Sunday, September 13, 2015

My heart for a moment...

This was a blog I knew I had to write, but I didn't want to write anytime soon. Well in the middle of service this morning, God was pretty clear and said it's time. It's time to tell more of where I've brought you from so that others will know. The only thing that keeps me typing this other than He said to, is the hope that someone else will see a part of it and see themselves. God is pouring out even now on His children.

The mountain is real, the mountain is large, and the mountain is huge. God doesn't always move the mountain. Sometimes He lets you circle it around, around, and around again until you at some point get desperate enough to go God help. So many times we pray and ask God to move, but we don't take a minute to sit and listen. We get so busy doing things for God that we forget to sit down and spend some time with Him. We are so focused on what others are telling us to do and who others have told us to be, that we neglect who He has called us to be. We have allowed well meaning people to put the locks on chains that the enemy handed us or to put a box around us. I'm done with that. I'm done with the chains that kept me trying to play a role that someone else dictated. We are too quick in the church to put labels on people before we get to know their hearts. We are took quick to say oh you are such and such you can do this, or you are such and such you can do that. God came to set us free, but before you can realize freedom is in your reach you have to get rid of the chains that are still holding you back. So many times we think of chains as addictions, as past mistakes, and "sins" as we so lovingly like to call them. Oh my...that's why so many are still in chains. Anything that the enemy can use to keep you from being who God has called you to be is a chain, Stay with me for a many times we don't pay attention to some of the chains from past hurts that led to bitterness or fear. Those are the chains that keep us from walking forward into our God given destiny. At some point we can only go so far, before we feel those chains. You can still be a Christian living for Him and have chains around your ankles. (See my earlier post on the saved life vs. the abundant life).

For too long we have plucked the blooms of bitterness, resentment, hurt, fear, anxiety etc. and laid them at His feet. That works for a time, but blooms grow back. Freedom comes when we get to the root of that hurt, tell God how we felt during the moment (He already knows anyway), and then we give that hurt to Him. When the hurt is in His hands, the enemy can't use it against you. As long as you are still proudly wearing it as a scar of what something or someone did to you the enemy has control on it. Oh but listen, a hurt, a disappointment put in the hands of the Master can unlock a chain that NO ONE can lock back. So if you have walked forward and all of a sudden feel stuck, ask God to reveal if you have any chains holding you back. I know I personally thought I had dealt with everything, but what I had done was pick the blooms and I still needed to dig up the roots. You can't stuff down feelings and emotions and not expect a root of something to grow. God understands how you feel, let Him handle what blooms from it.

For me I knew there was an anointing, a calling on my life for at least the last five years. The bus wreck taught me that, although it took me five years to see it. It took me five years after that day to finally be able to grab a hold of the anointing and calling that I knew He had for me. Why did it take so long? I had to deal with some other stuff first. I had to deal with the anxiety, the fear, and the borderline depression at times that I had stuffed down over the years. One too many pity parties and comparing yourself with someone else can lead to some roots that you don't want in your life. I had to finally come to terms with who He had made me to be and know that was the only person I had to live up to. I also had a chain of tradition that had to be broken off. I had been raised to where women didn't do much but plan fellowships and take care of the kids. Single women really didn't do a whole lot because most of the ministries were for couples. God has equipped every child of His with a work to do. The season you are in is not a surprise to Him, your obedience though will determine how well you enjoy that season. God didn't make you to fit in a box, quit letting other people put you in it. When we let God work in our everyday life and not just in certain portions, there is a freedom unlocked that creates the peace that passes all understanding. God didn't give you the gift of a prayer language for you to only use it around certain people. (That's a blog for another day). I was walking in the abundant life with one area of my life and dragging the chains around the other. I had listened to the voice of tradition way too long. Thank you Jesus for healing and chains broken.... Now when the people pleasing voice of the enemy starts telling me what I can and cannot do, I remind him who has already won and that he is defeated in the name of Jesus.

Healing happens when we let God take off the band-aid and apply His medicine. When you get to the point in your walk with Him, where you are desperate enough, hungry enough you find Him or He finds you. You may feel like your feet are glued to the floor, and they probably are in your mind, but God is working from the soles of your feet to to the top of your head. God is moving and turning things around, if you will just simply let go. He never meant for the chains of the past, the fear and anxiety to keep you in bondage, He died for you to have an abundant life. Shake loose and walk in it today! Hear my heart when I say, there is freedom in the release. There is a fire that He will pour into you that you can't help but share it with other people. I've felt like Jeremiah the last two months, it's a fire shut up in my bones if I don't tell it. (Thankful for the blog to be able to tell it). Different kind of blog today, but I pray you heard my heart...

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