Saturday, September 19, 2015

You are His....

I read this quote this morning and had myself a good shout. The whole page was full of truth and power. God knew I needed to read it this morning. So many times we look at the battle or circumstances and call it by name. When we name it, we focus on it and it becomes our priority. So instead of naming our circumstance or battle, let's name the power, the authority that He's already said is ours and let that be our focus and our priority. God didn't say the storm would cease on the outside, but He did say He heard us and we can rest on the inside.

This has been a week of pressing and pushing. Taking the road of comfortable and "easy", was a thought at a moment, but that thought was quickly dismissed. God reminded me of the Israelites and their "we want to be back in Egypt" mentality. They were headed to the promise land, led by a cloud of God's presence during the day and a fire at night, but still they thought it was easier back in the chains. Oh my let that sink in...that is a lie from the enemy. It may have felt easier in the chains, but it wasn't peaceful, it wasn't freedom. How many times do we let the enemy taunt us with that same thought? There is a cloud of protection and presence during the day and a fire that can't be put into words at night, that's what it looks like when the chains are gone and you are headed to the promised land. When the enemy reminds you of how easy it felt in the chains, remind him of your promise and that fact that it's something he can't have.

The enemy is looking to unplug Christians from their power source. If he can keep you busy, you will eventually feel drained. If he can get you focused on what isn't going well, you will eventually feel discouraged. If he can get you speaking words of fear, you will eventually start believing them. Life will take it's toll some days, but God gets that. The choice then comes, try to do it all on your own, or plug into the power source. Burdens that are meant for Him will always be too heavy for you to carry. Burdens that are meant for you (Intercession, encouragement etc.) are made for His strength to help you carry. Know the difference in the two and only pick up what He hands you...not what the enemy does.

If I could open up speak to you in person today, I'd remind you that YOU are His. You are not the insecurity that plagued you this week. You are not the words that someone else spoke about you or to you this week. You are not the feelings that seem to weigh you down this week. You are not the list that didn't get completed or even the moment that didn't go right. You are His. He made you in His image and nothing about you surprises Him. He understands the way you feel, the way you love, the way you heal, and the way you move...all because He made you that way. Quit apologizing, feeling guilty for, and letting the enemy condemn you for being you. Your journey was planned out before you were even born, and He has every step in view. The puzzle pieces make sense to Him, so just let Him put them into place. You may look into the mirror and see weaknesses, but look closely. Do you see it? The One who created you is standing behind you covering you, where you see holes and weaknesses He has filled them in with Him. He doesn't see you as imperfect, but perfect and beautiful in Him. Are you catching on yet? You are His....despite what the enemy has thrown your way, said in your ear, or even tried to make you a Child of the Most High, YOU are His and there is a power and authority on the inside of you....tap into it, stir up the anointing and breathe child..He has you in His hands.

God thank you for loving us like you do. God thank you for speaking truth and reminding us that even on days when we may not feel like it, You are working on our behalf. Thank you for being You and for always hearing our hearts. Speak life into those that need it today and remind them that how much you love them. Still the storms in their hearts and renew their strength so they can keep pressing forward. In Jesus name....

1 comment:

  1. Ok, girl, you gonna make this Baptist shout and have a running fit!!!! I am HIS!!!!
