Wednesday, July 29, 2015

In season and out of season

I wish you could see the inside of me right now and what I'm this is not the blog on the list that of the four that He already started this week, this is the one He's writing right now.

God's been dealing with me a lot lately on seasons, moments, and appointments. Missing appointments at some doctor's offices can cost you if you miss the appointment. Missing an appointment with God can be costly too, but we don't always see the cost impact right away. Oh God help me to never miss an appointment, a moment, or a season.

When you feel that tug, follow through. When God says pray, pray right then. When God says send a text, send it. When God says write a note, write it. When God says move, move. Too many times we let our lists for the day dictate our day. How many times do we consult God about that list? How many times do we see His interruptions for the day as inconveniences or frustrations? Whew...let that one sink in. We live in a such a scheduled world that often times we schedule out the very blessings He has planned for us that day. No more for this Jesus girl.....

That urge in your heart is there for a reason...listen and let Him tell you what it is. Then go follow through...don't let the busyness of the day rob you of the blessing of the moment.

There have been many times I have told God I'll do that later, maybe tomorrow, or even surely someone else will take care of that right? Only you know what God is calling you to do, don't assume He is asking someone else to do it at the same time or that He is going to call back later. God gave you this moment...walk in it and sow the blessing you will reap tomorrow.

I'm over questioning things, reasoning it away, and coming up with an excuse. Listen when He'll know when it's Him. If He asks you to speak, He'll take care of how it's heard. If He asks you to pray it, He'll take care of how it's answered. If He asks you to do it, He'll take care of how it's done. If He asks you to write it, He'll take care of how it's read.

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