Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Be immovable.........

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58 

God has been writing on this verse for the last week. Something happened last week and thankfully a friend told me not to react just yet, but to wait. So I did....and God's response was Be immovable. I'm not the greatest with memorizing scriptures in a formal sense, but more is hidden in my heart than I realize until moments like this. It took me a minute to know which verse He meant. (The KJV version of this verse has be immovable for stand firm). 

The enemy would be perfectly happy if we stayed in the boat with our walls built around us sailing toward something. Not being able to see where we are headed or staying focused from all the distractions, fits him just fine. When we get determined to do things God's way, he gets a little nervous, when we actually start trying to walk out our determination he gets scared. If I've learned anything over the summer when the enemy is scared, he starts trying to throw banana peels in your path. The reality is we don't always see the banana peels until we are mid fall. Even worse sometimes we see that it was a banana peel after we are lying on our backs looking up. 

"Be immovable" and "Stand Firm" doesn't mean you will always see the banana peels. Oh how I wish that were true, but that's not reality. You get quicker at getting back up and recognizing what the peel was that time, but unfortunately the enemy always finds a different color or shaped one to throw in the path. When God says to stand firm and to be immovable letting nothing move you, it means on the inside(or at least it has for me lately). God knew things would get thrown in our paths that would mess with our pace. He knew that we would have slips, but He was more concerned with how we were doing on the inside. When you are down on your back from a fall, you have two choices. One you can stay down or two you can get back up. Stand firm in knowing whose you are and who has His hand reached out for help and let nothing move you from that. When we are immovable and firm in Him we know He has our back and nothing can change that. Immovable to me means that even though others are being negative, I know He will shine through. Immovable means I don't get down on myself because I know Whose I am. (Heart minute: I have always said I was my own worst enemy. God's breaking that off while breaking off the chain of people pleasing. When He whispered to be immovable, He wanted me to know that regardless of how I "felt" in the moment, He had this covered.). So many times we want to run with feelings one moment and the Spirit the next, but this isn't how it works. Immovable means standing firm knowing God has got this because He's got you!

"Always abounding in the work of the Lord." (Again the KJV version but you get the picture). To abound means to have plentiful. When we abound in something it's our focus, it's our mission, it's our calling. When we abound in something, we have a purpose. When we cast off worrying about what other people are going to think, say, or do and follow through with what God said to do we move a little further over the mountain. If we always stay in the comfort boat, we will never feel the strength of walking on the water. Getting out of the boat takes faith in knowing two things. One God said to get out and Two you believe that truth enough to start walking it out. So many times we know God said to get out of the boat, but we stay in anyway for fear of what "someone may think". Pleasing other people can cause you to miss what God has planned for you in this moment called today. Sowing and Reaping is biblical, sow what He instructed you to do with your whole heart(feelings aside) and know that He will show you the harvest in time. What you do for Him is never wasted and will never leave you empty. Do it because He said to, not because someone else did. (Heart minute: When you finally turn away from the people pleasing, the journey forward is not easy at first. It's hard for others who used to walk over you so to speak, or tell you what to do to realize you can say no. Saying no to them means you can say yes to God. Cautiously weigh your schedule against your calling, they should easily balance.) 

I don't know where you are at right now, but God does. For me I needed to be told last week to be immovable.He knew where I was at. Sometimes the best road to take is the silent road. Line up others actions, words, and reactions with what He says. God will never cause you to doubt yourself, feel discouraged about something,g or leave you stressed. None of those "plans" are for your good, so dismiss them and smile. He has it all covered. Follow His lead and know that in time others will see the change in you.  Take Him at His word and live each day for an audience of One. 


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