Sunday, August 21, 2011

Reality Check

I am not a fan of reality checks, but I can safely say that since the bus wreck, I've learned to listen to them quicker and pay attention more ;-) I got a reality check last night and it stepped all over my toes. Last week was the first week of school. This year I'm in a new position, with a new schedule, and to top it all off I'm at a new school for part of the time. That in itself has stressed written all over it. So take a stressful situation and what does our flesh want to do, look around and whine and complain because others have it easier or they don't have to do as much as we do. If we look around and stay focused on what others are doing or are not doing, then we are not concentrating on what He's called us to do. It's not our job to see what's not fair in the situation, our responsibility is to do what He's called us to do and to do it to the best of our ability.

How many times would we rather stay focused on what others are doing(or not doing) instead of just doing the best we can with the task(s) we have been given? How many times do we concentrate on things we can't change instead of doing what we can towards things we can?

So back to my reality check last night....this week has worn me out mentally and physically. I'm overwhelmed with trying to get organized and get everything in place, that being said I also let a lot of what others were doing or not doing last week get to me. (How many know when we let things get to us, it will wear us out? After all that is the devil's plan to wear out the saint).  That being said, I had a choice to make last week, do the best I can with what I've been given this year, or let it get to me and become frustrated because of how I felt. Safe to say I tried to do the first, but the latter won out more. Then He gently reminded me(okay so it hurt) that I was too focused on what others were doing or not doing, that I forgot what He had called me to do. It's my job to take what I've been given(the hand I've been dealt so to speak) and make the best of it I can. Will it always be easy(NO)? Will I always get it right(Probably NOT)? Will He love me the same regardless(YEP)? See God knows our heart and as long as we are putting our best foot forward, doing the best we can, He's happy. When we do what He's called us to do, the things He helps to fall into place our amazing. After all He's got the puzzle lid, and if we will look really close there is a hint of color that will tell us where the piece fits(chances are its not where you keep thinking it will and have been trying to force it too).

Will the unfair things that found themselves in my day last week still be there this week? Probably so, because the situation hasn't changed. God just told me the way I approach it has to change. He didn't necessarily deal me the hand, but He knew the cards I held to begin with and together we always make a winning team!!

Until next time...........

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