Sunday, November 9, 2014


God just took Proverbs 3:5-6 and about did an upside down number on me. Not that I should be surprised after the amazing Sunday this has been....but something tells me this is something I've been told before, but for the first time I heard it. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart(even the part you think you gave Him, but you took back when someone gave it to you). 
and lean not on your own understanding (Don't rely on how you feel. Overwhelmed, stressed are just feelings. If you truly believe God's got it because He has you.....then smile and move on!) 
in all your ways submit to him (Give it ALL to Him....even the part you just tried to reason with Him it really more important than what He thinks anyway?)
and he will make your paths straight (He will show you where to step at every turn...)

Words for today: Trust Him with what He has told you to do. He knows your heart better than anyone else. Quit analyzing everything, stressing about the details, and let the feeling of overwhelm run your thoughts. Life happens, the world gets in the way a lot of the times, but He is greater than any thought the world can slide in to your video screen. He didn't call you to be overwhelmed and even though you may feel that way, it's okay. Feed the truth that God is working everything for your good and is giving you what you need to take care of what comes your way instead of feeding the feeling of how am I ever going to get all of this finished. Do what He has called you to do, be who He has called you to be, and trust that He is responsible for putting the rest in place. 

Too many times we let the expectations of the world drown out the truth of His word. We let the lists of man drive us more than the lists of God. He said love people not please them. There is a difference. 

At some point He plainly says to us, "You say you trust me with words, now show me. Let me handle the this and that that are troubling you.  Come to me when you start to feel overwhelmed and let me feed your soul."  (So many times we run to others be in person or on social media and all they do is feed our feelings instead of feeding the truth we know in our hearts. We go seeking encouragement from man, but God whispers the best encouragement of all...."I've got you!". ) 

Where ever you are at today, He knows your heart. Let Him speak to those places that only you and He know about it. He knows the words you have poured out in your journal and are on the tablet of your heart. Trust Him with those feelings and watch Him show you just how much He loves you! 

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