a blog for another day. 

"He never stops working".....I don't know who needs to hear this tonight but hang in there. I know your days may be full of a lot of feels and things that don't make sense, but child of God hang on...He's not forgotten you or stopped working on your behalf. So many times we quit after not seeing God move in the suddenly that we asked Him to, that we forget to hang on for the finally that He is working out for us. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Because it's October ....


This blog has honestly been in the works all month, but I didn't know if He would ever let me type it out. Then on the drive home today He started writing on it again... Stay with me, I will try and stay focused, but if you know me you know there may be some squirrels. I liked pink before 2020, honestly, it was probably one of my favorite colors if you asked me especially on my toes. I haven't really decided how I feel about pink in this new season. I said when all of this happened I never wanted to have that label or to let that label stick on me....because it wasn't from God. That's a blog in itself for another day.....

It's a struggle some days to not let the label stick, especially with the weather change and I'm feeling every joint in my body. Nine times out of ten if you ask me how I am, you will get I'm fine. I'm in the place of speaking it .....and trusting God to catch my feelings up to that place one day. I've learned through this season who really wants to know and who's just asking.  It's not because I am in denial of what I've walked through this year, but it's because I have walked through too much already before this year and seen God walk me through too much to let this season be what sticks. God has done WAY TOO MUCH. If you are new to my blogs, start reading around April ;-)  I've tried to blog the story out as I have processed it through His lens. 

There is something about remembering that the bloodline has been drawn and even though it feels like the enemy is crossing it, he can't cross the bloodline. Ya'll words have POWER........ we are in a season of Open Mouth and our declarations (aka our words) need to be speaking life. I know this, but some days I know my mouth runs faster than my heart. My heart has seen this take root in my life, but ya'll some days stinking feelings just shout louder. Thankfully we have a God who is so good that He lets us keep going and reminds us what way is the best. The morning I got my Onka test results which would determine treatment, God had already told me what the results would be. I had a peace that I couldn't explain, but He also followed that peace with an instruction. I've been taking communion now with my medicine for six months and will continue until He releases me. If you Google the side effects of tamoxifen, well don't. So I needed a point every morning, a moment where I stood my ground in faith knowing the God who healed already was still healing. The verse above got added to my declaration when I realized side effects would come, but He would keep them from prospering (aka taking root). Declaration is vital in this season.....and yes no weapon formed against me shall prosper not even a side effect, it may come at me one way but it has to flee in seven. Press into Him......I know it's not easy. I know we still want the suddenly, but some times......God says no to the suddenly and wants us to walk some "stuff" out. You gotta love when you have that discussion with Him yet again and He takes you to 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (If you don't know that's the verses when Paul is pleading for the thorn to be taken away from him and God basically says no.....and reminds Paul that when he is weak, He is strong). One day my flesh will catch up to my Spirit....but until that day comes I take it hour by hour, and day by day. Hear my heart...Some moments I'm running with Him, some moments find me standing still, and some moments find me flat down needing Him to help me back up again. Thankfully His mercies are new EVERY morning. What do you need to draw the bloodline around and stand on His truths? knowing that "even when you don't see it He's working, even when you don't feel it, He's working.." 

There is a verse in Isaiah that says, see I'm doing a new thing, see it springs up, can you not perceive it? (Can you not see it with eyes that see beyond the natural). For something to spring up, there has to be a seed planted, time for roots to settle, and water applied for growth to happen.....let that sink in. That could preach a sermon right there....but I will leave with I'm sure that maybe a blog for another day. 

 When 2020 ends, will you be able to just say you survived it or that you overcame what was thrown at you? Once you walk through some things, the label survivor gets given to you....but God's been stirring up in my heart a desire to rewrite that label to Overcomer. Think about it like this, the disciples in the boat survived through the storm....yes they made it through to the other side, but were they any different than when they got in the boat? Peter got out on the water and overcame fear among other things knowing that if God said He could do it...He could do it. What has God already said you could do that you haven't embraced yet and grabbed a hold of? We overcome by the blood and the word of our testimony....God when I look back on this year, let it be that I overcame because of you......

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The sound vs. Noise

Side note: I started writing this blog at the end of Fall Break..but God wouldn't let me finish it. I know why after this week. Thankful for a release to finish it....

