Monday, February 17, 2014

Love them Like Jesus

Those that know me know my heart is bigger than my patience some days. Today would be one of those. Most understand the statement, it was a Monday, but for me God took this Monday to a whole new level. Today was a rough day, I would be amiss if I said otherwise. Only God can take our rough moments and turn them into diamonds. Only God can take a day where you are going, really, and answer with I'm just answering your prayer. Ouch let me just tell you that one hurt!

Stay with me a many times have we prayed to love someone like Jesus?  Think about it for a minute or two. We've all been there. Someone in our daily life that we know we need to show His love to, so we ask God to love them like He would. Jesus loved everyone. He understood where they came from and He met them where they were at. That's what God is asking us to do. Yes it is hard because we don't want to move out of our comfort zone. It's also hard because some days are just physically exhausting, but God will always give back and restore to us what we give out to others for Him.

Jesus loved those who hit Him, spit on Him, and called Him names. Jesus loved those who said things behind His back, who made up stories about Him, and who were just mean to Him. I can imagine it may not have been easy for Jesus to at some points, He was flesh at after all as well as God. He relied however on the same power and strength that we have as well today. He knew that the only way He could love someone like He was supposed to was with God's strength. That dear readers is how we will be able to show His love to others as well. We show God's love best when we love those that are not necessarily easy to love.

Honesty has been exhausting. The last thing I really wanted today was to have God interrupt my pity party, but God knows best. God took my moment where I would have been content and justified to have a pity party and moved it into a, this is about Me sweet child Not you. See God knew how today was going to go. He knew the only way to teach me how to love them like He would was to have the day like today was. Easy to love is not always the case, but loving God's way is. Loving them like He does also means showing grace. Tomorrow is a new day and today has become yesterday.

Life is short and time is precious. Do what you can do each day, and let Him do the rest. Love them like He would. Yes that may mean you are hit and spit on during the day, but He will give you the grace to bear through it.  Those hits and spits may not always be physical, but they may be with words or deeds. This test hasn't been passed yet, but I'm in the process. Like a student in the classroom, I realized today the test had been passed out. I'm choosing not to turn it in just yet ;-) After all, I want to pass it now instead of having Him hand it back to me later.

Ask Him to give you the heart to love those you come in contact with like He would. His promises are true and His word will not return void. He will take care of His child walking in obedience.

Walking the journey with Him,

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