Monday, February 25, 2013

It's a masterpiece to Him

I am convinced He likes it when I get to the point where I know it seems impossible, where I realize I cannot do it anymore, to the place where I want to give up or give in. It's usually at those times when I get me out of the way and let Him do His thing. Oh how I wish He would hurry up and do His thing.....I'm tired and I'm worn out mentally. I know the lesson He has decided I will learn this year is that I'm in charge of me and what others do is not of my concern. Not an easy still bothers me when I work as hard as I do and others get away with doing very little. I have to let go that what they do they are responsible for, I am in charge of how I respond. I am in charge of making sure I don't get frustrated, don't worry, and don't let it overwhelm me. Honesty check: THIS is IMPOSSIBLE without God. That's why the enemy throws it at you. That's why the enemy does everything He can to mess you up and cause you to feel stressed, worried, and overwhelmed. The enemy is smart, he knows just where your weaknesses are....and TRUST me he will push those buttons. When you know who you are in Christ and how God looks at you, it makes the devil MAD. When he gets MAD, he comes looking for you and tries to mess you up.

So that being said....I will pass this test, but it is going to take one hour at a time, one minute at a time, relying on Him to tell me when to speak and to tell me when to keep my mouth shut. It's Him to tell me how to walk and when to run. It's all apart of the journey. The less days you spend running forward and not sitting still, the closer you are getting to looking in the mirror and seeing Him not you.

To you it looks like a jumbled mess, to Him it is a masterpiece. You see He is the same One that slept through the storm and whispered to it to be still. None of this is too big for God.....He can handle it all because to Him nothing is too big or hard. The quicker we realize that, the better off we will be. God doesn't see what you do, He sees who you are. He doesn't think you have made a mess out of things, He has the puzzle lid and knows just where every piece fits.

So step out of the way and let Him do His thing. After all, you are doing what He has called you to do, now let Him do His part. He can do what you can't, He just needs you to let Him.

Until next time readers,

Blogs still to come on The Light switch and Content

Monday, February 18, 2013

Who's got your stress?

I'm going to be perfectly honest tonight...Today is the first day all year, when  I have eaten my way through the entire day. I used food as a reward for handling the stress, for keeping my mouth shut, for just doing what I was supposed to regardless. I can honestly say it doesn't feel good at the end of the day(especially not after watching The Biggest Loser). Food is not the answer, yes it made me feel good at the moment, but the moment didn't last. Pretty sure I'm not the only one who has lost that battle on any given day.

Stress is not from God, but after the last couple of weeks I have decided He can use it if we will let Him. Think about it for a minute.....Stress can be the thing that pushes us to change, stress can be what He uses to show us what really is on the inside(good or bad), stress can be the force that makes us dig our heels in and just stand. Stress can be the sand paper, He uses to smooth off our rough edges. It all depends on who has your stress? Stress is going to happen, it's the world we live in. It is what we do with the stress that determines who has our stress. Today for me, food had my stress(which meant I had it). Tonight, He has my stress...because I have slowed down long enough to give it to Him.  Lesson learned...hope so, but knowing God, pretty sure I'll get to retake the test so He can make sure I've learned it.

Different kind of blog tonight, but that's been my day. Is He finished writing this, probably not?

Surround yourself with those that love you for you. Believe in yourself, it makes the days when others don't easier to get through. Know what He says about you, and push through until you see it happen! If He promised you, it will come to pass!! Just wait on His timing ;-)  Remember those moments when He has shown out in your life, and know the best is still to come! Don't let the opinions of the masses cause you to forget about the One.

More blogs to come that are deeper and more focused, but this is me tonight. Even if it was just for me ;-)
Until next time,

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Discouraged or determined

Okay so God had pretty much already had this talk with me on the way home....then Joyce Meyer's latest tweet just kind of nailed it in. So this is another short and sweet blog, but has some meaning ;-)

Looked at the mountain again today and had a choice to make. Am I going to continue heading down and end this 40 year journey or am I going back up and around the mountain again? I'm going to admit and be perfectly took AWHILE(okay so all day) to realize I didn't really want to go back up the mountain again. Let's face it, my flesh was hot today and I was ill. I was tired of a lot of things and wanted nothing more than to speak my peace. WELL.....some people heard the peace...but mainly cause I needed someone to listen. I was headed home still thinking about my soapbox and all of a sudden a sense of determination hit. It was one of those, let's go past the "extra" mile. It was a sense of, let's give it 150% instead of just 110% and see what happens. Sometimes when you think you have given it all you have, He tells you to go another mile...but this time He's doing the heavy lifting.

You can't control what happens to you, what other people do etc. Might as well give up trying now and settle in with just trying to take care of you. So when someone does something to you/says something etc. (and it's not an if, it is a when situation) have a choice to make. Joyce Meyer would say to be pitiful or words are discouraged or determined. You can let what happen get you down or you can decide to let it drive you to that extra mile. (Word of caution....the extra mile is only extra if you let Him take you there). Discouragement only hurts you.

So stand up tall, smile, and remember He's got your back sweet princess! In due time you will shine to others like He sees you now ;-)

Until next time

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Still on the journey....

The journey is getting closer to 11 days, but it is a process. Sometimes God doesn't move/change the situation because He wants to change/move us. He doesn't give us what we ask for because sometimes He wants us to realize He really does know best....even though we can't see it just yet. I told Him this afternoon His "this" keeps getting bigger...sure am thankful He doesn't mind ;-)

Take away from today(somebody besides me needs this reminder): Regardless of how you feel in the moment...God knows your heart!! He's not looking for things to always go perfectly, He is looking for you to rely on His strength and realize you can't do it on your own. Each day is more than any of us can handle without His grace. I have learned a new appreciation for the verse in Matthew about borrowing trouble from tomorrow. God knows what you can handle in each day....focus on that and trust Him for tomorrow's grace then. Have a Plan B, but realize God's plan is always Plan A.

Trust without seeing the next step is faith. Faith is more than saying you believe God's got it, it's walking it out regardless of what the day throws at you. It's staying off the soapbox, not letting the stress cause tears, and enjoying some well deserved chocolate ;-) .

More to come soon.....I promise....

He gave you your talents and gifts for a reason. He thinks you are pretty special and loves you just the way you are!! Don't let anyone put a lid or bury what God gave you! He has a job and a call only you can do. Stay close and listen to what He tells you about it....focus on His words.