I thought I had already posted this song in this journey of reflections....until I saw it was still sitting in draft form. I was watching a service from this morning and they sang this and God started reminding me of so much from the beginning of the journey. I've been hearing a sound in the Spirit for the last six months (since April). There's a word still coming on, and being pieced together from Ezekiel 37, but on to the blog I'm released to write for now...

2020 has become a year for most of expecting things to happen. It seems like we go from one thing to another as a country and many have faced that same cycle personally. Transparency moment before I go any further, the last couple of weeks have worn me down and out. It's becoming harder and harder to pick myself up from those moments some days and move forward. Binge-watching TV and just sleeping are becoming an escape some nights. If you have an educator in your life, encourage them....we are giving it all we have and it's feeling like not enough some days. Seriously, this is a hard year for any educator regardless of how many years of experience. Only God this weekend though found his way to speak even during 

I truly believe God is laying the foundation for the rest of this year to be what He designed for it to be. Distractions are plentiful, trust me  I know they look differently for everyone, but they are distractions still the same. ...Distractions are all making noise too because the enemy doesn't want the sound reaching the ears of the remnant, aka God's children. 

So many times we say we see the pieces falling into place, but this week God showed me a different perspective on how to look at that. Shift your perspective from seeing it as pieces falling into place to bones coming together. (Ezekiel 37). This past week I saw what initially made me think of pieces falling into place, but I later saw God take it up a level, it was bones coming together, etc. Hear my heart and know that I get that 2020 has been a crazy year, but I truly believe if we will give God some room, He can show us His perspective as we look to close this year out. The enemy knows it which is why there has been a counterfeit sound that has gone forth to distract. Get this in your spirit...the enemy can't create, he can only counterfeit what has already been created. So if God is sending out a sound, the enemy is trying to send one out as well but it's in the form of noise (aka distractions). Last week as I saw God start doing His thing, the enemy came throwing out distractions. Distractions come in a lot of forms and honestly, some may be different depending on your journey, etc. That's a blog in itself for another day. Recognizing what the distractions were didn't lessen them, but it did help me stay focused on what they were...distractions nonetheless and I just had to keep pressing through them. 

This will end up being a second blog, so I'll end this one right now. What are you listening to? Is it a sound or is it noise? (Matthew 11:15 He who has ears, let him hear).  Not everything you give your attention to is a sound that will have a ripple effect, some of it is just noise to keep you distracted and off focus.....but I'll save that for a part two blog later this week. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

He has never lost....

Who are you great mountain.....

I've heard the word Overcomer running in my Spirit since God broke through with something last night. (it's probably got a part 2 coming later this week from 1 John 4:4). This song was new to me until I heard Restoring Hope Worship sing it during this past season....and then I went on a search for it. The line that God would have on replay more than once was "Who are you great mountain, That you should not bow low? Jesus defeated the darkness, He has never lost a battle". 

Are you seeking to overcome something or just survive through it? Ya'll God's downloading a word that will be another blog later when He's done. Think of Peter walking on the water and the other disciples sitting in the boat, they both left with a different view of that storm that they had just walked through. One found what they could do in the middle of what was going on and the others sat wondering just thankful the storm ended. 

This was not the direction I thought the blog with this song was going to head, but God finally broke through last night with a few words....and one was Overcomer. Our viewpoint determines how we fight and I know the last few weeks I've lost sight of that. I've fought one too many battles in the natural only to have God give me one of those looks and be like Child..... Thankful for Fall Break and for finally getting rested enough that I was able to hear the whispers. 

I'm going to keep this one short today because I know a deeper one is coming later. The enemy wants to steal your focus, which may need to be a transparent blog soon because hindsight and some God revelation has shown me oh so much. There is a battle raging and we can't be distracted in realms we can see because the real war needs to be fought in realms we can't see. Stay the course but more than that stay with eyes focused on the only One that can speak to winds and waves and they listen. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

When the flood comes in...


This was not on the list of blog posts I had planned to post this week. Ya'll God laughs when we plan, if you haven't figured that out by now ....well you need to. When His plans become our plans, then things start to align as only He can. Anyway on to this word tonight...

There have been a few times when God has spoken this verse to my Spirit and this is one of those I think God may have been trying to get in for a few weeks.  Usually, when God brings up this verse I have to do a Google search cause it's not NIV that I remember it from. This is from NKJV just for reference. 

