Monday, March 7, 2011

Throw it at Him...He can take it

So this whole blog came about on the drive home tonight. I tend to review the day on the way home and when that happens, little things tend to add up. His word was simple, throw it at Me. So many times we think we need to carry those things we view as "little". If it's bothering you or starting to make you feel stressed, throw it at Him, He can take it:-)

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Something bothering you about the day? Beating yourself up about something you did(or didn't do)? When He said cast, He meant it. So many times we look at this verse and think about giving Him the big things, but what about those little things? God cares about the little things just like the big things, because He loves you!! He loves you too much to see you stressed and frustrated(especially since that's not His way). The world's not a piece of cake, life's not a bed of roses, and some days all you will feel like doing is having a pity party. Some days it takes more strength to keep a smile on your face than to give into the pity party. It takes time to learn to cast everything on Him(and some days it's easier than others), but there is also a strength in knowing that the battle isn't yours to fight. He cares about it all(even what we consider little), so give it to Him and let Him carry the weight.

One last thought..........Don't carry it around just because you need someone to listen, God's always got an ear open.

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