Saturday, November 5, 2016

An almost turtle moment....

I'm learning to run everything through the filter of the One who knew it was going to happen in the first place. Some moments are sandpaper that rub off the rough edges to make us more like Him. Some moments may feel like a crack, but they won't break us...because He's using them to remold a place in us that needs to look more like Him. When our heart's desire is to be in step with Him, He answers.....our natural doesn't always understand it, but it was never meant for our natural to make sense of it. There is a space deep inside that knows the steps we take are ordered by the One who orchestrated the neurons in our brains to order our feet to move. There is a tune that is being sung that can only be heard by the heart that is still and listening for the whisper of the Creator. Life is so busy at times that we run here and there, from good things to good things, forgetting that good things don't always line up with God things. We can give so much of ourselves to others that we have nothing left to give to Him much less ourselves. Busy does not yield equals spending so much time running from this crop to that crop that you lose time to tend to those things that God has called you to tend. Get still for a minute, okay it may take longer than a minute.....and listen what makes your heart smile? What are those things/people/moments that God has placed in your path that energize you and renew a sense of purpose within you? Those my friend are fruit indicators.....listen to what makes your heart truly beat and run after it.

October was a month that had some amazing memories that were made, but at the same time there was stretching like I haven't felt in awhile. Stretching isn't always a bad thing, if you cooperate and get still enough to realize what's really happening.  Getting still has been my problem this past month, well still long enough to listen. When I haven't spent time listening like I need to, it impacts my natural and my insecure self starts to become louder than my spiritual self. I've been the queen of walls before, the one who has wanted to hide in the turtle shell until I felt like coming out. I've lived a lot of this journey not wanting to be that open book because it never seemed like anyone wanted to read what I was writing. I have a small group that I text in a moment when I'm almost stuck (I've learned not to wait until stuck...), that same group has always been that safe place and will always speak truth to where I'm at. We get through those moments when the enemy wants us stuck with the help of those God friends that He has placed in our lives. We grow through those moments with the Aaron and Hur's He has given us that say no you can do this and hold you up while you press through. Stuck looks different for everyone, you know what it means for you.....reach out before you get there and don't slide back into the turtle shell. You can only fake a smile for so long.....but God knows that and He knows when so long is about to happen. Follow His steps and look for Him to show up.... (He's faithful to meet the needs of His children). 

He heard my cry this week and rained down in the car on the way to work the next day. He heard my I'm tired, feeling empty.....and spoke straight in to that inner part of me. When you wake up with Tasha Cobbs singing "Fill Me Up" know God's shifting and moving on your behalf. When you get in the car and "If We're Honest" is playing on...God's tilling up the ground that has become hardened by life .....and when He speaks in to play "Take Me to the King" and the lyrics mirror exactly where you are at...You sing along a the top of your lungs because you are thankful He broke through. The wall that was on it's way up was broken down again by just a word from the One who knew the wall was there (even though you may have hid it from everyone else). It was a short drive to work, but the presence felt put the smile on my face that wasn't forced. 

I don't know where you are at this weekend, but God does. He's heard every "I'm tired", He knows where your tank level is and He gets it. He's seen what you have tried to smile through and He is already moving on your behalf in a realm you can't see. He could whisper right now and stop it all, but oh sweet friend He wants you to trust His timing as He takes you through this part of your journey. The ground may feel rocky, but He is filling up the bucket to rain down and fill you up sweet child. Get still and get ready.....He's bringing about a move that is beyond your imagination. 

Sometimes we have to take ourselves to the King...knowing that He is the Only One that can move what needs to be moved and speak life to that which needs to be spoken into. You may see a wall up right now or that turtle shell close by. Push through knowing that He sees right where you are, hears those whispers from your heart, and has promised to be with you each moment of the way. God may my heart be sensitive to the "I'm tired's" in my path and those that smile. May we be for others what we need ourselves knowing God will give back, pressed down shaken together and running over......

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