2020 has been a year on so many levels and honestly, the past few weeks have been overwhelming with a lot of stuff. Stuff that is honestly when I slow down and see it from His perspective, a lot of it is distractions. God brought me to this verse tonight as I started thinking about the to-do list. and the word WHEN jumped out at me. The verse doesn't say if the enemy comes in like a flood, it says when. Ya'll the enemy doesn't have anything new to throw at us.....when I picture a flood, I see overwhelming waters...stay with me now. What has been overwhelming you lately? If it's not God's truth and love....think about it for a minute. 

So when the wave of whatever comes at you and starts to overwhelm you, trust God to raise up a standard of truth. Trust God to bring truth back to your mind, whispers to your soul, and know that He has ordered your steps He's just waiting on you to see it. Take some time this weekend and let Him guide your reflections and thoughts. Ask Him for His perspective.....and watch Him shift your atmosphere when you let Him. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Cause you make mountains move......

"Cause you make mountains make giants fall..." This has become a song I listen to at least once a day if not more than that. Let's face it when the days are long and when the stress seems to come at you like a flood, music is that place that can refocus us. I don't know if it's just me, but the distractions have been plentiful fact, that's a blog on it's own coming I'm sure at some point this week. Distractions steal our focus and that in itself should clue us in to where they are coming from. The enemy only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I have had a whisper here and a whisper there over the last couple of weeks because well the distractions have seemed louder than the whispers. The more I press in, it's because there is a word coming and the enemy knows it...hence the distractions, but I digress. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we have to stir it up some days what we know is on the inside of us. I saw this picture a week or so ago, and it didn't make exact sense but it's starting to come into view. There is a shift that happens in all of our journeys at some point. We have those moments where we are following behind and seeing how He's gone before us on our journey and the light that leads each step. Then we hit a place where we start to see the light from a different view and notice that it's coming from around us and beside us. Broken places, those places we pray against, may very well be the place God uses to shine from within. It's that moment we look up from walking along our journey and see how the journey has shifted and following has turned into a friendship. 

God finishes what He starts, and the same faith He displayed then He plans to continue to displaying now. We get in the way sometimes, kind of like picking up a hose and squeezing it. Water still comes out but not in the way it could if there wasn't anything holding it back. Take time this week to reflect and see what may be holding you back, what is God asking you to let go of so that He can take you to the next He has planned. There are some things that we get free from and the enemy slides the chains back at our feet and if we aren't careful, we can find ourselves picking them back up again. Hear my's just a distraction, keep moving forward and don't pick up anything that He doesn't hand to you. Let that visual sink in....God's a giver of good gifts and He doesn't put something to where we have to look down to pick it up, He hands them down to where we can look up to receive it. 

There is a season of expectation, I've seen it, I've heard it....and can now see how the enemy has done everything he can to distract from it. Thankful for a reset break and for reflection some this week. Elijah had moments where he sat under the tree and had a borderline pity party, but then he got up and had an encounter with God that propelled Him back to purpose. God's said more than once already this week that's He's whispering......praying you to hear exactly what He's saying to you in this season. 

More blogs to come this week.....

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Some days you have to remind yourself.....


I know it's been almost a month since the last's not because I don't have something to write about, but it's because I think God's been writing some things that I had to walk first. There is a verse in 1 Samuel 30:6 that said David encouraged himself in the Lord. Ya'll let's think that about that for a second, this is the same David who had already defeated Goliath...He knew what God could do...yet there were moments that stressed him out to the point, he knew where he had to run to. Hear my heart I know David had his issues, but he was also a man after God's own heart. The last month or so has been a roller coaster feeling. Honestly, the virtual school has worn me out and I'm techie. If you haven't learned this by now...hear what I'm saying...when you are worn down and on the verge of worn out, it's harder to hear what the Spirit is saying. Some days it makes it harder to not give into how you are feeling and make an excuse for it, well it's just a _____ and accept something you have been declaring against. There was a shifting point about two weeks ago, where God was pretty blunt and pretty loud. He was like child why are you fighting with someone else's armor when you have the keys to fight already. That could probably turn into a blog in itself....but it's referencing back to when David was getting ready to fight Goliath and he tried to wear Saul's armor. When God has shown you how to fight a battle and you know what the results are......that's what He was referring to. You know where your lines are and when rest turns into a funk. It's different for everyone else and no judgment...this is simply me sharing what I learned. That day God started shifting things...

