Saturday, November 7, 2015

Trust, Fear, and Steps

Our steps are ordered by God..that's a promise from His word. So why do we doubt sometimes that He may not be leading us down the steps we should take? We trust God to protect us each day in the car when we drive, but we doubt when something out of the blue hits us. Oh my if we could only take a step back and see things through His eyes, through His lens, through His timing. He doesn't have a piece out of place that He is in control of and there is not a piece that He hasn't planned perfectly. Did you catch that part..that He is in control of? So many times we are holding pieces to our puzzle (that God created..) in our hands and trying to force them into place. God never planned it that way..He didn't plan on us taking on things that were only meant for Him, but that's where freedom of choice comes in. God chose for us to have a way of escape when He sent Jesus to the cross for our sins. Our choice is to choose to accept that way, that gift. When we do that, it doesn't mean that life suddenly becomes easy, but it means the One who ordered your steps is in control. You have the power of the One who raised Jesus from the dead living on the inside of you. You may not feel like you can do anything, but with Him you can do all things.

This week started off with a sucker punch from the enemy. Let's face it, the enemy knows when we are tired, worn, and already feeling like the weight of the world is getting close to our shoulders. My heart knew that God had it all under control, but my flesh was screaming louder. Those are the moments of battle when it takes putting flesh aside and remembering why God called us to this race. Sometimes the battle isn't one we can always see, but we can feel it in our Spirit. Messes in God's hands always turn into a message. I've seen Him move yet again this week and show out in ways that only He could. God is faithful to do what HE said He would do. At some point in our walk, that has to be the loudest truth in our hearts and our thoughts. Our steps are ordered by the One who gave us the ability to step. Let that sink in.....

You may be reading this thinking, oh but she doesn't know the kind of week I have had. Well no I don't, but God does. I know what it's like to trust Him to work it out and I know what it's like to take it into my own hands to work it out. Hear my heart when I say His way really is the easiest. There is a line in a song that has been my go to this week that says..."I don't know how He's going to move, but I know He knows what I need.". There will be some moments in our journey when we know exactly how to pray and how we desire God to move. Then there will be some moments in our journey, when we simply go...God just move. Maybe you are at that point sweet reader.....where you don't even know how to pray, you just need God to show up and do what HE does best. Ask Him....tell Him what you need, what you want, and most of all how you feel. (He already knows anyway, but He longs to hear it from You.). Then once you tell Him, once you pour out your heart to the One who made it, leave it in His hands. Leave the feelings, the thoughts, and the control with Him...and then pick up your armor and keep moving forward knowing that the One who loves you the most has already gone before you.

God I pray right now for the one reading this post. You alone know just where they are them there. God speak life to their individual situations, to their fears, to their doubts, to their insecurities, to their discouragement. Speak to those feelings and remind them Father who is stronger. You never said we would feel our way through things, but that we could do all things with You. God thank you for ordering our steps and for giving us the strength to step when we don't feel like it, can't see it, or may feel like it's too deep. Thank you for covering those steps with your blood, but most of all with your love. In Jesus name...Amen

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