Sunday, April 26, 2015

If you seek Him....

His word says if you seek Him you will find Him. If you are looking for answers, He will give them to you. Just be prepared when you start asking, you may not always be prepared for the answers. IF you want to know what you should do next, listen....He will show you. So many times we get frustrated and stressed out because we don't feel like He is answering our questions, prayers, requests but He is. We keep looking for the answer we want, when we should be looking for the answer He wants. We look for the way we want things to turn out, but we should be content and thankful He gives us what He has planned. Oh how many times if we could look over the side we would see He's trying to get us over the cliff or the bridge and the only way to not fall is taking each step with Him.

The more determined we are to stay the course, the more the enemy will do what he can to throw us off course. Stay the course regardless of feelings.....stress will come..God's bigger than it. Sometimes we pray for God to take away the overwhelmed feelings or give you more hours to get the list done, but He wants to show you His peace. Peace to stay focused on Him which leads to energy to do more. Peace to know He's helped you finish the list every year, this year isn't going to be any different. Peace to know He's got this...because He's got you.

If we never had strengthening times, we would never know how strong He really is. The moments that make us feel should remind us to kneel.

I'm not perfect, no one is....but I am head over heels with the One who is and He gets me. Birthday is in a couple of weeks and I'm so looking forward to this upcoming year. For once I'm focused, moving forward and leaving some junk UNDER His feet. I asked Him for answers, He said it was time to rip off the band-aids, so apparently healing is His plan for this season. We all have struggles and scars that have made us who we are. It's our choice if we cover them up and hide them, or let Him use them for His glory.

This morning He knew I needed something. He knew I needed that push to keep moving forward. I've been on this journey just two weeks and I was ready to just sit down and say enough, I'm done. Oh how that would have made the enemy happy, but guess what God's bigger than that. His revelation came right on time this morning. So if you are wanting to just sit down and stay put instead of moving forward, don't! God has a purpose and wants nothing more than to see your chains crushed(not just broken!). Keep doing what He told you to and know He is stronger than any feeling that makes you want to do otherwise. More on that later...

Have a great week readers! This girl is getting ready to see some chains crushed....

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