Does it mean that everything is fine and dandy? Why no...Friday night I could feel every joint in my body, but I didn't let it get me stuck this time. It's a process to continue to walk in what God has poured out and promised. I get frustrated some times when I have to ask for help for something that I should be able to do in my mind. As I was reminded last week at just the right time, there is something precious that comes from the pressing. That day when God spoke in about knowing what to do, it was like something rose up on the inside of me and remembered just how faithful He had been each and every step of the way. Ya'll sometimes that's what we have to do to stir up what is on the inside of us....Let's get real for a minute.....there may never be a day anytime soon when I feel like doing some things, but feelings don't get to win. Some days we have to walk forward knowing and trusting He's already gone before us. 

I don't know what you are dealing with, but He does sweet readers. The same God who has moved mountains for you in the past is looking to move mountains for you in the future. He's not just faithful in one season to leave you alone in the current season. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.....hang in there and keep pressing forward knowing God has plans beyond your imagination. I don't know why some things happen.....but I know the One who knows it all. That has to be our focus especially in this season we are in. God's pouring it out and looking for someone open to just receive it. 

This song that I posted above was one I would wake up singing some mornings and go to bed some nights. It was a grounding moment in the season to remind me of how faithful God has been in the past and He would continue to be that now.  For God to use these girls to speak life in, I look back now and see it as another way of God reminding me during that season how much He had control of it. When I couldn't see it just yet, now I can see with a different perspective. Sometimes we can't see what He's doing because all we see is the rain, after some time we realize what that rain was doing. 

More later, but take this week one moment at a time with God and as you breathe out and breathe Him in...may He feel you with that peace that passes all understanding (aka doesn't make sense to anyone). 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sorting out the whispers


I've been back to probably the closest I'm going to a routine for a little over a week now and have found my feelings all over the place. I'm coming home exhausted which is typical for the first couple of weeks back. (even in normal settings without all that 2020 has brought me). Anyway....I'm missing some of the time I had to spend just sitting at His Feet. Don't get me wrong, the time is still there....but it's different right now because of a whole host of things. Anyway stay with me.....we are in the middle of 21 days at church and I can't say I've been all-in with it, but I'm getting up and listening to the messages and then spending that time pressing in while getting ready. This past week, Wednesday was a message that was a GAME CHANGER. Every 21 days there is a shift that happens at some point.....Wednesday's message was that for me....I knew God was trying to press something through, but I needed time to process it. I'm not sure this blog is actually done....honestly as the title says I'm still sorting out the whispers....The message on Wednesday was on using our testimony as a place of other words, if God did it for us, we can use that faith that He will do it for someone else. There was more said but I forgot to take notes (here's hoping they archive them like they normally do). I had a bone density scan that same morning, in the same location where the enemy had thrown a diagnosis at me. The bigger picture was not lost on me, I was like God ...whatcha up to. Sitting in the waiting room, brought such a different was like I could feel what was walking into that room. 

Ever have one of those off mornings where you try to fake your way through it, but it doesn't work? Pretty sure I had one of those this morning. I was all up in my feelings and let's just say the Spirit was not the loudest. Just staying real and transparent......When I got home I watched the sermon and immediately knew why the enemy was pushing on each and every button that he did. There again was that message that lined up with what God had been trying to push through. (About your infirmity not becoming your identity, but a place of authority).  Ya'll when God sends you more than one message within a week on the same topic....He's trying to get through to you. 

The song with this one sums up the sorting out the whisper moments I've had over the last week. God's pushing something through. There's probably a few more blogs coming out of the last few days....but for now hopefully my rambling makes sense. 

It's hard not to let the physical be the loudest. It's hard not to ask God why couldn't you have some days. It's hard not to answer with the "I'm Fine" answer that everyone expects even when you are holding to fine with a thread. Ya'll God gets it.....when those moments hit, learn to recognize them. For me, it usually means the enemy is trying to distract me from whatever God is trying to get me to hear. It doesn't mean there won't be a fight, but it means the victory path has already been just gotta keep stepping! One of the declarations I make every morning is that No weapon formed against me shall prosper, not even a side effect. This morning God whispered, now remember what that verse means child....Weapons will form, side effects will pop around, but they won't prosper...they won't be able to take root and be consistent. Four months in, and  He's right......I just gotta stay focused on the grapes even though the giants seem close! 

More later....

