Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I've seen many searching...

"....for answers only you provide"  (yep back to song lyrics) 

I love break time, it's time for rest, reflection and just recharging. God's been pouring in.....and I'm just now getting to the overflow portion (Thank you Jesus!). To say I was on the drained and depleted side would be an understatement.....and the enemy knew it. I'm so thankful God's timing is perfect...He sends rest when we need it and restores what the enemy has tried to take. Devil you lose again.....

God's been shifting things in the atmosphere, in the spiritual realm. Pieces from the puzzle are starting to fall into place and there is a fire that only He knew how to fan. I'm thankful for a heart that prays in words that only He understands. Times when My Spirit talks to the One who is on the inside of Me....moments when God alone knows what is being said and that's just how it should be. There are some things that only God can deal with, yes He loves hearing your heart....but He needs you to leave your heart in His hands. Tell Him your heart child and then trust Him for the answers. So many times we pray and "leave" things in God's hands...only to come back later and pick them back up again to try it our way again. Leave it with Him.....and then walk in the victory because it's coming. There is a hunger that comes when you seek after the only One that can answer the questions your heart has. 

In our natural when someone or something attacks, we want to attack back. Oh hear my heart...we have got to learn to fight against the real enemy which is not the other person, the emotion, or even the "feeling". We wage wrestle not against flesh and blood...but against principalities...In other word that fight you are feeling in the natural, is a distraction from the enemy himself. If he can keep you focused on the fight you are feeling, you won't see the fight that is going on in another realm. Let that truth take's been life changing for me. I wish I could say the natural is never my focus....but it still is at times. Busyness, what other people think/say/do, and just feelings/emotions take way too much focus some days. Oh but when I get still, when I get in that place where He can speak straight to the part of me that gets it.....It's a balm of peace, it's restoration of energy, joy, and sweet fellowship with the One who made you to be. He never planned for you to be anyone other than who He made you to be. Frustrations, stress, discouragement, doubt, fear etc. come when we try and put this piece into a place of our choosing instead of the One He designed for it to fit in. 

God didn't save you, bring you through what He did...for you to live life behind a wall. I know I mentioned in a blog earlier this week that God tore down some walls for me last summer. I wish you could hear the conversations we have had over the last couple of days about those bricks...basically it comes down to "Child the wall came down for a reason....the bricks had meaning or else they wouldn't have needed to come down. There was a greater tell it". So many times we experience something, have God move in our lives in an incredible way...and we keep it to ourselves. Then we get frustrated when we ask God to use us or let us tell our story, yet we aren't willing to open our mouths in some aspects. God gave you the story, gave you the tell it. (Lots of more went into that discussion, but that's a blog for later). God pressed the anointing and the oil out for a reason and for such a time as this. Walk in it.... (that may have just been for me, but so be it)...

That thing you are wanting to run from, that's causing you something to take to His feet, leave it there..and then take up your shield and fight! When God stirs up your anointing, places a burden on you for to's not in the natural, it's meant for a realm that only your Spirit sees. The enemy wants you to run, to stay frustrated with something, and to stay with a spirit of discord in your mind....because he knows that when you go to battle for that which is frustrating and you dig in and stand in the power that you know God gave you...look out devil. are a threat to the enemy. Look at where he is pushing and push back. The power on the inside of you is greater than anything the enemy can throw your way...(and he wouldn't be throwing if he wasn't wanting you to be distracted from the purpose God has for you. The enemy is scared of your power to intercede, the power of your word, but most of all the power of your praise. When God has anointed you, taken you through something that only He can do and gets all of the glory have a praise that comes from a part of you that some won't understand. Praise Him child.....God knows what the praise cost and He will honor the desires of your heart when you seek after more of Him. More of Him....means more of all that He has planned for you, His child. He's a Good, Good Father....

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