Monday, January 16, 2012

Changing the channel

I am a channel surfer. I can watch more than one show at a time, I'm not a fan of commercials(unless it's the Super Bowl), and I've been known to change the channel if the show got to be too much. How many times do we wish we had a remote and could change the day the way we change the channel? The day becomes too intense, we move to something less stressful? The day isn't exactly keeping our interest, so we flip to something more alluring, more suspenseful. If only choosing our day were like choosing a movie. You know some days, you are in the mood to cry so you pick a drama, some days you want an adrenaline rush, so you pick a suspense, some days you just want to laugh so you pick a comedy...if only it were that easy. That's not how God planned for it to be and as much as we can't understand it, the lack of that remote control is all a part of His plan. We can't choose our day, but we can choose how we respond to it. We can't always choose who we spend our day with, but we can choose how we treat them. God never promised  us this life would be easy(in fact I do believe He said we would have troubles), but He did say He'd always be there. He can't always pause it, but He can dry our tears and hold us. Sometimes the things that happen to us make us who we are. The best thing about being in  His lap, is there isn't an end. There isn't a time when He says get up, my lap is tired. He lets us stay until we are strong enough to get up and move. Depending on what the day dealt us, we may just need to sit for awhile. I've often times wanted a pause button to slow down a vacation or time off, but is that really what is best for us? As much as I hate to say it, if we needed a remote for the day, God would have given us one.

Where is this coming from you wonder? So many people that I love, have been dealt some blows lately. They have wished for a remote so that they could have changed the channel to a Disney movie where everything is happy. How I wish I had answers for them, but I only have ears to listen and time to pray? Some times you can't change the channel, but you have to trust God who knows how it all ends. He wrote the credits ;-)  Days that rock your world, that shape who you are, that form your journey, are days that only God can carry you through. One of the new Crabb Family songs says it best, if there ever was a time I needed you before Lord I need you now....(google the song on You tube or look back a few blog posts if you have never heard it). If I've learned anything from the days that shaped me, it's that God's the only one who can hold up the walls crashing around you. He'll be there to hold you as scream, listen as you wonder why, and to always dry your tears. I won't say it gets easier, but you do get stronger.

Cherish each day you have, Tell those you love that you love them, and don't waste the hours. Even if the list doesn't always get finished, relax and make the most of each day. Don't keep planning for tomorrow that you miss out on today. Keep smiling, eventually your heart will catch up. You'll one day look back on those days that rock your world, those days that shape who you are, and see that single set of footprints in the sand and know that God carried you.  Strength doesn't always mean you forget, because when a friend goes through it, you remember and are able to listen as they cry and tell them God's carrying them.

Until next time,

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