Saturday, March 12, 2016

When you don't.....

I love a good lyric...and the song that is rocking my world and has pushed me through this week is Lauren Daigle's "Trust in You". If you have never heard the song...go listen NOW...

It's been a rough couple of weeks. I've physically not felt myself and have been fighting in that realm. The stupid liar took a few shots, I'll give him that....but with each shot I just got mad. Of course being mad in the spiritual and exhausted in the physical isn't a great combination. So I've rested as much as possible over the last couple of was in those moments I was so thankful that Jesus intercedes for us when we can't figure out words to say on our own. I'm thankful that my Spirit knew what I needed and that with rest....God began the restoration process. I'll be honest at some point this week I asked God where was He...because He seemed far away. I had a list of requests I had given Him and I wasn't seeing movement on anything. How many times do we all find ourselves in that boat? We've done our part and taken it to God....but when time passes and still no movement, that voice of doubt and discouragement get louder. Those are the times when we are faced with the choice...what are we going to do? Are we going to listen to that voice of discouragement, fear, doubt, anxiety, condemnation (take your label) or are we going to trust the One who has gotten us this far? If you had been inside my head this would have seen a battle. Hear my heart....there were lots of moments over the last couple of weeks where God has spoken in, showed up, made a difference...but there were also moments of discouragement, draining, moments where I was just plain wore out. The enemy knew what buttons to push and in just what order.....stupid devil. I guess he forgot to realize once I pushed through this, I was going to come out on the other end stronger.

There is a shift going on in the atmosphere. I felt it Sunday watching Restoring Hope and then Wednesday watching over half of the students where I teach assemble for FCA...I saw it in action. The enemy knows his time is drawing to a close and he's pulling out the punches. Stand strong Child of God..I know it's not easy, it feels horrible, but God is working. There is a peace that comes when you push through the crowd, through the mess of what the enemy has put in your path and get a hold of His hem. The enemy wouldn't be pushing if he didn't consider you a threat. So push back....if you aren't strong enough to push back, find someone who can push for you. There is a war going on that we can't see. A war in the spiritual realms....God needs His army, His children focused on fighting the battle that makes the eternal difference. The enemy will do what he can to keep your focus in the natural....but as the word says stay focused on things that are not seen. This battle is not one that is fought in the natural....God's moving. If you aren't seeing it in your daily walk, check your walk. Retrace your steps to the time when you last felt Him/saw Him move etc. and go back to that moment. God's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He doesn't change.....period there is no question mark.

Today I'm thankful. I'm thankful for those moments over the past couple of weeks that the enemy tried to used to discourage me. I'm thankful for the moments that made me realize the boldness and calling on the inside of me was ready to grab. I'm thankful for the moments that made me see the fight that in the realm not easily seen. I'm thankful for the moments that reminded me the power and anointing on the inside of me just needed a breathe of life blown into it. I'm thankful for a visit to the chiropractor that made me so mad at the devil that it was the final push I needed to get through the crowd and get a hold of His hem. I'm thankful for the whisper in the middle of what I thought was an escaping rest was really a restoring rest. I'm thankful for mold coming off walls and fresh paint being opened (that's a blog in itself and a pearl of wisdom from a dear friend). Trust doesn't mean you know how He's gong to do just know He's going to.

I don't know where you are right now, but God does. He's not the author of the fear, anxiety, condemnation, depression, discouragement, or stress that you are feeling right now. He knows what caused it and simply wants you to crawl up in His lap and let Him deal with it for you. He knows it's going to take some time, but if you will trust Him...He promises to restore what the enemy has stolen from you. God wants to fill you with joy and peace overflowing. The mountain may not move, but He will call up the strength you need to climb the mountain. God doesn't see the size of the obstacle, He sees the size of the miracle. Don't let the enemy use the obstacle to keep you from unlocking your miracle. The waters are stirring......

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