Sunday, August 9, 2020

There's nothing better than YOU

" Then You came along, and put me back together...."  "I'm not afraid To show You My weakness. My failures, and flaws, Lord You've seen them all and YOU still call me friend. Cause the God of the mountain, is the God of the valley. There's not a place  Your mercy and grace Won't find me again. : 

I knew through the tears this morning, God was stirring up a word of some kind. Later on during nap time this afternoon, He said to go look at the lyrics to this song....and then I knew. I almost took a picture and made it just a post, but out of fear of the comments that may come...I hesitated and didn't. Apparently, God still had a word...

As I got closer to church this morning, my feelings were a hot mess. I was trying not to think about the last time I drove on campus and what all was going on at that time in my life. Before I go any further, yes my church has been open at other times, but I have not attended. I have exercised wisdom and used discernment during this season. Today I felt released to go serve in our preschool department soul needed it more than I realized. This time of isolation had taken its toll. I'm such a people person and I longed to be back in a place where I was able to give back again. Those of you that know me well know that I've always had a heart for serving and this past five months, that has been something I've not gotten to do. But guess what I have found during this season......Him in a whole new way that I can't even still put into words. This Mary season has done my Martha heart well. I long for the God things to pour into now ....not just good things that keep me busy but may not yield fruit. I had a hitting the wall moment last week when I realized I wasn't up to the pace I have been at other back to school seasons....but then I stopped for a minute and He lovingly reminded me of what I had pressed through this past five months....and that grace for myself was needed in the moment (but that's a blog for another day). Back to this morning...

The last time I drove on to campus back in March, I was questioning God, let's be honest I was. I was a tearful hot mess looking to God for a suddenly. I was that disciple in the boat going God can't you just make the storm stop when God was rising up a Peter in me that was willing to walk out of the boat and take it to another level. (If you are new to the blog, go back and read the last six or seven entries to catch up). The last time I drove on campus, I was the disciple that had seen God do things, I knew what He could do, but the inside of me was wanting the storm just to stop....instead of seeing that He wanted to show me how to walk through the storm. Today I drove on campus in a different place and through tears of thankfulness I had a moment with God before I got out of the car. There are still moments from this journey that I've yet to put into words, but the season is coming for more (along with the book that I started). Today I drove on to campus not fearful of what may be lingering around but knowing the same God that called me out of the boat earlier this year had already gone before me. (Before anyone questions, yes I wore a mask and was responsible). I still had reservations and didn't want to see a lot of people today. I still only have a select few that I'm comfortable face to face sharing some of what I so willingly will put in a blog. God and I are working on that....because I feel like that's the next season to it says in Revelation we overcome by the blood and the word of our testimony.....and if what I have walked through helps someone else find their footing in theirs.....

I said all this to say....God is a God of turning what we can see into what He can see. He sees the potential in a moment because He created us. He knows how every cell of our bodies lines up and what releases our endorphins and those other feel-good things. He knows us that well. I'm humbled honestly by how much He knows and loves us.....and thankful for moments that I can put a stone of remembrance on and know I not only knew Him, but He knows me. (That's a blog for another day). Maybe you are in a place where you are going God just make the winds stop, I know you can do it. Maybe you are at the place where you've asked Him if it's Him then to let you walk on water. Maybe you have found yourself walking on the water with Him, but paused for a minute because you felt the water lapping at your feet.....Hear my heart friend, God sees you right where you are at....let go of those feelings into the hands of the One who created you...and trust Him for what looks like a grave to turn into a garden. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Manna for the Day

Stay with me on this blog....but this is something God dropped in my Spirit end of last week, actually right before this round of self-quarantine started. I'm such a people person and the isolation in this season...anyway the enemy knows, but God does too. On to the topic for this post.....I think we all like having some sort of a plan. How many of us bought a 2020 planner with great anticipation? Yeah, I even bought stickers and tape for this year determined that I was going to use my paper planner well. (Side note I'm techie and live by my Google Calendar...but sometimes you just need a paper copy). How's that working for you so far in 2020? Mine has plenty of doctor's appointments to keep organized for tax season....but as far as making any long term plans I was starting to let the not knowing overwhelm me. I was like God I need a word. He is oh so faithful....but just remember when you tell Him you need a word, to make sure you take time to listen for the whisper. God is speaking and pouring out so much in this season....

