There is an army rising up in 2016. An army that knows their purpose, their calling, and most of all an army that knows the power that is on the inside of them. An army that knows the battle that is before them, but they know that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. (Notice the word didn't say weapons wouldn't be formed, but that they wouldn't be able to last, to grow). An army that knows the enemy is present in the battle, but they know how to defeat the enemy through truth and prayer. An army that marches forward, not looking back on the past, but knowing that their commander has already won the battle. An army that knows the distractions will be there, the feelings will come, but they know they have the authority to speak to those fears, those feelings with truth and time spent with Him. An army that is no longer a slave to the chains of before, that has circled the mountain long enough, that they are ready to march into their Promised Land and claim what has been theirs all along. An army that knows who they are in a spiritual sense, but most of all Whose they are and that makes all the difference. An army that has been covered in the blood, marches on with truth, and a faith that says My God has got this.
I've learned more in the last six months than I could ever put into a blog. I've tried to do it as I processed the revelation etc, but honestly there is still more than I could put into words. My journal is full of words that have yet to be connected, prayers that I know will be answered at some point, and a battle plan that I've had to refer back to more than once. 2015 was the year the blinders to the chains the enemy had latched on fell off. God not only broke them, but He took control of the memories attached to those chains. It's a freedom that I still try to put into words. It's a freedom that He so lovingly reminds me if I start to look back at my Egypt so to speak. I'm not going backwards. This week the enemy pushed some physical buttons. I had a headache that felt like an elephant was sitting on it and my self confidence was not being my friend at that moment. The enemy doesn't play fair and if you think he does...well that's a lie straight from him. God spoke a truth in that moment though..A truth I had never heard, Fighting something in the physical means we aren't focused on the fighting in the spirtual. When we are physically not feeling ourselves, it's a focus. It makes it harder to fight in the spirtual the attacks that we can or cannot see that are headed our way. The enemy attacks our confidence because he knows if we don't feel like we can fight or make a difference, we won't. Hear my can not feel confident, and still walk confident. You can not be sure that you can do something, and know that He can do it through you. That is a truth that is finally starting to sink into my soul. A truth my Spirit has known all all along. This week I found myself in my war time telling the enemy that I was confident in what He could do through me and that He always finishes what He starts, and my God was just getting started with this Jesus girl. Fight the lies with the truth of God's word. (If you aren't to the place in your journey yet where you feel like you can fight on your own...find someone who knows how to fight and let them pour into you how to do battle)
Child of God...He wants to pour into you this year. He wants to speak life to you, yes you that aren't sure what the year holds just yet. He wants to breathe life into your bones and show you what is on the inside of you. On the inside of you Child of God is the power to do more than you could imagine. Have you received it yet? Have you flipped the switch and watched what God can do through a Child that is all His? God's raising up an army of Children who with outstretched arms, say I'm Yours God. I'm done with being comfortable, I'm ready to be what You've called me to be. The steps He has planned may not always make sense in the moment. I think back to the bus wreck and in that moment I had no idea what God was doing, but He did. It took five years, but His truth of my steps being ordered was engraved on my heart. What you are going through right now may not make sense, but you have on the inside of you the power to trust. Child of God, don't you see...God wants to do more through you than you could ever ask or imagine, but He's waiting on one!
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