Thursday, July 23, 2015

Seasons, Praise, and Moments...(Three short thoughts)

He's working on three longer blogs right now, but the writing is still in the process. These could all be a status update on FB....but then I have to pick how and when to post them. Oh my God's pouring out on His Children that are seeking more of Him and sharing that with everyone they can....Light shone in darkness reveals what is really there, but not only that it shows a path to fix, heal, and move forward.

It's time to start thinking about the new school year, even though it doesn't feel like summer should be ending. (Other than it is still incredibly hot, it's just been a short summer). How many times do we have that in the spiritual realm as well? As we walk forward in the new season God has called us to, it may still feel like the old season, but press on knowing He is doing new things and eventually your feelings will catch up. (Oh how this about made me shout earlier this week....)

The children of Israel walked around the walls of Jericho for 6 days before they saw their breakthrough. They held on to the promise, walked in obedience, and stayed true to what He had asked them to do (even as crazy it may have seemed). They waited for the word and then began to praise Him with a shout on the 7th day. The walls began to crumble. Oh what a picture this is....The walls in our own lives will begin to crumble with our praise. Not just the praise of a clap in church, a hand raised when the song says I'm gonna lift my hands, but a praise because of the promise He has given you. A praise because of the mess you know He's bringing you out of or a praise because of where He has already brought you from...a praise that comes up from your toes and comes out of your mouth. Are your walls just waiting for your praise?
God started this picture with walls coming down earlier this week and then I watched Restoring Hope last night......oh my what a word. (As I have said in the last couple of Periscope if you can and follow them. )

Mary and Martha....oh how I love both of these women and what they stand for. I've had many days as a Martha and not as many as a Mary. I had Mary moments, but not Mary days until this summer. I'm moving into the Mary days that lead to Martha moments. When we have our time with Him, let Him do the filling, there will always be a flow that comes out. Other people will try to poke holes and drain, but for every hole the enemy tries to poke to empty you....God will send a plug to keep filling you back up. His grace, His word, and His truth are constant and the tap never shuts off. Tap into the power and water the seeds He planted so long ago. Seeds need constant water and nourishment to grow. This day here, day there...leaves a dry ground and seeds can't grow into roots. Once the root starts, the fruit is soon to follow....You know your heart, you know what He has said to do....tap into what is filling and not draining....busy with good may not always equal fruit with God.

Have a blessed week!

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