Manna was the word....He took me back to the story of how He provided for the Israelites. He made sure their provision was their daily, he met their need daily....and if they tried to do more than one day at a time, it spoiled unless He had given them orders to do so(preparing for the Sabbath, etc.). This season and everything that is going on in our world have made planning too far ahead almost impossible. Ya'll God's engraining in His children what Daily Bread means. We have to trust Him for one day at a time knowing and believing that He will give us what we need for tomorrow's today when it arrives. His mercies are new EVERY we can wake up and make the choice to fill up with a new measure of grace that He is pouring out just for that day. It's that modern-day manna that doesn't spoil when we come to Him daily....

We are in a season where we need a daily dose of Him (let's get real we need an hourly dose some, and thankfully He stands ready to pour it out when we ask. He knows just the amount we need to handle each day and what that day brings.  "Give us this day our daily bread".......God knew even then that we would need to be reminded of that truth in 2020.  Our steps are ordered by the One who saw us walking before we even knew we could. I know it's not easy some days to trust Him with the details. I've learned that so much this year that it could fill a book (which I'm working on). What I do know, is my God doesn't change. The same God that provided daily manna that was needed during that wilderness season is the same God who provides our daily manna today. They had to collect it physically, we have to collect it by pressing into His presence however that looks for you. 

Still writing on this one...but as I was typing this out God said....Promised Land is coming. I know there is A LOT going on in the natural world that we can see, but let's stay focused. There is a lot going on in the spirtual world as well that we can't see ;-)

Walking forward...

No idea when God dropped my word for the year (Forward) into my Spirit how it would dictate this last season. I honestly hadn't thought about this song until just the last couple of days. God brought this song to mind during one of my whiney, down on myself moments I've had lately. Ya'll they happen to all of us don't think they don't. God knows me so well, He knew I needed a song to mark that moment. You see with all of the talk about getting back to "normal", my mind immediately went to well that's impossible. I've got physical reminders that won't let me go back to a pre-COVID normal....but then I started thinking about the spiritual reminders that have come during this season and I about lost it. 

I don't know how your year started out. If you have followed my blog for the last couple of months,  you know my latest season has been well full of lessons, I'll say that. What seed has been planted in the beginning of this year that God is going to use to bring forth a harvest that's still to come? or even what seed is God watering with the rain you have complained about coming? Just something to think about....

It's not a magical fix just so you know. It's a daily choice to get up and keep close to the One who whispers just what you need. It's a daily choice to say okay God I trust you. Discipline comes after the deliverance....that's something I've heard more than once from a couple of friends. It just means there is a walking out when God does something in your life. It's a journey, a process, a walk so to speak. 

Hang in there sweet to His lap if you need to and if you can't see Him working, know that He is. Let Him whisper to your soul just what you need to hear....and to remind you that He wants you to walk in what He's doing now ;-)

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Praise in the middle

A blog two days in a row can only mean one thing....God's talking and I'm listening I guess. Honestly, it means that what's He's pouring in, He's letting me pour out so to speak in this format. If you say the two journals I've been using in this season....there are a lot of words not in blogs.  I can look back and some of the dates are consecutive where God was pouring out sweet revelation, then it goes to a day here and a day there. The last couple of weeks have been that day here and day there.....and with being back in the medical world this month of course I was like okay God what's up. Cue this song...I heard the chorus to this last week when I watched Elevation online and it has stuck. This morning I woke up with it singing in my Spirit...(mind you it wasn't on my playlist at that moment). The song continued going through my day....and I pulled up the lyrics. I'm a lyrics girl and have a whole playlist of songs that I have used for various seasons of life. This one got quickly added.....then something inside me felt led to google the story behind this song. I've been around ministry behind the scenes etc. for the last 16 years so I knew most songs have a story behind them. What I found had me in was written from the middle of a journey.  (If you are interested, this was the link I read

We can't stay on the mountain meeting with God forever. Life is lived in the valley so to speak. Fruit grows in the valley, but that's a blog for another day.  God knows when we need the mountain top, drop down glory moments with Him. He also knows when we are ready to walk in the in-between knowing that the same glory on the mountain is walking with us. Look up, He's covering you by day and night, and within you. Let that take root....the walk in between mountains is when strength grows, when roots take ground, when faith turns into fruit, and talk becomes action. You see there will be another mountain up ahead, but for now, trust the ordered steps because sweet reader He didn't order the steps that are behind you to not keep ordering the steps ahead of you. 
Until next time Clientmoji