Sunday, March 20, 2016

My heart tonight.....

The revelations from the week could fill more than a post, God's been pulling back layers I didn't know existed. I'm thankful and humbled at the same time. There is a stirring in my expectancy of what is to come. God's moving and swimming in the deep waters is where I want to reside. I want to lay crowns at His Feet one day and hear Him say Well done. My flesh doesn't always understand what that means, but then again my flesh is also satisfied with a Reese Peanut Butter Egg. There is a part of me that only His presence satisfies. I'm past the going through the motions; time spent in His changing. It's more than just talking about Him, reading about Him, listening about Him, or singing about Him. It's being with Him......there is a difference and if we could just grasp that today it would change our country, our churches, our work places, our families, our homes...because it changes us. You can't spend time in His presence one day and not want it the next. It changes who you are because you start to see yourself as God sees you. When you grasp a hold of who God made you to be, who He's called you to be, and who He says you are.....whew, that's a shout right there.

I'm thankful for blinders that over this last year God has removed, walls that He has tore down, and chains that He has broken. I'm thankful because on the days when I physically feel weak, when I start to get down on myself, and when the enemy throws fear and anxiety my way again....I know God's still working. I know God is moving mountains I can't see. I know God is shifting the atmosphere and making a way where to human eyes there is no way. My God is a Good Good Father and loves me way more than I deserve. #thankfulforgrace

I'm far from perfect and still struggle with some areas that God's chipping away to reveal truth. Tears come to my eyes as I look back over the last year and the work God has done. Whew....this Jesus girl has left a lot of mess at the Feet of the only One who understood the mess and could make it a message. I have had glasses ever since grade school, but as I get older I am becoming more reliant on those glasses. The natural often times reflects the spiritual....I've becoming more reliant on my spiritual glasses as I walk this journey with Him. I need His eyes to distinguish the good things from the God things, the busy from the fruit-bearing etc. Some days I'm stubborn and don't use what He's given me I've learned (and am finally noticing it quicker). God is full of grace though to lovingly redirect me.

You may be reading this thinking, well that's great for her...but I'm still on the inch by inch walk part of the journey. I've been there....I had going through the motions down and learned exactly how to put the smile on while dealing with the things that made me cry on my own. Busyness and pleasing others had taken the place of Bearing Fruit and Pleasing Him. It was a routine more than a relationship...but God stepped in. See He knew what He had planned for me before I was even born. He knew the destiny that awaited me and He lovingly ordered my steps so that I would one day "get it". What do I mean by it? I mean that power on the inside of you, faith that can move mountain, trust that takes the step even when it doesn't seem clear, and His presence.....oh time spent in His presence praying and crying out to the One who knew the answers. I know what it's like to not be in this spot for the spirits of anxiety, fear, depression, isolation, and insecurity latched on in the forms of chain. I've been there and but for the grace of God and truth spoken into my life...I would still be there. I know this....God longs to give you the desires of your heart....and when your heart is more of Him, He honors that request. He is a redeemer of time and a restorer of broken things. God can take the days that through your glasses seem shattered (even after you have tried to put them together yourself) and make them His.

Different kind of blog tonight....but I'm just sharing my heart. More of that to come....

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