Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 so far....just some thoughts...

I'm going to be honest....I had fully intended to write a couple of blogs tonight. One was on a couple of my last couple of revelations from my Bible Study time with God and the other was on my words for 2015. Well the enemy is pushing buttons today, so those blogs will come later this week. Apparently I am making the enemy mad already in 2015. I truly think the enemy can sense the shift that is taking place and the alignment that is being set in place. Thank you Lord for revelations and discernment. 2014 God showed me how He saw me. 2015 is my year to walk that out and make a difference by being me. I've spent too much of my time and energy trying to be who others wanted me to be, said I was, or needed me to be for their plan and purpose.  Get in on what He's doing and moving in to place.....I promise you it will not disappoint. I'm including a couple of video links of songs that I hadn't heard until Restoring Hope, but they have gotten in my Spirit since New Year's Eve. Move forward this year knowing that the One who Called you is Faithful and He will do it. Move forward this year knowing that the One who began a Good work in you will bring it to completion. Move forward this year knowing that He calls you Son and Daughter.  Move forward knowing He is working all things for your good. Move forward knowing He gives you strength to run with the eagles and the ability to scale a wall.

Move forward knowing sweet reader that He has you in the palm of His hands. Now get up and do what He has called you to do. Others may not get the calling or even understand it(after all until John the Baptist was born Zachariah wasn't allowed to speak about the word he was given of the child's name...but that's a blog for another day). You know what He told you to get up and do it!

Move forward in 2015,

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