Monday, September 7, 2015

The saved life vs. the abundant life

I've been sitting on this blog for weeks. Not because I didn't want to write it, but because God wasn't finished writing it. This has been my journey over the last couple of months in a nutshell. I've spent years of my life in the saved life portion. I've had moments of the abundant life throughout the saved life, but could never get that part to stay put. Stay with me for a minute....the saved life happens when a person accepts God's gift of salvation. The abundant life happens when you finally get it. You understand the power that is within you and you tap into it. Too many know that they have a power on the inside, but busyness gets in the way. They know the power exists, but they don't tap into it for fear of what someone else will think. Sadly there is also a group of Christians that know the power exists, but have no idea how to tap into it. It's not always taught in churches or preached from pulpits. That's why there are many Christians today still struggling with the same thing they have given to God over and over and over again. They know how to leave it at the altar on Sunday, but have no idea how to resist or rebuke the enemy when he throws it back at them on Monday. Saved life vs. Abundant Life.....

One tells you that you are going to heaven and the other helps you live with peace on this side of heaven. The enemy is on the prowl....he's perfectly content with a saved Christian, but it's when that Christian finds their way to a prayer closet, to the word on a daily basis, and when they grasp a hold of their purpose and anointing...he gets scared. I'm okay with that....(and God about shouted I'm sure and said Finally). See a couple of weeks ago...three days into my altar time with Him. Three days into having my place where I met with Him(not just in the car etc.), but a regular place....God whispered are you ready? Well let's get real for a minute. That could be a scary whisper...but fear didn't answer that night faith did with a yes. That was the night I grabbed a hold of the anointing for myself. I knew it was there, but I had to believe it for myself. More on that in another blog....I was raised that the anointing was for a few. I was raised where we didn't really use the word anointing for fear it might scare someone. I know several who are still scared to speak that word now, but I've come too far for you to tell me it's not real. I've come too far for you to tell me it's for a certain group of people or even a certain gender. The anointing is what breaks chains, changes lives, and keeps you from running backwards when the fire feels too hot.

The saved life is the start to the journey, but oh my hear my heart when I say don't let that be the end of the journey. The abundant life is how you survive the walk. It's how you push through those moments when your world seems to be crashing, but you know God's still holding it all together. It's how you can walk forward and be who He has called you to be, even though it may not make sense to anyone around you.

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